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Cyprus EU accession complicated the process for a solution?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Sun Jul 02, 2006 8:04 pm

Piratis wrote: bring in 40.000 UN troops that can be in Cyprus for as long as they decide that it is required? .

I was under the impression, that you did not want any foreign troops in Cyprus, so let Turkish Cypriot secure their own island for everyone.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 02, 2006 8:11 pm

Zoppovortoi , I thank you for providing the link . I have , over the years remained neutral as regards the politics of Cyprus , I do not even read the Cypriot press. I'm annoyed that our politicians as well as the established sources such as schools , churches , unions etc , have always exhibited anti American anti Western tendencies.
It appears to me that the politicians and the above mentioned are going out of their way to establish alliances with "nobodies " in this world , a very typical G/C tendency which emanates from Greece. This is why I earlier posted that our EU membership is by far the greatest achievement in our 6000plus history.
Who in their right mind would want bloody Cuba and Senegal , Palestine , Iran ,Iraq as our team.

We are a European Nation and such we must remain and concentrate on our home affairs instead of supporting openly anti American /Western world activities. The CYBC annoys me to no end every time it refers to the "braves "of Iraq as "ANTARTES " Any day now they will call them "THRILIKOUS ANTARTES "
In all , yes , we have lots to learn , but the most pressing issue is to learn that Cyprus belongs equally to all Cypriots .

Can I also say that I think you honestly have to seriously consider a new name for your self don't be another Malakas . There are millions of better sounding names and less sordid , try "Menelaos " or even "Socrates "
but Zoppovortos ???
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Postby zoppovortoi » Sun Jul 02, 2006 8:40 pm

Philosophy is great because you can say anything you want.

Reality then again is one different thing.

The majority minority thing can’t work in our case and just by adopting a constitution similar with England for example is not an option and this thing can never be happened because we are talking about two communities.

You(Piratis and others) waste your time just by thinking these theories.

As no one is speaking about ENOSIS no one is speaking about minority and majority constitution because this is not a realistic option for something like that.

There must be some guarantees for the safety (physical and economical) of TC’s otherwise can’t happen.

The Zurich plan has failed to succeed by our responsibility.

It would be great if the Zurich plan was a possibility but is not.

We’ve prove to the international community that we can’t live together under this or similar conditions.

Back in 63 we was divide people with our stupid actions and for the past 50 years the TC’s are in the known GC and Turkish jail.

If we give the impression to the international community what we are not respecting their community we are doomed.

One of the most fanatic politicians who supported the NO to A plan Mr Pittokopitis said these simple things:

If we give the impression to the international community what we don’t what a bizonal bicommunal federation we are doomed because everyone will believe what we was saying lies to them for the past 30 years.

Many politicians have said exactly the same things from all the parties.

Mr Papadopoulos said on 2004 18 of March on the Greek newspaper ethnos:

I was the one who deliver in Vienna our propositions for bizonal bicommunal federation with the map. I was the one who was going from village to village from city to city to convince the people what THERE IS NO OTHER MORPH OF SOLUTION for the Cyprus problem. Now they are teaching me what this is the solution what I must support. Me who invented it?

Mr Papadopoulos is not know about his integrity and I don’t believe the above words because many other things have said and done are not compatibly with the above lies but this is the solution after there is no other solution on the horizon except the worst one the confederation one.

This is our option and WE have propose the bizonal bicommunal federation.

If we destroy this option the other one is the confederation.

And this is the reality. Get over it.
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Postby Bananiot » Sun Jul 02, 2006 8:53 pm

What Papadopoulos said that he did is one more of his lies. Bicommunal, bizonal federation is the brain child of Klerides which was later adopted by Makarios. Papadopoulos was a reluctant courier at the time. Papadopoulos is a compulsive liar and will say anything in order to sound correct.
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Postby Bananiot » Sun Jul 02, 2006 9:00 pm

Miltiades, you might know that Christofias gave the green light to the Americans to use Cyprus air space and airports in order to start their offensive against Sadam because he was the acting President of the Republic since Papadopoulos was on a trip abroad. The same day, in the afternoon, he led the party faithful to the American Embassy in Nicosia shouting at the top of his voice "Americans, assassins go home, hands off Iraq". This is the loony house we live in and those that rule us are right bonkers.
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Postby zoppovortoi » Sun Jul 02, 2006 9:03 pm

