by unique_earthling » Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:36 pm
I personally would like a world with no borders, thats in an ideal world with everyone contributing to the planet making it a safe and wonderful place. But to do that we have to first get rid of corruption and greed, poverty and ignorance. The asylum seekers have the misfortune to be born in a country where these issues abound. I know that if it was me, i would look for a better place for myself and family, and the difficulty is many are unable to contribute to the country because of lack of education and emotional ignorance, steeped in doctrination of fear and basic survival needs, a poverty conciousness, that makes them resort to anything that insures their survival which is difficult to switch off... i have noticed that here in paphos where a generation ago they were very poor now the off spring are accruing fortunes, and yet it will never be enough because they are still in survival mode... It will take a couple of generations for those that have escaped their tormentors to gain the trust not only in them selves but also in the country they have chosen to live, for real change to occur... And i believe with good support and education this will happen.. so long as we stop being predjudice and give them a chance.. I know many who live in the country of their birth that give nothing and only take.. i wish we would just forget borders and see them as another fellow human being who needs our help, and think but for the grace of God go i....