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Cyprus EU accession complicated the process for a solution?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby stuballstu » Mon Jun 19, 2006 5:53 pm

Piratis wrote

On the other hand, if Turkey is not going to make any concessions anyways, then Cyprus has nothing to benefit from Turkey's EU accession. Making our enemy richer doesn't count in the benefits.


What you have said typifies Cyprus attitude to the EU. You think that if Cyprus has nothing to "gain" from Turkey's EU accession then they shouldn't be allowed into the EU? So is your attitude consistant with the other nations who are about to or have started their journey to EU accession? What has Cyprus brought to the EU? I'll answer that......nothing but a headache.

You are now starting to show your true colours Piratis. When say that you dont want to make "our enemy richer" you typify what is a very negative attitude towards any settlement.

What makes you think that Erdogan is bluffing. He has an election coming up very within the next year and will concentrate his efforts on domestic politics. What if he is not bluffing? What does the ROC government do then? He may be bluffing almost like your outgoing foreign minister was 2 weeks ago saying they would use their "veto" last week to stop Turkeys EU talks.

Piratis there are divisional policies being used by the ROC government. If you go back to the 1960 constitution then why doesn't PapaD, if he truely wanted unity, invite Talat to take up the post of Vice President fo the ROC as the democratically elected leader of the Turkish Cypriot community? do you think he will, of course he wont as he doesn't want to share with Turkish Cypriots. So tell me why wont the ROC government not knock down the bricks to the door for entrance to the parliament by Turkish Cypriot politicians and invite them back? Being realistic there is more chance of Anorthosis Famagusta winning the Champions League than this happening

What you say has been asked many times when we say that legality should return to Cyprus. Of course this goes together with the end of the occupation. The ones who refuse this and insist on illegality is the Turkish side and not us. Or you mean that TCs should be controlling 1/3rd of Cyprus just by themselves and at the same time share with us the rest 2/3rds?

You never answered the question Piratis but then again your good at that.

Let me ask you a couple of questions which are direct that perhaps you may take the time to answer.

Why hasn't PapaD invited Talat to take his seat at the ROC parliament and invited TC politicians back to the parliament? Wouldn't this show the world the instransigence of the TC side that GC politicians claim?Or are they scared that they do come and take their seats as that would mean that they would have to share?

What do you do if the EU suspend Turkeys EU talks?

Is Erdogan being unreasonable when he is asking the EU to keep their promises to the Turkish Cypriot community by lifting isolations and in return he will lift the ban on GC planes and ships?

C'mon Piratis give some straight answers to straight questions.
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:56 pm

Piratis wrote:So if the scenarios are:
1) Cyprus only losing
2) Cyprus AND Turkey losing.

Then we will take number (2), thanks. ??

Winners will be, Turkey, TRNC, UN, 24 EU members and their citizens.

Looser will be, ROC and Greek Cypriots.

How you may ask.....???

UN says, Cyprus being in the EU is complicating negotiations with Turkey who is trying to get into EU, and ROC's potential veto vote is making Turkey think if it's worth the bother to join the "Christian EU club", and give up her sovereignty to Brussels, and Turkey telling to EU and ROC in essence, go screw yourselves, to try to give into the port deals. We know that Cyprus is the "Trojan Horse" for the EU to have some reasons to deny Turkeys entry, knowing Turkey will not give into blackmail. So let me tell you what's going to happen in plain English.

UN will recognise the TRNC as to make the playing field even to negotiate with the ROC.

Turkey will settle for a "special agreements" with the EU, as not to join the "Christian EU club" for almost all the benefits as a member would get.

Leaders from France, Germany, Austria , Nertherlands and one or two others, will then go to their citizens and say, you see, we have listen to you and have stoped Turkey in it's tracks, so now would you please vote for the EU Constitution and they will.

The ROC will be left with it's remaining 70 veto votes, and nothing to veto for, and will be at the mercy of the TRNC, as to what kind of deal they would want to cut with the ROC. As for the Greek Cypriots. Sorry, but you will only have PappaD to blame for, what ever happens after that.
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Postby Piratis » Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:59 pm

What you have said typifies Cyprus attitude to the EU. You think that if Cyprus has nothing to "gain" from Turkey's EU accession then they shouldn't be allowed into the EU? So is your attitude consistant with the other nations who are about to or have started their journey to EU accession? What has Cyprus brought to the EU? I'll answer that......nothing but a headache.

And who are you to say this? Go ask all the other Europeans and you will see that their great majority agree with me in that they do not want an undemocratic country that does not respect human rights to join EU. All polls (except maybe in UK) show this fact.

The headaches in EU are created by the UK who is the doggy of USA in the EU, and not by Cyprus.

You are now starting to show your true colours Piratis. When say that you dont want to make "our enemy richer" you typify what is a very negative attitude towards any settlement.

