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Postby avyixy » Mon Jun 26, 2006 11:42 am

Sorreee!! Didn't mean to appear to be a moaner.

Thanks for the welcome, and yeah I did have to move.

I am a British Born Cypriot and my dad wanted to sell up and come back to his homeland and at that age I had no choice really.

Anyway I will try not to moan alot. Otherwise Svetlana might chuck me out!!! LOL
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Postby Svetlana » Mon Jun 26, 2006 12:45 pm

Hi avyixy

If the Forum had a policy which would allow me to chuck out the moaners, whingers and those that generally get on my nerves with their stupidity we would lose a few well known members LOL!

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Postby jazzy1 » Mon Jun 26, 2006 1:02 pm

oh pls dont take my post the wrong way.... I didnt mean you were a moaner xx
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Postby avyixy » Mon Jun 26, 2006 1:21 pm

Yeah I know, I didn't :)
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Postby littlemiss » Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:29 pm

Hi avyixy, my husband is also from woodgreen lyttleton rd and for some odd reason he misses it too. I went to visit at xmas and can honestly say i cant think why you miss it so much. It was such a shock to the system all those cars and ppl in one place! I got onto the main high street and froze, i can honestly say after being in cyprus two years i was scared to death of london. I wouldnt go in shops cos there were just too many ppl there, i lasted an hour shopping and felt like i had done a marathon the stress was just to much to bare! Not to mention holding my handbag so tight under my arm through fear of it being grabbed, i had arm ache. So what is it you miss about wood green? im dying to know so maybe i can understand where my hubby is coming from when he is home sick
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Postby avyixy » Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:09 am

littlemiss, it's not so much one thing in particular that I miss. It is really hard to describe.

It's the whole package I think. For me anyway. It's really hard to adapt to the Cypriot ways, if you have lived the first part of your life in England.

It's the way you can get on with your life without everybody around wanting to know what you are doing and why. OK this not always a good thing. For example, how many times have we heard of something happening in the street and passers by just carrying on regardless. (Although I do belive that this will soon be the case in Cyprus awell, it has already started in the cities.)

It also depends on your character. I have read on this forum many times that most people that come to Cyprus love the laid back approach to life. This is the one thing that bugs me the most.

I work for a small company which is so laid back and disorganized that the boss leaves everything till the last minute and sometimes is so rude to customers that I am amazed when I see them come back. He even has a poster in his office that says "RULE 1-THE BOSS IS ALWAYS RIGHT. RULE 2- SEE RULE 1" which is meant to be a joke but he takes it seriously.

And as for COLA and everything else the employee is entitled to, well they are nonexistant! So after working for Barclays in the UK, the whole work thing came as a bit of a shock to me.

Oh and most importantly, the meson thing down here is so annoying. I have had to face it alot during my time here, especially whilst looking for a job. Employers do not care if you are capable of doing the job, they just care if you know the right people, and if you don't then you are not even worth any notification that you haven't got the job.

Lastely shopping in here is a nightmare, if you love to shop. I went back just before Christmas and it was great, the way you can just pop to the shops at anytime to get something. Here most people work the same hours as the shops do andso have to take time off if they want to go shopping or shop from the supermarkets which are the last ones to shut, but is that really a good idea for clothes shopping? LOL

The fact that there were so many people didn't really bother me but I do agree about the fear of your bag being snatched.

Hope this has given you a rough idea of what your husband means, although I don't think he is that worried about the clothes shopping thing LOL.
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