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Cyprus EU accession complicated the process for a solution?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby zoppovortoi » Sat Jul 01, 2006 10:56 pm

What exactly is your problem Kifeas?

What these stupid conversation have to do with the Cyprus problem of today?

We were justified to make ethnic cleansing at 63 because the TC’s are related to Turks and because we have the god given right?

The psychopath thing we have exchange this compliment to each other when he was told me what I’m paid from the Americans. :lol:
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Postby Kifeas » Sat Jul 01, 2006 11:17 pm

zoppovortoi wrote:What exactly is your problem?

What these stupid conversation have to do with the Cyprus problem of today?

We were justified to make ethnic cleansing at 63 because the TC’s are related to Turks and because we have the god given right?

My friend, you are confused and have lost sense with reality!

Which ethnic cleansing are you talking about? Do you know what ethnic cleansing means? I bet you do not! I suggest you investigate the meaning of this term before deciding to use it, otherwise you give every right to anyone that wants to call you a provocateur and a wilful forward carriage and distributor of forged anti-GC propaganda, to rightfully do so!
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Postby Piratis » Sat Jul 01, 2006 11:21 pm

We were justified to make ethnic cleansing at 63 because the TC’s are related to Turks and because we have the god given right?

If such thing was justified then why it was never made? Did we give title deeds to Greek Cypriots for TC land in 63? Did at any point dispute the right of TCs to own and live in their own properties?

TCs had gone into enclaves due to the intercommunal conflict that had similar casualties from both sides, and then by 1968 they had all returned to their homes.
Why GCs are still not allowed to return to their homes after 32 years? Why fake title deeds have been issued to the GC properties?

Even if we make the imaginary and theoretical assumption that 63-68 was just GCs fault, thats 5 years. The occupation lasts for 32 years.
32 > 5. Therefore why should the GCs be the ones that should be punished now and the TCs the ones to be rewarded???
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Postby zoppovortoi » Sat Jul 01, 2006 11:38 pm

Ethnic cleansing refers to various policies or practices that result in the displacement of an ethnic group from a particular territory.

You want information for the Akritas plan try Drousiotis: ... -w=ΑΚΡΙΤΑΣ@ ... -w=ΑΚΡΙΤΑΣ@

Archbishop Makarios has said:

Until this small Turkish community dismisses.

This part of the Turk race.

This fearful enemy of Hellenism.

The duty of the Heroes of EOKA will not be able to fulfill.

He was said the above at 4/9/62
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Postby zoppovortoi » Sun Jul 02, 2006 12:16 am

Here is another one example of the true history of Cyprus (unfortunately is in Greek). ... age&pid=46

Here is another article in Makarios Drousiotis site: ... -w=ΑΚΡΙΤΑΣ@

According to the research of Makarios Drousiotis this is words of Tassos Papadopoulos:

If the Turkey armada comes in on the new limit of the 12 miles we will consider that as invasion and we'll have 75 minutes to kill all TC’s.

I can demystification many Greek nationalistic craps if you are interested.
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Postby Kifeas » Sun Jul 02, 2006 1:14 am

zoppovortoi wrote:

Ethnic cleansing refers to various policies or practices that result in the displacement of an ethnic group from a particular territory.

You want information for the Akritas plan try Drousiotis: ... -w=ΑΚΡΙΤΑΣ@ ... -w=ΑΚΡΙΤΑΣ@

Archbishop Makarios has said:

Until this small Turkish community dismisses.

This part of the Turk race.

This fearful enemy of Hellenism.

The duty of the Heroes of EOKA will not be able to fulfill.

He was said the above at 4/9/62

Zoppovorte!!! Ethnic cleansing is a serious accusation. It is tantamount to genocide or annihilation! Do you know that? Therefore, do you seriously allege that the Greek Cypriots performed ethnic cleansing against the Turkish Cypriots in Cyprus in 1963 or during any other year /period? Can you tell me which international organisation such as the UN or the CoE, and /or any other international body, court, foreign government, tribunal, etc, have ever noted, recorded, documented and reported such a thing? Where have the UN and /or the Council of Europe been to have missed it, and they never recorded such an occurrence in any of their reports, resolutions or council meetings?