And what should I call the invaders of my country that performed ethnic cleansing over 1\3rd of our population and insist on illegally occupying our land? You are showing your true colors (actually they were always obvious) in that you side with those that insist on illegalities and crimes instead of the EU principles, democracy and human rights that we are trying to bring to our island.

What makes you think that Erdogan is bluffing. He has an election coming up very within the next year and will concentrate his efforts on domestic politics. What if he is not bluffing? What does the ROC government do then? He may be bluffing almost like your outgoing foreign minister was 2 weeks ago saying they would use their "veto" last week to stop Turkeys EU talks.

We will see. I don't know what is in the mind of our government exactly but I believe this is the end of the road for Turkey. They should now turn to Islam and join Iran and Iraq, their attempt to become Europeans has failed.

Why hasn't PapaD invited Talat to take his seat at the ROC parliament and invited TC politicians back to the parliament?

I answered very clearly already. They occupy 1/3rd of our island illegally. When they return our land to us they will take their seats. When legality will return TCs should vote alone to choose their vice president, not with the illegal settlers. Ali Toilet was never elected as vice president of RoC. Clear?

What do you do if the EU suspend Turkeys EU talks?

Keep on the fight for justice in Cyprus.

Is Erdogan being unreasonable when he is asking the EU to keep their promises to the Turkish Cypriot community by lifting isolations and in return he will lift the ban on GC planes and ships?

He is the one forcing the isolation by insisting on the illegal occupation. Asking for any ports in Republic of Cyprus to operate under their control is of course totally unreasonable. They should return the ports (along with all the rest that they stole) and then those ports will start functioning again under RoC that they belong. Only RoC can legally operate ports within its territories.
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Postby Piratis » Mon Jun 19, 2006 8:02 pm

Kikapu. I wish good luck to Turkey to their new Islamic direction. It is finally good that they recognized that what Ataturk was telling them was crap. Apparently they are incompatible with EU ideals so they should really stop wasting their time.
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Postby Piratis » Mon Jun 19, 2006 8:04 pm

UN will recognise the TRNC as to make the playing field even to negotiate with the ROC.

Keep dreaming.
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Postby stuballstu » Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:32 pm

Pratis wrote

And who are you to say this? Go ask all the other Europeans and you will see that their great majority agree with me in that they do not want an undemocratic country that does not respect human rights to join EU. All polls (except maybe in UK) show this fact.

The headaches in EU are created by the UK who is the doggy of USA in the EU, and not by Cyprus.


Yeah right Pratis i will ask every other European nation, whilst i am there shall i ask them if they knew then what they now know about Cyprus would they have admitted them to the EU? Jack Straw gave the answer to that didnt he, but then again because he disagreed with the ROC he also becomes a "Turk Lover". Have you ever thought that maybe the ROC has to take a share of the blame? No didnt think so. What problems does the UK cause the EU? Please expand and give a proper explanation backed up with evidence, otherwise you leave yourself open to accusations of talking out of the wrong orifice. Turkey undemocratic? I would have to disagree. The military do have power there however this has been diluted and is continually being done so. How can it be undemocratic when an election is due. Back to the orifice thing again???

One other point on this quote is I tell you who i am to have a say. Two years ago the country which issued your passport joined a club that i and the county which issued my passport were already members of. EU principles ring any bells???? I have a vested interest in Cyprus like i have already said before in other threads. My interests are both sides of the green line

You are now starting to show your true colours Piratis. When say that you dont want to make "our enemy richer" you typify what is a very negative attitude towards any settlement.

And what should I call the invaders of my country that performed ethnic cleansing over 1\3rd of our population and insist on illegally occupying our land? You are showing your true colors (actually they were always obvious) in that you side with those that insist on illegalities and crimes instead of the EU principles, democracy and human rights that we are trying to bring to our island.

Always jumping to the wrong conclusions arn't you Pratis. I am of the opinion that Turkey had every right to intervene in Cyprus however i personally dont think there is a need for 40000 Turkish troops still to be here. Dont talk to anyone about EU principles. The ROC have very few hence the reason they have had 29 warning letters from the EU regards non compliance with EU directives. The same government also refused to extradite a Greek Cypriot citizen to the UK, under a European arrest warrant, to face very serious criminal charges as it was "against their constitution" Where is your European principles now??? No you dont have anyone as you will gladly take the EU handouts and give in return........? A headache, no in fact a migraine.

Now i show my true colours you say. Because i disagree with you i am siding with as you call the "enemy" am i? Democracy and EU principles have you took the trouble to read up about them as you may need some education on them.

We will see. I don't know what is in the mind of our government exactly but I believe this is the end of the road for Turkey. They should now turn to Islam and join Iran and Iraq, their attempt to become Europeans has failed.