Zoppovortoi , I thank you for providing the link . I have , over the years remained neutral as regards the politics of Cyprus , I do not even read the Cypriot press. I'm annoyed that our politicians as well as the established sources such as schools , churches , unions etc , have always exhibited anti American anti Western tendencies.
It appears to me that the politicians and the above mentioned are going out of their way to establish alliances with "nobodies " in this world , a very typical G/C tendency which emanates from Greece. This is why I earlier posted that our EU membership is by far the greatest achievement in our 6000plus history.
Who in their right mind would want bloody Cuba and Senegal , Palestine , Iran ,Iraq as our team.

We are a European Nation and such we must remain and concentrate on our home affairs instead of supporting openly anti American /Western world activities. The CYBC annoys me to no end every time it refers to the "braves "of Iraq as "ANTARTES " Any day now they will call them "THRILIKOUS ANTARTES "
In all , yes , we have lots to learn , but the most pressing issue is to learn that Cyprus belongs equally to all Cypriots .

I agree with you.

In the Mundial I was against England and America but the feelings have nothing to do with politic reality.

I really believe what Europe and America is the evolvement of the Agent Greek civilization.

Can I also say that I think you honestly have to seriously consider a new name for your self don't be another Malakas . There are millions of better sounding names and less sordid , try "Menelaos " or even "Socrates "
but Zoppovortos ???

I was not considering to keeping this name it’s just my protest for the growuptcs and malaka nick name.

Socrates is just fine and I think what now you are my godfather :)
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jul 02, 2006 9:07 pm

Piratis wrote:Viewpoint, you can not violate peoples human rights either intentionally or unintentionally.

You can not accommodate the fear of one by violating the human rights of another.

There are many ways to accommodate your fears in a democratic way and without sacrificing the human rights of anybody in an EU country like Cyprus is today. If all you wanted was to accommodate your fears it would not be that hard. But it is impossible to satisfy you when these fears are used as just an excuse.

What exactly do you fear? That GCs will kill you? Or that you TCs will be equal Cypriot citizens without all the super-privileges they are used to have since the time of the Ottoman rule? Because only "fears" like the second can be incompatible with human rights and democracy. All the other true fears can be easily accommodated in a modern EU country.

I think Kartal express it well in the following post;

my friend miltiades, what our friend zoppovortoi ment was that the GC government will treat the TC's unfairly should the Turkish military leave without a solution coming to place first...we will be 'punished' by the RoC government as they still scapegoat us for what happened and the Orthodox church will be more than happy to preach the evils of the muslim TC community...this is a possibility...and a big possibility with the amount of greek nationalism floating about in RoC...what us as TC's want is as viewpoint puts it, safety valves where our future safety and rights is guaranteed...

piratis, we are not asking for any of our GC brothers to sacrifice their human rights...but we must have equal say as a community to the GC community...if a frenzy of greek nationalism is kicked up again by a GC party...we all know there are political parties in RoC who still hail ENOSIS and EOKA a worthy cause and colour its fighters in heroeic titles...they will never give up the fight for ENOSIS and will never admit that it was a mistake where the GC community disregarded the TC community...

god forbid what would happen if such a party was elected to power and had majority vote...they could start a struggle for ENOSIS without any TC having a say in the matter as we would have minority status...

until we can be assured this will never happen, how is our future guaranteed? atleast right now our existence is may not be a particularly wealthy or the best future...but it is a future none the less where we have a say in our governing...

Im gald to read that you are now saying that you can address our fears and concerns, that is all we want if there are solutions that will satisfy both our communities then we are all for it, but displaying a view of dont worry you will be in the EU is not enough.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 02, 2006 9:08 pm

You are on son ! You have just been baptized !!! look forward to welcoming my "godson " on board !
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Postby michalis5354 » Sun Jul 02, 2006 9:08 pm

I dont think many people know what Papadopoulos has in his mind as one time he says that he supports BBF and his actions prove the opposite. I can predict what he will say at the end of his presidency! We have tried hard to solve the Cy problem but .................
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Postby Kartal_Aetos » Sun Jul 02, 2006 9:13 pm

i think you guys are going completely over-board...we dont care about armies or external protection...we want a constitutionalised guarantee...its the only way...
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