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This is US - our first posting!

Postby Dadalushe » Thu Jun 22, 2006 4:27 pm

Hello everyone. We are David and Sheilah, currently living in Blackpool, UK. We already own a small house in Cyprus and intend moving there in about three years (or maybe less :lol: ). At the moment, we use the house just for holidays (about three times a year). There was a mention somewhere in the Forum about a group meeting in Lemeso on 18th August (?) - coincidentally, we will be arriving in Cyprus for our next visit on the 17th August, so would be able to meet anyone who makes it!
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Postby nhowarth » Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:23 pm

Hi David and Sheilah

> There was a mention somewhere in the Forum about a group meeting in Lemeso

There is a forum specifically for Limassol. You can find it at:

(The group meeting is this Saturday).

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Postby bigfatlondonboy » Fri Jun 23, 2006 12:08 pm

:D welcome :D
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Postby Snad » Sat Jun 24, 2006 3:24 pm


Welcome on board. Hope everything goes ok for you when you do come for good. You won't regret it :wink:
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Postby paul » Sat Jun 24, 2006 9:50 pm

god aint been to blackpool in years,had some times there in my youth...welcome :D
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Postby avyixy » Sun Jun 25, 2006 5:02 pm

Hi everybody, just joined this forum. Have been reading it for a while now so thought I would become part of it.

I've been living in Cyprus for the past 19 years, and still haven't got used to the Cyprus ways. I was born in UK, London and lived for 19 years in Whymark Avenue, in Wood Green and still miss it.

Just thaught I'd say Hello!!
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Postby Dadalushe » Sun Jun 25, 2006 8:29 pm

Hi Everyone, and thanks for the welcome.
Message for ....... AVIXY - whaddya you mean, you miss being in England? We can't wait to get out of here and over to the sun!!

Message for ..... Paul. So, you haven't been to Blackpool since your youth. Well, nothings changed! It still isn't the place to be - it's still cold damp wet and miserable (and it's worse in winter!).

Thanks to all who viewed our message and all who replied. We will be back in Cyprus, but only for a week, in August. Our house is in Potamiou, which is in Limassol district.

Dave and Sheilah
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Postby Snad » Mon Jun 26, 2006 7:25 am

avyixy wrote:Hi everybody, just joined this forum. Have been reading it for a while now so thought I would become part of it.

I've been living in Cyprus for the past 19 years, and still haven't got used to the Cyprus ways. I was born in UK, London and lived for 19 years in Whymark Avenue, in Wood Green and still miss it.

Just thaught I'd say Hello!!

Can't understand why. I couldn't get away from UK quick enough. Lets see what has it got to recommend it:

Cold dreay weather
Taxed up to the hilt
Cost of living off the scale

Hmm! need I say more :roll:
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Postby avyixy » Mon Jun 26, 2006 8:05 am

Don't get me wrong, the sun is great. Cyprus is great if you come here to retire, or have no need to work!!

If you have a family of five and have to work then thats a whole different ball game because as I've read so many times on this forum, it's not what you know it's who you know, but I really don't want to go into all that.

And let's not go into all the other stuff that is missing over here, you can find loads of examples under the topic "What is missing in Cyprus".

So, not wanting to put a damper on your excitement about coming over here, hope it turns out to be just what you expect.
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Postby jazzy1 » Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:07 am

avyixy, did you have to move? did you have any connections with cyprus beforehand?
Could you not come back to the uk.

Welcome to the site, there are some great people on here, with great advice, hopefully you can come on here and have a moan when you need to.
Its a great outlet
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