I’m a traitor because I want a solution based on our politic history of 30+ years such as the federation?
Mr. Fotinoulis he put his sign about federation (on Makarios days).
All the previous governments they was discussing in a same base.
They are all traitors?
I agree and I WANT corrections of the plan but I can’t agree in madness.
And I’ll never accept Papadopoulos history and tactics.
He is a fascist he is a criminal and I will never accept him.
Why the people of Cyprus accept him?
Because of the quality of the people.
The same quality of people who supported Ntektash.
The same quality of people who destroyed Cyprus.
And this is my oppinon.
Were have you been before to talk about Cleredes and his support of EOKA B? Why so much hate against Papadopoulos? Because he doesn't do whatever your friend Erdogan wants?
If their is such an issue (about Kliridis) I’ll speak about the truth.
I’m not supporting any political party.
I was on Greece for the past 15 years and I didn’t have anything to do with politics.
I’m disused from Papadopoulos tactics and I’ve start here to interested in politics and off course I agree with many issues of the politicians who vote yes but I’m not bounded by a political history.
Yes Erdogan is my friend we drink tea together.
I’m disused because he is a liar because he doesn’t speak clear about what he want, I’m discussed about the propaganda I’ve see in the days of the poll, I’m discoursed about his history and political and personal and I’m discussed about the Makarios tactics repetition.
I’m not Grivikos or Makariakos or anything i’m just an observer.
The answer is: With Turkey in the EU road gradually making concessions that will lead to the solution of the Cyprus problem.
I agree.
If Turkey can continue on this road without making any concessions then of course it is better if they are blocked from this road until they change their attitude. "Pants down and bent" policies of Cleredes-Vassiliou are over.
I lough.
The reason with the bullshiting.
You have a problem to communicate with your self and you try to mix reason with the government shit.