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health care ic cyprus

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health care ic cyprus

Postby knoxy117 » Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:54 pm

Hi there, I'm new to the board so be gentle!
Im 34, male and retired last July. I am considering moving alone to Cyprus, maybe Paralimni?
My questions, I enjoy the quiet, but would it be too quiet here? are there many brits in Paralimni?
Is medical insurance expensive for pe existing chronic illness?
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Postby knoxy117 » Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:06 pm

Also, what is the maximum stay if visiting Cyprus for a holiday? and how soon could you return?
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Re: health care ic cyprus

Postby RichardB » Mon Jun 19, 2006 8:36 pm

knoxy117 wrote:Is medical insurance expensive for pe existing chronic illness?

Hi knoxy welcome on board

I spend my working life 50/50 Cyprus/UK Got my private med ins through Halifax Bank . So if you're UK based you could check out there. Premiums would depend on what your pre existing illness is ( dont try and blag it they ask for Drs med reports)

Plenty of Brits in Paralimni area but a bit of a ghost town in winter.If you want the coast I would try Limassol or Pafos if you're looking at coming over full time

No problems with how long you stay here. Cyprus is EU now.

Good luck
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Postby Svetlana » Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:51 am

Yes, Paralimni is quiet in the winter. Medical insurance will not cover pre-existing conditions - except for a nominal cover of £100, or so. If you are registered disabled in the UK, you may be able to get cover for public healthcar here.

You may stay for up to 90 days before requiring a Alien Card from Immigration.

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Postby nhowarth » Tue Jun 20, 2006 3:04 pm

Hi Knoxy,

Here are some notes on healthcare for EU citizens in Cyprus that you may find useful:

Cyprus Healthcare under EU Regulations

Under EU regulations, healthcare can be provided in Cyprus for people from other EU Member States.

The healthcare is provided on the same basis as that provided to a Cypriot national and is available at any of the Government Medical Institutions in Cyprus.

To obtain healthcare in Cyprus, you must first be in possession of an appropriate E - Form or a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from your own Member State. You are entitled to healthcare if you fall into one of the categories listed below (you will also see from the table below which particular E - Form you need).

E111 or EHIC - Temporary visitor or tourist

E121 - Pensioner coming to live permanently in Cyprus

E111 or EHICA - worker from another Member State posted to work in Cyprus less than one year.

E106 - A worker from another Member State posted to work in Cyprus for more than one year

E106 (residual) - A UK person under pensionable age coming to live permanently in Cyprus

E111 - A student

E109 - Dependants living in Cyprus but insured worker living in another EU Member State.

E111 or EHIC - A person from another EU Member State in receipt of Unemployment Benefit and seeking work in Cyprus

E123 - A person in receipt of Industrial Injuries Benefit or an occupational disease

E112 - A person referred to Cyprus for specific medical treatment

What Medical Treatment do these ‘E’ Forms/Cards entitle you to?

Form E111 or EHIC

The form E111 or EHIC entitles you to receive any necessary medical treatment you may need during your stay in Cyprus. If you have not got a form E111 or EHIC when attending at a Cyprus State Hospital, it may be possible for you to obtain such a form by contacting your “home” administration who may be able to provide you with the relevant documentation.

If you do not have the Required E – Form or EHIC, the state hospital authorities are entitled to charge you for the treatment provided, but you may claim reimbursement later from your home Member State.

Forms E106, E109 & E121

If you are in possession of any of these forms, you must register with the Cyprus Ministry of Health. On arrival in Cyprus, you should contact a Cyprus State Hospital or the Ministry of Health, where you will be given an application form for a Cyprus Medical Card. The completed application form should be submitted to a state hospital or the Ministry of Health together with the appropriate E-form and supporting documents required according to instructions. If you are a Pensioner, you will also need some form of proof to confirm that you are receiving a Pension from your “home” State. The application will be processed by the Ministry of Health as quickly as possible. The Cyprus Medical card will entitle you to receive healthcare in Cyprus for the duration covered by the card.

Form E123

This E123 Form entitles you to receive treatment in Cyprus for your industrial injury or occupational disease only. To receive treatment for any other medical condition under the EU Regulations, you must also be in possession of another E-form. The form E123 should always be presented to the hospital authorities when treatment is required for your industrial injury or prescribed disease.

If you have been issued with form E123, and have decided to take up permanent residence in Cyprus, you should let the Cypriot authorities know that you hold this form.

Form E112

You should immediately present this form to the state hospital authorities when you attend for your treatment.

If you have any queries with regard to the information contained in this article, you should contact the appropriate authorities in your home state or alternatively the Ministry of Health in Cyprus at:

Ministry of Health,
10 Markou Drakou Street,
1448 Lefkosia
Tel: +357 22 400207 or +357 22 305354
Fax: +357 22 305346
Web site:

Providing you have E106, E109, E121, or E123, private medical insurance is not required.

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Postby knoxy117 » Tue Jun 20, 2006 7:27 pm

wow, thanks everyone for your answers!
I see I can visit for 90 days before the Alien Card kicks in. Can I stay for longer? or do I have to leave Cyprus for a time and return again for 90 days?
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