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Cyprus EU accession complicated the process for a solution?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kifeas » Sat Jul 01, 2006 1:17 am

Bananiot wrote: I said in the begining that our options are very limited. An agreed solution can only be based on bizonal, bicommunal federation and we can blame our past for this for as much as we like, but things cannot change. In real life, mistakes are paid for. Especially when you are a midget who pretended to be goliath and tried to play ball with the big boys. Annan plan was not ideal but it provided the basis for a new start which if we took we could have made things work with good faith, patience and prudence. We rejected it and in effect we voted for the Turkish army to stay for ever in Cyprus and for our country to be partitioned for good. Unless you believe that Papadopoulos will solve a predominantly political issue with his stupid legalistic jargon.

The Annan plan was not a bi-zonal and a bi-communal Federation, but only in name! The Annan plan was a confederation between two (via an ill-conceived and ill-defined "virgin-birth" approach,) separate and pre-existing Nation /States, fully in line with the Turkish philosophy and aims!
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Postby Kartal_Aetos » Sat Jul 01, 2006 4:25 am

bananiot, we cant get desperate and take the next offer that comes along....afterall, that will be the constitution to our nation for years to come...we need it to be as clsoe to perfect as we can so that both sides are equal and safe
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Postby Bananiot » Sat Jul 01, 2006 7:41 am

Fair enough Kartal but you do realise that time is fast running out. Very soon we shall have no object to negotiate about. I think the EU is destroying us. It has fuelled our pride and imagination with a megalomaniac syndrome. We think we can do anything now and this is dangerous. Once again, we are playing the big politics game (remember Makarios) and for sure we will lose both, the basket and the eggs, as the Greek saying goes.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 01, 2006 8:12 am

Cyprus solution aside for a moment , I consider our entry into Europe be Cyprus's greatest achievement ever and one day future generations will consider the anniversary of our entry as a national holiday.
History will carry on , as it has done for thousands of years , just imagine in a 100 years from now the likely demography of Cyprus , now 80% G/Cs , 18% T/Cs 2% others , in 2116 ?? May be the Russians or the Eastern Europeans , or even the Georgians will be 18% , I wonder if they will want their own Cyprus and perhaps call it the Eastern European Republic of Cyprus .Europe will continue to flourish and will become much more integrated , and just as with the Euro replacing most currencies the European flag will be the dominant one.
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Postby Bananiot » Sat Jul 01, 2006 10:01 am

Wow, Miltiades, you almost sound like a marxist. Its nice to look ahead and dream and pay tribute, perhaps, to the global village our earth will be reduced to.

The present states system may be abolished in the future and we will all be citizens of planet earth but in the meantime we need to make sure that this process can evolve steadily and freely, otherwise, it will take just a push of a tiny, small button to destroy our dreams and the planet, of course, for good. Thus, even small and globally insignificant local disputes need to be resolved fairly, in order to keep the dream alive.
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Postby Piratis » Sat Jul 01, 2006 2:34 pm

Our options are very much restricted because of the serious mistakes and crimes we committed, basically after independence in 1959.

Wrong. Our options are restricted simply because of the balance of power and nothing else. The Turks have committed, and continue to commit as we speak, 100 times more and worst crimes against us (and against many others). Why aren't they punished by ethnic cleansing and the loss of 1/3rd of their country??

So Bananiot keep the "pants down and bent to be screwed" way of thinking for your own personal life. You like it, we don't. Cypriots have long rejected this kind of perversions and you have no right to force such things on the rest of us who value dignity, democracy and human rights apparently way more than you do.

Zoppovorto, webmagus or whatever else you like to be called, didn't you say that you wouldn't bother us with your anti-Cypriot crap again? At least now you choose a nick name that it is appropriate for you.
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Postby zoppovortoi » Sat Jul 01, 2006 2:42 pm

What exactly is your problem?

Did you take your pills today?

You disagree in what?

In what Ezekias have said?

Is well known do you want some links?

Do you disagree about our decisions or about the history facts I’ve posted?

What is your problem?

Did you take your pills today?
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Postby Piratis » Sat Jul 01, 2006 3:01 pm

Zoppovorto, i stopped wasting my time with your posts since the time you posted as webmagus.
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Postby zoppovortoi » Sat Jul 01, 2006 3:05 pm

I don’t know what webmagus mean but I hope what you mean what you are saying.

If you don’t like my posts and you are unable to discuss is better to not disturb me and my posts again and everything will be just fine.

Have a nice life.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jul 01, 2006 3:14 pm

Piratis why do you bother , are you also , like me , in the darkness regarding "orgasms "

Bananiot , unlike the previous effort to unite the "planet" with Soviet expansion and the spread of communism , European Union is by invitation only with stringent conditions attatched , not an invasion resulting into dictatorial regimes accountable to the central power of Moscow.European nations have benefited enormously since the birth of the EEC now EU , and day by day closer integration is achieved . No major wars either !
Can I also ask you the same question I put to Piratis ( see above )
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