Lame excuses??? Please explain. I think the actions of certain members of the police force is definately lame. You, in an earlier post, stated that you wanted a solution based on "European Values". These are examples of the "European Values" which are present in Cyprus? These are thye "European values" which you enjoy?
And your point is? That because something in Cyprus is not perfect this means that Cyprus should be illegally occupied?
If it was like this then every country should be invaded!
I am sick of the lame excuses by the ethnic cleansing supporters of your kind.
Let me ask you one thing Piratis. Do you think it is fair on your fellow Cypriots that they are exiled from trading with the rest of the world through a situation which is not of their making? do you sympathise with your fellow Cypriots?
I would sympathize with them if they declared that they are under occupation and the "trnc" and the Turkish army are forced upon them and that they would be willing to return to legality if that was allowed to them by Turkey. How many Turkish Cypriots have you seen doing that?
When they support bad things for us, we will support bad things for them.
I have many times said that
ALL cypriots should get their rights back. This is something rejected by Turkey and TCs so why don't you go to convince them to respect my human and democratic rights as well?
Unless TC's were living on the Greek Cypriot side of the green line then they were not allowed to either vote or stand for elections. Then again you knew that Piratis so what is your point?
And whose fault is this? Mine? Or Talats etc that instead of supporting RoC they cooperate with the foreign invador? If they want to return to legality then why don't they just say so and they instead continue to support illegalities?
I think you'll find that it is due to European Laws that the ROC is able to register their courts decisions in the UK so what is the pertenance of mentioning international law in this case? Are you going to copy and paste as an answer?
Do you think its right that a GC citizen wanted on serious charges in the UK can not be extradited by Cypriot law? Do you Piratis? Third time of asking. Are you incapable of answering direct questions, it is a major habit of yours?
I am not sure about the fairness of the UK judges. This will be shown by the Orams case. If they are shown to be unfair I believe that RoC has to protect its own citizens from an unfair judicial system. (maybe UK should also be invaded if their courts are unfair, what do you think?)
When have i ever stated that i support the as you say "illegal sale" of Greek Cypriot properties?

Now (again) by saying "illegal sale" in quotes. You really waste my time proving the obvious.
This is the supporter of the current polices of a government which wants to keep Turkish Cypriots in isolation and you dare lecture others about what is right and wrong.
So what is right? That TCs and Turkey can steal our land, violate our human rights and suffer no consequences?? Your idea of "right and wrong" is obviously screwed up. I guess you associate too much with criminals that get away with their crimes. The occupied areas are full with British fugitives. No doubt many of these crooks are your friends, isn't it stuballstu?
Or you will deny that you associate with crooks that illegally buy Greek Cypriot properties in the occupied areas?