Zoppovorte!!! You said above that “ethnic cleansing refers to various policies or practices that result in the displacement of an ethnic group from a particular territory.” Since this is an accurate definition /description of the term “ethnic cleansing,” can you explain to me why and how the Turkish Cypriot community still existed in Cyprus in 1974, in the same percentage of the total population (18.4%,) that also used to be in 1960? What kind of ethnic cleansing it was that it did not result to the displacement and /or disappearance of the TC community from Cyprus? Was it a virtual ethnic cleansing, or one done on a machine simulator?

Zoppovorte!!! Forget Drousiotis! Here is a link of the full text of the Akritas plan.

Can you please read it carefully and show or tell me in which line of which paragraph of which chapter of which page it says in the above text of the said plan, that its authors suggest, conspire or plot any ethnic cleansing against the Turkish Cypriots, because I couldn’t find such reference?

Zoppo!!! Vorte!!!
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Postby zoppovortoi » Sun Jul 02, 2006 1:56 am

I’ve read the Akritas plan is nationalistic crap builded by mindless toppouzokipreous zoppovortous like you.

I’m glad what you are so proud about the crimes of the previous toppouzous like you.

I’m glad tht you supporting persons like you (Giorkatzis and Papadopoulos). :lol:

You have destroyed Cyprus AGAIN and this time there is no place to hide.

here is another one in english from Greece with love: ... ction.html

The sworn enemy of the Turks, the fanatical nationalist churchman Makarios, attempted in 1963 to remove from the Cypriot constitution, without democratic mandate, thirteen articles which protected the rights of the island's Turkish minority. He set in motion the infamous Akritas plan, making use of three Greek Cypriot paramilitary organisations, their members heroes of EOKA, their leaders Lyssaridis, Georgatzis and Sampson.

After the failure of the Akritas plan, Lyssaridis and his accomplices resorted to the attempted genocide of the Turkish Cypriot civilian population. Classic examples of their tactics were seen in Omorfita, the suburb of Nicosia, with its 5,000 inhabitants of Turkish descent, and the village of Koumsal, Ammochostos. At Omorfita the executioners seized 157 Turks and transported them to Nicosia, where they were murdered. At Koumsal the horrific murder was perpetrated - in the family bathroom - of the three children and wife of the physician to the Turkish army corps on Cyprus, Major Ilhan.

After the failure of the attempted ethnic cleansing of the Turkish Cypriot population, the Greek Cypriot government confined the entire Turkish Cypriot community, for eleven years - from 1963 to 1974, within four large enclaves, representing just 4.3% of the surface of the island. During this period the Turkish civilian population was subjected to the most abject misery, deprived of the basic essentials of life, because of the sanctions imposed by the government of the nationalist zealot Makarios.

You can say anything you want but you can't hide the truth.

And you haven't answered about the madness of Makarios obviously because you are also suffering.

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Postby Kartal_Aetos » Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:21 am

Kifeas, you are ignorant if you dont believe GC's were out to ethnically cleanse TC's...what do you think EOKA B were doing?

i've had enough of trying to re-educate propaganda filled minds...Miltiades has said everything i wish to in his recent post...i cant say it any better...if kifeas and piratis still insist that the GC's and greeks were the angels of the events then fine...obviously you have no place on a forum where we are aiming to have TC's and GC's living peacefully one obviously hate TC's too much to ever call me ur fellow cypriot brother as i am more than happy to call you...
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Postby Kifeas » Sun Jul 02, 2006 10:10 am

Kartal_Aetos wrote:Kifeas, you are ignorant if you dont believe GC's were out to ethnically cleanse TC's...what do you think EOKA B were doing?

i've had enough of trying to re-educate propaganda filled minds...Miltiades has said everything i wish to in his recent post...i cant say it any better...if kifeas and piratis still insist that the GC's and greeks were the angels of the events then fine...obviously you have no place on a forum where we are aiming to have TC's and GC's living peacefully one obviously hate TC's too much to ever call me ur fellow cypriot brother as i am more than happy to call you...

