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Cyprus EU accession complicated the process for a solution?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby zoppovortoi » Sun Jul 02, 2006 11:30 am

I do hope though that some one will translate to Greek for me the phrase "BUILDING ORGASM" which I think Kifeas earlier said it means "building boom " While we are on the subject of translation could some one pleas explain why the word " MONDIAL " is used to describe the world cup , and just a minor point , why does the name Tasos , has 2 s when is not pronounced the same as ASSOS , which correctly has two s.
Just intrigued that's all.

Bananiot have said what is the exact translation of "Οικοδομικός οργασμός"

Try to google this: ... tnG=Search
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jul 02, 2006 11:42 am

Kifeas you are an expert at generalizing and then concentrating on specific areas to serve your own purposes. The fact that there was no problems as you say in your 2 villages does not detract from the fact that all TCs were at risk no matter where they were on the island. The common policy was for for TCs to retreat to safe havens where they could be protected, did they have to wait until an incident happened before they understood they were in danger.

As for the issue of ethnic cleansing from all the postings we have read on this forum alone its clear there were GC intentions and plans to get rid of the TCs by various methods but fortunately the TCs fought back with all possible means available and will continue to fight back when necessary to ensure our existence. Kifeas you would probably say that we all have to die before you will admit you wanted us all out of the way and buried 6ft under the ground? to accomplish your Enosis dream.
This is like saying Im here to kill you and you are punching and strangling me to death but I fight back hard to save my life and fight you off into a corner where you cannot hurt me anymore. Then you say it was not my intention to kill you, look you are still alive lets get back together. Even you cant be that naive, it happened thats why TCs find it very difficult to trust GCs and demand so many safety valves to ensure that the past can in no shape or form be repeated.
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Postby Kifeas » Sun Jul 02, 2006 12:45 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Kifeas you are an expert at generalizing and then concentrating on specific areas to serve your own purposes. The fact that there was no problems as you say in your 2 villages does not detract from the fact that all TCs were at risk no matter where they were on the island. The common policy was for for TCs to retreat to safe havens where they could be protected, did they have to wait until an incident happened before they understood they were in danger.

As for the issue of ethnic cleansing from all the postings we have read on this forum alone its clear there were GC intentions and plans to get rid of the TCs by various methods but fortunately the TCs fought back with all possible means available and will continue to fight back when necessary to ensure our existence. Kifeas you would probably say that we all have to die before you will admit you wanted us all out of the way and buried 6ft under the ground? to accomplish your Enosis dream.
This is like saying Im here to kill you and you are punching and strangling me to death but I fight back hard to save my life and fight you off into a corner where you cannot hurt me anymore. Then you say it was not my intention to kill you, look you are still alive lets get back together. Even you cant be that naive, it happened thats why TCs find it very difficult to trust GCs and demand so many safety valves to ensure that the past can in no shape or form be repeated.

VP, do you seriously claim that if the GC community’s intent or aim was to ethnically cleanse the TC community from Cyprus -and no matter how hard you would have fought back, it would have been difficult to achieve it to a very large extent, and way beyond the 800 casualties that you community had -half of which were combat men killed in action? Do you believe that an armed and organised for ethnic cleansing community, outnumbering the other community by more than 4:1, would have not been able to commit its indented crime and inflict way more casualties in one night’s raid than what your community have had all together during the 3-4 years that the crisis lasted? Do you seriously believe that the fact that the majority (not all) of your community moved into the enclaves -and even fought back as you say, was sufficient to have protected you from such a criminal intent -should it had existed, when in 1974 the resistance that all the enclaves around Cyprus put up (except the north Nicosia and the Famagusta one,) lasted only from 4-12 hours before surrendering? Get real VP! If such a hideous intent, aim, objective and mission existed then, from the part of the GC community, it could have taken only a couple of nights to commit it. And by the way, Turkey, apart from its ability to lunch air strikes and bombings with its air-force, it did not have then (not up until 1970 /71) any credible sea landing capabilities, in order to invade Cyprus and transfer through the sea large amounts of troops and tanks. The build up of a sea landing fleet by Turkey, started only in 1969, and only after 1971 it had the right amount of equipment to only partly do what it did in 1974, and this is something we knew well.

The answer VP is that there was no such an intent, plan or mission on the part of the GC community! There was perhaps an intent or aim to harass, suppress and terrorise the TC community by certain official and non official circles, but only to the extent of forcing it to concede and accept a new constitutional framework, and not to ethnically cleanse it from Cyprus.
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Postby zoppovortoi » Sun Jul 02, 2006 1:51 pm


We’ve brought division of the two communities at 63.

Is any smart guy in here who is not accepting that?

If yes I suggest to him to visit the psychiatrist Mikelidis to fix him.


Some sick people they are not accepting their reasonability about this FACT and they are unable to understand what the only unification solution out there is the federation because of OUR faults.

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Postby zoppovortoi » Sun Jul 02, 2006 1:52 pm

About the ethnic cleansing the Greek Cypriot Dictatorship of Makarios was trying to find ways to "clean" Cyprus but they don’t manage to do it because international community didn’t let them.

The Akritas plan and everything related to that subject was illegalities supported from the “legal” government and we had the responsibility for every single thing about what happened then.

Makarios was a mad racist and he proved that by his own words.

