And the great ridiculous leader of the great democracy.

We are the EuroVillage EuroCypriots. Congratulations

To be continued …
The answer is: With Turkey in the EU road gradually making concessions that will lead to the solution of the Cyprus problem.
If Turkey can continue on this road without making any concessions then of course it is better if they are blocked from this road until they change their attitude. "Pants down and bent" policies of Cleredes-Vassiliou are over.
webmagus wrote:And what evidence do you have that he is a criminal? Which crimes has he committed? And why doesn't he respect you?
The same evidence you have about Ntectash what he was the leader of TMT.
It’s well known what he was sub leader of the fascist organization Akritas.
You don’t agree with that?
This your problem my friend.
I believe what many people are blind.
Re Friend this stupid person you call president he call me nenekos. Me and the 30% of the people.
If that is you democracy. CONGRATULATIONS.
In the press last week Erdogan has stated and i quote him-:
"So long as the Turkish Cypriots remain isolated, we will not open our ports and airports. If the (EU) negotiations halt, then let them halt,”
Piratis there are divisional policies being used by the ROC government. If you go back to the 1960 constitution then why doesn't PapaD, if he truely wanted unity, invite Talat to take up the post of Vice President fo the ROC as the democratically elected leader of the Turkish Cypriot community? do you think he will, of course he wont as he doesn't want to share with Turkish Cypriots. So tell me why wont the ROC government not knock down the bricks to the door for entrance to the parliament by Turkish Cypriot politicians and invite them back? Being realistic there is more chance of Anorthosis Famagusta winning the Champions League than this happening
webmagus, after the people that share your ideas were swearing at Papadopoulos at some event he made the human mistake and almost dropped to your level by calling you "nenekous". Was it a mistake? Yes. Nobody said that Papadopoulos is perfect.
However Papadopoulos is way better than any other choices available. Who should we have voted for? Cleredes that he was about to sell us off?
Papadopoulos, even with his mistakes, is far better than any other option that was available.
Who did you vote for in the presidential elections? Was the person that you voted for able to defend the democratically expressed will of the Cypriot people? Even if we assume that he would not betray us and go against what was chosen by Cypriots, would he be able to correctly defend this position if he didn't believe in it himself?
Therefore webmagus, the Cypriots realized who was the only one available option that could defend their interests and thats the one they voted for.
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