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Asylum seekers (have I spelt that right??) rights in Cyprus

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Asylum seekers (have I spelt that right??) rights in Cyprus

Postby Natty » Sun Jun 18, 2006 8:47 pm

I believe the the people seeking asylum in Cyprus should have better rights!! Does anyone agree?

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Postby RichardB » Sun Jun 18, 2006 8:59 pm

I dont think any of the asylum seekers who are currently protesting in Nicosia want 'Better' rights , they just want tne rights they are entitled to under current law
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Postby michalis5354 » Sun Jun 18, 2006 9:03 pm

agree here !
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Postby RichardB » Sun Jun 18, 2006 9:11 pm

Natty if you want to know more these links could help
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Postby Supertrotter » Mon Jun 19, 2006 5:46 pm

Asylum seekers are a very sensitive subject which people get very emotional about.

The only thing I will say is look at what is happening in the UK, the situation has spiralled out of control, actual nos. vs. the official number is truly frightening (Like double the number).

It also represents a huge drain on the resources of the country.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:12 pm

Supertrotter , asylum seekers in the UK are nothing more than economic migrants . Nothing wrong with that , I along with thousands of Cypriots emigrated to the UK for economic reasons vast majority of us were , and still are grateful for being given the opportunity to better our selves in the UK , and again the vast majority have bonded with our adopted country , integrated and became model citizens in the UK. WE ALSO SUPPORT ENGLAND FOR THE WORLD CUP.
What gets up my nose are the bloody foreigners , because they want to remain that , who come here expecting this nation to denigrate its own culture and praise their foreign crap and adopt their own customs.My grandfather wore the Vraka and the Poines , fashions change , so I dont wear a Vraka or Poines. The do not even want to learn English , yet the take all benefits on offer by our stupid system and they hate the country. Not every one of course can be stereotyped as such.
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Postby RichardB » Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:27 pm

Militades while I would agree with what you say re asylum seekers in Uk and the immigrants who do not adapt to local culture .
The point of this thread is re Asylum seekers in Cyprus who are not being afforded their rights under law by the RoC government. That is that the HRC rules are not being followed by the Cyprus Authorities.
I realise that others may say that they are just scroungers and cheats and maybe some are but they would not bother registering for asylum anyway.
It is the genuine asylum seekers who should be afforded the rights laid down by the HRC for asylum seekers by the RoC gov
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 19, 2006 11:31 pm

The HRC laid down the fundamental rights of would be asylum seekers. The term Asylum seeker no longer has validity since Asylum seekers in Cyprus are no more genuine than those seeking asylum in the UK.An asylum seeker would in the past seek asylum at the first port of call . In Cyprus they come from countries that are mostly third world nations , and they use Cyprus as their first port of entry in Europe. I have nothing against people from any part of the world wanting to improve their lives and that of their families. What I object strongly is what they also bring along with them and genuinely expect the host nation to accept. The culture of Cyprus is European and such it must remain. I'm indeed highly annoyed at what is happening to the UK on a daily basis , and can see the same happening in Cyprus .Today , in the UK , we were told that in order to attract more people from ethnic minorities in our Police force , we have to lower our standards of entry so that it would be easier to enter the force if you come from an ethnic minority. May be if you don't speak good English , it doesn't matter !!
What a load of British Bullshit. Once again the British people , not the British passport holders but the genuine Brits are being sold down the river.
For a nation that ruled the world for hundreds of years it is inconceivable that they should surrender their sovereignty to people from the third world who came here in order to get 3 meals a day and schooling for their kids as well as housing and all the other benefits.
Richard b , why is it that all asylum seekers are generally poor and in need of benefits ?
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Postby RichardB » Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:34 pm

Miltiades I have'nt said that I disagree with what you are saying, on the contrary what you say is common sense. The point I'm trying to make is that the persons who have officially applied for asylum are not getting the treatment required as laid down by the HRC. If they were afforded this opportunity and did not meet the criteria required then they should not be offered asylum and should be deported end of story.
And as I said before persons with no intention of working legally will come and just dissapear into the crowd as is happening in the Uk but that is another problem
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Postby unique_earthling » Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:36 pm

I personally would like a world with no borders, thats in an ideal world with everyone contributing to the planet making it a safe and wonderful place. But to do that we have to first get rid of corruption and greed, poverty and ignorance. The asylum seekers have the misfortune to be born in a country where these issues abound. I know that if it was me, i would look for a better place for myself and family, and the difficulty is many are unable to contribute to the country because of lack of education and emotional ignorance, steeped in doctrination of fear and basic survival needs, a poverty conciousness, that makes them resort to anything that insures their survival which is difficult to switch off... i have noticed that here in paphos where a generation ago they were very poor now the off spring are accruing fortunes, and yet it will never be enough because they are still in survival mode... It will take a couple of generations for those that have escaped their tormentors to gain the trust not only in them selves but also in the country they have chosen to live, for real change to occur... And i believe with good support and education this will happen.. so long as we stop being predjudice and give them a chance.. I know many who live in the country of their birth that give nothing and only take.. i wish we would just forget borders and see them as another fellow human being who needs our help, and think but for the grace of God go i....
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