It is a shame that you think that this is the end of the road for Turkey. It is better if it is not as now you are not going to get many, if any concessions from Turkey via the UN.

Why hasn't PapaD invited Talat to take his seat at the ROC parliament and invited TC politicians back to the parliament?

I answered very clearly already. They occupy 1/3rd of our island illegally. When they return our land to us they will take their seats. When legality will return TCs should vote alone to choose their vice president, not with the illegal settlers. Ali Toilet was never elected as vice president of RoC. Clear?

Pratis yes thanks for clearing that up. Now it is as clear as mud. How can they return something of which they part owned? Would you prefer that TC's voted for Denktash again. With as you say "Ali Toilet" you have a better chance of unity, thats the reason he was voted in. On another note "Pratis" you show a complete lack of respect for a fellow Cypriot who has been democratically elected by his community to represent them. And for the record you have not answered the question. The Question was for the third time why doesnt Papadopolous invite Talat to take his place at the ROC parliament as per the 1960 constitution? You say because they have "illegaly occupied your land". Just to clarify Turkish Cypriots do not illegally occupy anything. They are part owner. I think you'll find that the illegal occupiers, in your opinion, are Turkey. I didnt know they had an election in Turkey for a Turkish Cypriot representative.

Piratis, with respect, for someone who has what i would describe as an in depth knowledge about Cyprus and where his heart on his sleeve sometimes i think your posts are at best mis guided. Whilst your heart may be in a good place maybe your head isn't. It would be impossible and unworkable for example for Turkish troops to leave Cyprus on the basis that Talat would get to become VP. Maybe if the invitation went out to him troops would start to leave. A good place to start building bridges. From you previous posts you give the impression that the problems in cyprus would be solved if Turkish troops left. That would be a whole set of new problems.

What is ironic, the now dead Annan plan, could maybe have been the best chance of a solution. Its ironic that if GC's had have said yes then a high percentage would have returned and there would have only been 6000 troops left on the island. The plan maybe dead but dont you think that the next one will come from the skeletons of the old one?

Peace my friend, Peace!
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Postby webmagus » Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:01 pm


What you have said typifies Cyprus attitude to the EU. You think that if Cyprus has nothing to "gain" from Turkey's EU accession then they shouldn't be allowed into the EU? So is your attitude consistant with the other nations who are about to or have started their journey to EU accession? What has Cyprus brought to the EU? I'll answer that......nothing but a headache.

This is the truth.

We are a problem from EU and many people have regret for making as a EU member with out a solution and this is absolutely obvious.

The politicians who have supported all this years they have turned against us (like the European socialist party).


UN will recognise the TRNC as to make the playing field even to negotiate with the ROC.

This will never happen. Not one in a million.


We will see. I don't know what is in the mind of our government exactly but I believe this is the end of the road for Turkey. They should now turn to Islam and join Iran and Iraq, their attempt to become Europeans has failed.

I know exactly what there is in our government mind, pure plain shit with mayonnaise.
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Postby Piratis » Tue Jun 20, 2006 12:58 am

Yeah right Pratis i will ask every other European nation, whilst i am there shall i ask them if they knew then what they now know about Cyprus would they have admitted them to the EU?

Ask them. Most of them would be even happier with us than before since what we do is aligned with their own beliefs. You, having interests in the occupied areas, are not a representative of EU citizens as a whole.

Jack Straw gave the answer to that didnt he, but then again because he disagreed with the ROC he also becomes a "Turk Lover".

What do you mean "he becomes"? He, and the British government in general, has always been.

What problems does the UK cause the EU?

And what problems does Cyprus cause to EU? It causes problems to the EU accession process of Turkey. According to most Europeans not only this is not a problem, but it is also a good thing. Or you think Europeans swear day and night at Cyprus because they can't wait to see Turkey in EU and Cyprus is delaying this? Get real please.

Turkey undemocratic? I would have to disagree. The military do have power there however this has been diluted and is continually being done so. How can it be undemocratic when an election is due.

Unfortunately nothing important is done without the approval of the army. This is something admitted by Turkish politicians themselves.

The ROC have very few hence the reason they have had 29 warning letters from the EU regards non compliance with EU directives.

and how is that compared to the other 9 countries that recently joined EU and the rest 15?

Now i show my true colours you say. Because i disagree with you i am siding with as you call the "enemy" am i? Democracy and EU principles have you took the trouble to read up about them as you may need some education on them.

You don't just disagree with me. You take a clear pro-Turkish position.

With as you say "Ali Toilet" you have a better chance of unity, thats the reason he was voted in

We didn't see any difference between him and Denctash. In fact it could not be otherwise since only a puppet of Turkey is allowed in that position.

