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Schools and everything else!!

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Schools and everything else!!

Postby carolinehenderson » Mon Jun 19, 2006 1:22 pm

Just found this site and am hoping that somebody out there can point me in the right direction! Have just sold our property in the UK and have decided to relocate to the Limasssol area,Cyprus. Whilst we have accommodation, jobs etc to sort out, my main concern is the kids schooling. My eldest is due to start secondary school in September and I am trying to find an english speaking school at a reasonable price!(two other children to consider!) Anybody got any recommendations, I have heard about St Marys School, but cant seem to find any contact info or details about it. The other two are still at primary school so again any recommendations would be absolutely great.
Thanks in sure that this will be the start of many queries that I'll be posting....please bare with me! javascript:emoticon(':lol:')
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Postby Niki » Mon Jun 19, 2006 3:23 pm

Hi Caroline

I haven't moved yet but have looked into english curriculum schools in Limassol for my 2 daughters (10 and 12). The choice in Limassol is the widest with Foleys, Heritage, American Academy, The Grammar School, Pascals (I think is in Limassol), St Johns (a Forces School) and there may be others.

The fees are a 1/4 of the UK and the standard looks very good with small class sizes.

The entrance exams are going on right now so you will need to be quick. Foleys has a long waiting list but you may be ok with others.

The Greek schools will also take pupils with the understanding they take an intensive Greek language course. These have no fees.

2 website links where you can look at the school websites are:-

and ... oling.html

Hope this helps.


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Postby carolinehenderson » Mon Jun 19, 2006 8:17 pm

Hi Niki
Thank you so much for your reply. My kids are ages 8, 10 and 11, and im trying to decide what will be the best option for them. Things have moved much more quickly in terms of our move, and we are now moving out beginning of September!
Think we are going to rent for three months in the Limassol area - provided we can find a house!!
I have e mailed St Johns school at Episkopi but to date heard nothing back, and of course the school holidays are looming so there will be no response during that time.Have you heard anything about this school? I guess if we are too late for the entrance exams then the greek schools are a possibility for at least the short term. When are you planning on moving out?
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Postby g&t » Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:15 pm

Hi there,
I don't know if you have had the information you want, but i have an opinion on St Johns- the teachers are uninterested in the pupils ad as a result the pupils are apathetic at best. On the plus side, they have a policy of trying to keep pregnant teens in school .
I have chosen Heritage school for my kids. I am english cypriot ad my hubby is bre=itish born cypriot. The Heritage has good results in their exams , and they go from 2-18, so i am happy that my kids will stay at one school for their whole education.Feel free to PM me if you like
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Postby Hazza » Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:45 pm

From what I hear, The American Accademy in Limassol has much lower standards than it should have. Its a shame as in Larnaka, its absolutely brilliant. My niece goes to the Larnaca one and she is happy and she is doing very well.
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Postby souroul » Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:59 pm

stay away from american academy

the only english speaking school i'd reccomend in limassol is the grammar school. its very diverse and quite big.

the rest are small enough to turn your kids into snobs.

i think the better thing to do is take them to a greek school,have them learn the language and absorb the culture, and if you are worried about the level of their education you can sign them up to an english speaking school for the 4 years of high school when they're 15
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Postby HobbitCy » Thu Aug 10, 2006 4:10 pm

hi there as a younge guy in college know growing up here on the island since 5
im british cypriot by the way
i went through 13 years of grammar school in nicosia and can say it was the best
my brother a year younger than be finshed pascal
but started in Grammar school with me and pascal in nicosia was great my younger brother is now entering the 4th grade
i dont know the other schools on the list or the limmasol area that well but i would say from seeing the public schools i wouldnt want my children to go unless you find a great public school with a great class of kids

with the private school you have more control over what your childs school experiance will be
get on the PTA if possible aswell since my mom was on ours for ages and brought about many changes

to some extent though its not the school or the kids in the class its the values you have tought your children that will form them .
always be there to listen to them support them and always check who your kids are hanging out with
since CY isnt as safe as it used to be in the past.
good luck
i would recomend public school for primary school since both my younger brother and sister went and they were okay but deffenatly my vote is private secondary
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Postby tinamassaad » Sat Aug 12, 2006 7:07 pm

Hi Caroline,

I have two boys aged 10 and 11. They will both be starting at Heritage in Limassol in September. We came over to see the school in July and it was really wonderful. Had a very friendly, relaxed and homely feel and the head teachers of both primary and senior schools seemed genuinely interested in our kids. I had chosen to look at Heritage because I had read on other forums that children that had gone there were HAPPY! Even those who didn't like school in the UK. The kids we met at the primary school were polite and respectful and seemed genuinely happy and confident.

What more can I say? The only possible downside (apart from the expense) is that it is moving to larger premises in September which are still under construction so it might lose some of its charm, but at least there should be more places available. Whatever you decide, if you have boys the same age as mine, I'd be pleased to meet up with you beforehand. I will be back in Cyprus at the end of August.

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