No Kartal, I am not a propaganda filled mind, neither I hate TCs at all, not I have the slightest problem whatsoever to call you my fellow Cypriot brother!

Before deciding to denounce anyone of having a "propaganda filled mind," I suggest you first investigate thoroughly whether your mind is not such, and whether you know all the facts which allow you to make an accurate assessment and reach a valid conclusion on something.

In just one single paragraph that you post above, you conceded already to one such factual mistake. You implied that Eoka B was doing ethnic cleansing. I ask you: What do you know about Eoka B, when did it establish itself, and when (which period) did it commit ethnic cleansing against the TCs? If you can't get and describe the facts right, it is not wise to imply conclusions.

Yes, during the period of inter-communal constitutional crisis, which escalated into inter-communal fighting and violence, gangs of GC irregulars, mostly felonry and underworld criminals that infiltrated and formed parts of larger paramilitary groups, committed crimes and murders against innocent TC civilians. This is a fact, as it is also a fact that the same happened from the side of the TC community. It is a fact that the number of innocent victims from the part of the TC community was larger (double) to that of the GC victims, according to all accounts and reports of the UN and other foreign and local sources. All in all -during the whole period that such conflicts took place, i.e. between 1963/63 and 1967, some 800 TCs were lost (including armed men that took part in fights) and some 400 GCs (again including armed men.)

Now, if you want to impose on me or on anyone else, that the above fully condemned and regrettable events and facts, tantamount to ethnic cleansing -or even attempted ethnic cleansing, of the one community against the other, then I am sorry but I will not buy! None of my parents, relatives, co-villagers, and none of the people they knew (and they knew a lot of GCs) has ever took part -or has been asked to participate, in an attempted ethnic cleansing of the TCs from Cyprus. Therefore, it is an insult of the highest magnitude to claim or accuse the GC community of having conspired under its political leadership to ethnically cleanse the TCs from Cyprus.

I find your above sentence in which you claim that "GC's were out to ethnically cleanse TC's" an insult that doesn't comply with the reality of this country. The few uncontrolled gangs that committed crimes against some few hundreds of TC civilians are unpunished horrendous crimes that will remain a stigma on the GC community, but they do not qualify for what you have accused us for. They do not constitute a general, and an organised, and a state or a leadership sponsored attempt to ethnically cleanse the TCs from Cyprus! My village Lapithos was a mixed (TC /GC) village. My father’s village, Vasileia, was also a mixed village. No one ever came to the GC people of my two villages (in which the GCs were the majorities) and tried to organise them or ever told them that on an any XYZ date you should all move against the TCs of your village and kill them. No one GC ever touched a TC in my two villages, and no one has ever conspired or thought of doing so. Yet, when the intercommunal fighting erupted in Nicosia between armed groups, and presumably after some TCs were murdered by some of the above gangs, TMT officials from Nicosia came secretly to my two villages and incited the TCs that they should move into the Nicosia /Templos enclave because we the GCs of their village were conspiring and were a threat to their safety. This is what they themselves explained to my co-villagers then.

Furthermore, you should check all the facts right and see to what extent similar practices by TC thugs did not "invite" similar actions by GC thugs, in a circle of revenge and counter-revenge actions.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 02, 2006 11:00 am

Kartal_Aetos , Kifeas is an honourable chap and a learned individual , his posts are well thought out , and though , as it is perfectly natural , there are areas of differing , or not totally concurrent views , on the whole what you and I want he does too. Some of us will see , or interpret certain events adding our own perception based on our individual thinking .
I think Kifeas is a true Cypriot and makes an invaluable contribution to the political aspect of this forum.

I do hope though that some one will translate to Greek for me the phrase "BUILDING ORGASM" which I think Kifeas earlier said it means "building boom " While we are on the subject of translation could some one pleas explain why the word " MONDIAL " is used to describe the world cup , and just a minor point , why does the name Tasos , has 2 s when is not pronounced the same as ASSOS , which correctly has two s.
Just intrigued that's all.
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