Zoppovortoi , I thank you for providing the link . I have , over the years remained neutral as regards the politics of Cyprus , I do not even read the Cypriot press. I'm annoyed that our politicians as well as the established sources such as schools , churches , unions etc , have always exhibited anti American anti Western tendencies.
It appears to me that the politicians and the above mentioned are going out of their way to establish alliances with "nobodies " in this world , a very typical G/C tendency which emanates from Greece. This is why I earlier posted that our EU membership is by far the greatest achievement in our 6000plus history.
Who in their right mind would want bloody Cuba and Senegal , Palestine , Iran ,Iraq as our team.
We are a European Nation and such we must remain and concentrate on our home affairs instead of supporting openly anti American /Western world activities. The CYBC annoys me to no end every time it refers to the "braves "of Iraq as "ANTARTES " Any day now they will call them "THRILIKOUS ANTARTES "
In all , yes , we have lots to learn , but the most pressing issue is to learn that Cyprus belongs equally to all Cypriots .
I agree with you.
In the Mundial I was against England and America but the feelings have nothing to do with politic reality.
I really believe what Europe and America is the evolvement of the Agent Greek civilization.
Can I also say that I think you honestly have to seriously consider a new name for your self don't be another Malakas . There are millions of better sounding names and less sordid , try "Menelaos " or even "Socrates "
but Zoppovortos ???
I was not considering to keeping this name it’s just my protest for the growuptcs and malaka nick name.
Socrates is just fine and I think what now you are my godfather