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Asylum seekers (have I spelt that right??) rights in Cyprus

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Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:06 pm

unique_earthing , Paphos used to be , and still can be a safe and pleasant place to live.The authorities misguidedly encouraged an influx of undesirable elements on the presumption that these people were our long lost brothers. Instead they turned out to be common little thieves and pests that spoil Paphos. I SAY GET RID OF THE BASTARDS BEFORE ITS TOO LATE .
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Postby unique_earthling » Wed Jun 21, 2006 6:34 am

Are you talking about the Pontian community Miltiades? Because I have met good and bad within that community the same as everywhere else. I think the problems here stem more now from other ethnic groups, those that work on the building sites that sleep in the fields and scared the daylights out of me when walking my dogs very early one morning. Many have no roof over their heads, and sleep in old cars, fields and ditches. Crime has trebled since all the building work has been going on so i can only conclude the cheap labour that has arrived since has contributed to this. Here they are happy not to pay good wages but get a hard gruelling days work out of everyone. Its care for those workers thats missing.. Its care and support thats missing for foreigners in Cyprus.
Its a ME ME ME society, and damn everyone else. Sad but true.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:01 am

Good and and bad in every race has become a cliche when excusing the behaviour of a particular group .Crime in Paphos was non- existent up to a few years ago. I'm talking from first hand experience since Paphos is not only my birthplace but it is also the home of much of my family.
Whether these undesirables are Pontians , Georgians , Foreign workers , the fact remains that they have contributed greatly in turning Paphos from a once totally safe place into one that no longer is. Why the hell do we have to put up with this , and please don't go down the road of "care and support " , that sounds so much like what we are doing in the UK , which is abhorrent. A foreigner arrives here pretending to be an asylum seeker and immediately the benevolent benefactors pounce on him and make sure that he and his family are receiving from the state all that they need , until his claim is rejected and by then of course he has disappeared along with the thousands upon thousands before him. The tax payer who has contributed all his life , misses the deadline and the state pounces on you demanding penalties and adding interest on the sum owed. These people gave sweet f/a to the UK , pay no taxes and claim every thing under the sun. The same will happen to Cyprus , because we do not take the necessary action now to safeguard the future.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 21, 2006 10:24 am

unique_earthling wrote: But to do that we have to first get rid of corruption and greed, poverty and ignorance.....

Next topic !!!!!!!!
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Postby unique_earthling » Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:59 pm

well that was over before it had begun kikapu but i will concede there is never going to be an easy answer to it all anyway. So whats next on the agenda? How about the increasing divorce statistics in cyprus that was unheard of 10 years ago?
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Postby Natty » Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:49 pm

Hey, That's probably because it was a bit of a Taboo to get divorced in the olden day's, like in England. It's more Modern now In CY, the younger generation are less traditional is suppose....


There you go, we've started a new the asylum seeker problem is still on the agenda!!

:) :)
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Postby sniper » Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:50 pm

make a country where all the asylum seekers can go live in, get all the rights that they are entitled to... and let our government worry about other issues..
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