Hey Brendon
It depends what you are used to paying, and what you are looking for !
If you want to look like a tourist, tie your T-Shirt around your head and wander into McDonalds looking like a Welsh lobster, and you will be able to eat lots of saturated fat for not much money- £ 3 or £ 4 Sterling for a meal.
If fast food is your "thing", I'd recommend seeking out a GOODYS restaurant -- this is a Greek chain that has a few branches in Cyprus, and their food is very good, fresh, and a little more "authentic". SImilar prices to McDonalds, but a whole lot better.
Better yet, find a real restaurant that specializes in a MEZE -- a selection of different dishes that are brought out to your table one after another, anything up to 30 different things , and typically the cost will be about
£ 8 - £ 10 Sterling per person, but that does not include the stretcher that you will need to use to be carried home.
In bars, it will normally cost you around £1.50 for a pint of lager, and spirits are similarly priced -- in supermarkets, however, taxes are much lower than here in the U.K., and I normally pay about £3 for a bottle of brandy, which seems to be drunk all day long by some, and which I can happily testify does not leave me with a hangover !!!
Depending on where you are staying ( i.e. tourist strip in Limassol, middle of Ayia Napa, Tombs of the Kings Road in Paphos ), the prices are artificially high to generate as much revenue from the free-spending tourists as possible, but travel just a little bit further afield and you will be amazed at what you can enjoy and how little it can cost you.
We'll be back again in 4 weeks ( our 7th return trip ), and I can't wait.
Enjoy !!!