On another note "Pratis" you show a complete lack of respect for a fellow Cypriot who has been democratically elected by his community to represent them.

He was not elected just by his community but by a huge number of illegal settlers as well. We had enough of people calling the president we democratically elected as "Tpap", "PapaD" etc. Were is their respect?

Maybe if the invitation went out to him troops would start to leave.

oh come on!

What is ironic, the now dead Annan plan, could maybe have been the best chance of a solution.

Yes, a "solution" based on partition, and racist discriminations.
Solution for us means: liberation from the foreign occupation, return of our refugees, human rights, democracy. I don't know whose problem the Annan plan was trying to solve (actually I do) but it was not our problems. In fact for us it create a lot more problems than they few one it solved. This is why it was rejected.

Peace my friend, Peace!

Human rights, democracy, respect, peace - in that order.

If it was just peace, then people should have never fought for their rights, for their liberation from foreign empires, for democracy and justice. They should have just sit and accept whatever the powerful wanted to enforce on them. Peace is important, but there are always some ideals that it is worth fighting for.
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Postby webmagus » Tue Jun 20, 2006 1:48 am

Piratis Democratical malakies the only thing you can say.

Why don’t you read Drousiotis?

He is also a traitor?

Are the 30% of the people traitors?

Mr Ntektasopoulos doesn’t teach some ignorant stupid nationalistic farts to speak about traitors and mlakies?

Isn’t this a crime against homo sapiens?

This monkey president is a Taliban teacher.

Do you agree with that or I have to bring some post’s I’ve just found in this stupid forum which is full of Eurotalibans educated by this Monkey?

How can you speak (or any supporter of this pure madness) about democracy and human rights when you are supporting a fascist to be your president?


Tales from the Coffee Shop

A HIGHLY entertaining documentary about the witch-hunt orchestrated by the government a year ago against those it falsely claimed had received money from the US in order to support the A-plan was shown on Friday night. The documentary was made by Makarios Drioushiotis and fully exposed the lies and misinformation the government used, with significant help from the television stations, to throw mud at anyone who supported a ‘yes’ vote in the referendum. A booklet has also been published about this sinister campaign, in which the Ethnarch played a leading role and is available in both Greek and English.

The question raised was whether the hacks who engaged in the mud-slinging were following instructions from government (in which case we could talk about a conspiracy) or they had simply got things wrong. As the documentary and 70-page booklet showed, the hacks did not have a shred of evidence to support their claims that the US had given out millions to Greek Cypriots in order to support a settlement. But these insane claims were repeated by politicians, including the Ethnarch, as if they were the truth.

I am inclined to believe that there was no conspiracy. It was just that lazy, incompetent journalists of embarrassingly low intelligence made up the news without bothering to check their facts. The main source of the myths was Mega TV’s Washington correspondent Michalis Ignatiou, which I think proves that there was no conspiracy.
That the government was more than happy to make a big issue out of the nonsense reported by Igantiou is another matter.

BELIEVE IT or not, Ignatiou is one of the candidates for Man magazine’s annual awards. He is one of five proposed by the rag for the award of TV Journalist of 2005. According to the justification, offered by the rag for Ignatiou’s candidacy, “he is known to the wider Greek world as one of the most reliable sources on current affairs from the other side of the Atlantic.” We will vote for him.

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Postby webmagus » Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:34 am

And what problems does Cyprus cause to EU? It causes problems to the EU accession process of Turkey. According to most Europeans not only this is not a problem, but it is also a good thing. Or you think Europeans swear day and night at Cyprus because they can't wait to see Turkey in EU and Cyprus is delaying this? Get real please.


Where you live?

in the Ntektasopoulistan? :lol:

There is no political party in EU who support as.

Yes, a "solution" based on partition, and racist discriminations.

This argument is absolutely madness and a common malakia of brainless fouls.


Stop bullshiting.

There is no other solution from federation or confederation and only a comedian will suggest such a thing.

Solution for us means: liberation from the foreign occupation,

The Anan plan provides that.

return of our refugees,

The Anan plan was giving the 1/3 of the land and the 1/3 of the rest properties with the other 2/3 to paid off.

This is based on analogies of population and not on conspiracies.

This matter can be solved only with accommodation and any other theory is far away from reality.

And the European court of human rights has show to as exactly that.

What the democracy and the justice are relative on such matters and they can be solved only with accommodation and not by law. END.

I’m a refuge also and my father village it was not on the returning land.

But I’m man enough to confront the reality, what there is not a prefect solution on such matters.

And I’m man enough to take my part of responsibility on what GC’s Eurotalibans have do to the beautiful island of Venus.

As long as you teaching you self bullshits about the GC saints you will not ever be man enough to comfort reality and IF some day you wake up I wish what it will not be so late to become a homo sapien and stop be a monkey who seeking his banana.
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