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Cyprus EU accession complicated the process for a solution?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Bananiot » Sat Jul 01, 2006 6:06 pm

Well said Kartal, especially the 6 foot nothing sort.
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Postby Kartal_Aetos » Sat Jul 01, 2006 6:22 pm

:?: :?: :?:
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Postby Mickleham » Sat Jul 01, 2006 7:38 pm

What an arrogant country is Turkey.

They invate and occupy an indepenatnt european country!

Then they demand respect and and entry to the european union of which Cyprus is a member.

What a shame! They have no morals. no ethics, no values!

They are acting like America and England wonder!
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Postby Kartal_Aetos » Sat Jul 01, 2006 7:48 pm

oh grow up mickleham
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Postby Piratis » Sat Jul 01, 2006 8:33 pm

Why do you guys still bother with piratis? its obvious he just scapegoats the turks and tc's for the crimes of ALL our people...he needs re-educating in the history of our island

No Kartal, in many occasions I talk about the crimes committed by both sides. It just happens to be a FACT that the Turkish crimes in Cyprus are 100 times more (actually 100 times more was some time ago. Now with Turkey insisting on occupation this number is getting bigger).

What is even worst is that it is asked from GCs to sacrifice their human and democratic rights, while no such thing is asked from Turkey who committed 100 times more crimes.

Because I don't want to repeat myself, go here for the details:

As I said above its all about the balance of power. All the rest are non-essential for the major developments of the past, present and future.
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Postby Kartal_Aetos » Sat Jul 01, 2006 8:46 pm

to be honest, i just see it as the GC's made a few bad choices (and ok, they do regret it), and now they are being punished for it...not saying they should be punished, not saying they shouldn't...just saying that it is merely a consequence of previous actions...i stand neutral on the situation but disagree with your scapegoating of turkey...maybe if GC's didnt yearn for union with greece so much back in the day then the turkish army wouldn't have had a reason to divide the island...

I just want to stress the fact that i do not have any problem with GC's so nobody take it the wrong way...

as for '100 times worse'...all is fair in love and war, ey...should we stand and quantify the amount of non-collateral damage caused by each sides in each and every war?
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Postby Kartal_Aetos » Sat Jul 01, 2006 8:57 pm

just read the post on that link....we didn't invade YOUR island so to speak, we invaded a VENETIAN island...

the Venetians were actually worse opressors of the Orthodox Cypriots than the Ottoman empire...Followers of the Orthodox church were treated as 2nd class citizens under VENETIAN rule...following Lala Mustafa Pasha's succesful invasion of Cyprus, The Patriarch of the Orthodox church was instated as the voice of the Greek Cypriot's...A privilege which was stripped of them under Venetian and Lusignan rule...

So, by saying that Turks "STARTED IT" is actually wrong...we "STARTED IT" against the venetians...

so explain one more thing piratis, does not 200,000 GC's ethnically cleansed mean KILLED?

so how come u also state that there were 6000 GC's killed and 200,000 ethnically cleansed?

then was 206,000 Ethnically cleansed?

or did u actually mean 200,000 were forced to leave their homes? cos i think this is the correct one :) forced to leave homes = not ethnically cleansed...

if they were ethnically cleansed they wouldn't be allowed to leave their homes, they simply would have been killed...thats what ethnic cleansing is...the extermination of an ethnicity :)
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Postby Piratis » Sat Jul 01, 2006 9:02 pm

Kartal, everybody makes a few bad choices. And when we talk about nations, you will always find their dark spots in their history.

The difference, and the reason I talk about the balance of power, is that the strong ones can make as many "mistakes" and crimes as they wish and face no consequences, while for the weak the mistakes are encouraged, exaggerated or even imagined (e.g. Weapons of Mass Distraction in Iraq), so the strong ones will have some excuse to do what they were going to do anyways.

In our case, Cyprus has suffered from the Turks for the most part of the last 5 centuries. And it really couldn't be the opposide when you think that Cypriots are half million and Turks are 60+. Now Turks in all this history found some tiny part were the GCs had made some mistakes/crimes is just a way to excuse themselves and nothing more.

"Did you say that swear word some years ago Kartal? Oh, I found out you did. That was a mistake you know. Now you deserve both of your arms to be cut off" Thats about what Turkey is telling us.

Therefore stop wasting your time with non-essential things that were the mere excuses of well planned policies.

The next development in Cyprus will not come with a plan, but with the next shift of balance of power.
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Postby Piratis » Sat Jul 01, 2006 9:08 pm

just read the post on that link....we didn't invade YOUR island so to speak, we invaded a VENETIAN island...

Thats the kind of mentality that says that when you have the army and you invade and occupy foreign land that land is "yours". You should change this kind of mentality.

You confused ethnic cleansing with genocide.

The term ethnic cleansing refers to various policies of forcibly removing people of another ethnic group. At one end of the spectrum, it is virtually indistinguishable from forced emigration and population transfer, while at the other it merges with deportation and genocide.
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Postby Kartal_Aetos » Sat Jul 01, 2006 9:15 pm

ofcourse, piratis, i agree with u that the GC's are suffering worse than what they have done...i dont deny that...but what i am trying to say is that they brought it upon themselves and if they are going to always point out Turkey's crimes agains themselves, dont forget to state that it is a consequence of GC actions...not small actions...ENOSIS was a BIG mistake, not a little one...

also, the population of the TC's before the island was annexed by the british was actually quite substantial...its only after the annexation that the TC's decided to move back to Turkey as they refused to live under enemy rule...we havent always been outnumbered 5/1

i dont mean to aggrevate u, piratis...afterall, u are a fellow cypriot...i simply just dont want to see unfair statements made about either side and then to have our youth miseducated and bred with hatred for the other side...afterall, if we are going to live together one glorious day we must not bare hatred for one another...
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