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Postby Kartal_Aetos » Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:17 pm

Kifeas, the point i am trying to get to is that you and the likes of piratis, malaka etc. are always too quick to blame turks and TC's for everything...and what i am trying to explain to you us that this is an unfair assumption...if you are going to point out the bad stuff the TC's and turks done, please dont hesitate to equally point out what the GC's and greeks done...

please, it seems as though you do not believe EOKA B had ethnic cleansing in mind....just because they failed, it doesn't mean they werent doing it...two of my uncles were night watchmen in the Lefke mountains just outside a turkish village...during their watch, they were captured and later shot...the village was attacked and all men were rounded up and taken to the mountains...having been lined up in a firing line, my grandfather explains to me with a very clear memory of the second time he escaped death...the leader had received a message...the turks had captured junta soldiers...they arranged a hostage exchange...

as you can hopefully see, kifeas, we werent all attacking GC's either...but we WERE forced to try and defend our villages from the Junta menaces....

next time you tell of a bad thing the turks have done, dont forget that the greeks have done the same :)

the only thing that the turks have done that are worse is still occupying the land....
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:23 pm

Kifeas wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Kifeas you are an expert at generalizing and then concentrating on specific areas to serve your own purposes. The fact that there was no problems as you say in your 2 villages does not detract from the fact that all TCs were at risk no matter where they were on the island. The common policy was for for TCs to retreat to safe havens where they could be protected, did they have to wait until an incident happened before they understood they were in danger.

As for the issue of ethnic cleansing from all the postings we have read on this forum alone its clear there were GC intentions and plans to get rid of the TCs by various methods but fortunately the TCs fought back with all possible means available and will continue to fight back when necessary to ensure our existence. Kifeas you would probably say that we all have to die before you will admit you wanted us all out of the way and buried 6ft under the ground? to accomplish your Enosis dream.
This is like saying Im here to kill you and you are punching and strangling me to death but I fight back hard to save my life and fight you off into a corner where you cannot hurt me anymore. Then you say it was not my intention to kill you, look you are still alive lets get back together. Even you cant be that naive, it happened thats why TCs find it very difficult to trust GCs and demand so many safety valves to ensure that the past can in no shape or form be repeated.

VP, do you seriously claim that if the GC community’s intent or aim was to ethnically cleanse the TC community from Cyprus -and no matter how hard you would have fought back, it would have been difficult to achieve it to a very large extent, and way beyond the 800 casualties that you community had -half of which were combat men killed in action? Do you believe that an armed and organised for ethnic cleansing community, outnumbering the other community by more than 4:1, would have not been able to commit its indented crime and inflict way more casualties in one night’s raid than what your community have had all together during the 3-4 years that the crisis lasted? Do you seriously believe that the fact that the majority (not all) of your community moved into the enclaves -and even fought back as you say, was sufficient to have protected you from such a criminal intent -should it had existed, when in 1974 the resistance that all the enclaves around Cyprus put up (except the north Nicosia and the Famagusta one,) lasted only from 4-12 hours before surrendering? Get real VP! If such a hideous intent, aim, objective and mission existed then, from the part of the GC community, it could have taken only a couple of nights to commit it. And by the way, Turkey, apart from its ability to lunch air strikes and bombings with its air-force, it did not have then (not up until 1970 /71) any credible sea landing capabilities, in order to invade Cyprus and transfer through the sea large amounts of troops and tanks. The build up of a sea landing fleet by Turkey, started only in 1969, and only after 1971 it had the right amount of equipment to only partly do what it did in 1974, and this is something we knew well.

The answer VP is that there was no such an intent, plan or mission on the part of the GC community! There was perhaps an intent or aim to harass, suppress and terrorise the TC community by certain official and non official circles, but only to the extent of forcing it to concede and accept a new constitutional framework, and not to ethnically cleanse it from Cyprus.

Yeah yeah Kifeas and they were handing out red roses to boot. The intention was always there and the fact that TCs held out was all credit to them. On many occassion we were up for extermination yet be it your inability and fear, or our determination and fear we survived. I am aware its a very difficult issue for you to accept even if it is was at minimum contenplation of ethnic cleansing but TCs to this day do not trust GCs for this reason alone.
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Postby Piratis » Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:29 pm

We’ve brought division of the two communities at 63.

Your "facts" are only in your imagination.

The Turkish community was whipped into a frenzy by broadcasts from Turkey calling for the partition of Cyprus. Violence between the turks and Cypriots broke out in early June and climaxed when eight Greeks were massacred in a cornfield near the Turkish village of Geunyeli.

Do you know when this happened? Long before 1963 or even 1960.

And if you really want to go to the root of who brought division in Cyprus, you have to look WAY before that, when the Ottomans that ruled Cyprus for 3 centuries were treating Muslims (TCs) and Christians (GCs) in a very different way. The Muslims had to pay only a fraction of the taxes that the Christians had to pay. A testimony of a Christian was not even accepted by the court. In short, the Ottomans had created 2 classes in Cyprus: a higher Muslim class, and a lower Christian class.

This division was later on maintained by the British rulers and it was even encouraged as part of their well known divide and rule policies. (much more TCs in governmental positions, much more TCs in police force etc).
Then this division was forced into the 1960 constidution which separated TCs from GCs in often unfair ways (e.g. that the 18% of TCs should have the 30% of governmental positions)

So you telling us that the division of the two communities was created by us in 1963 is the biggest joke ever.

The only way to end the division is to finally end the racist discrimination that started by the Ottomans (it is 21st century now!!) and finally have equal Cypriot citizens regardless of their race, religion, language etc.

Is any smart guy in here who is not accepting that?

There are many smart guys here. You are not one of them, so don't waste your time with giving us "facts" when in fact you have no clue.
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Postby zoppovortoi » Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:30 pm

go to Mikelides to fix you :wink:
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Postby zoppovortoi » Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:36 pm

The bad British and the bad Turks was planning illegally to over pass the constitution.

You are absolutely insane.

Everywhere is a conspiracy and we are angels. :lol:

And you are a prefect example of our angels :lol:
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