Moving over to Cyprus in September 2006. At home we run a part time karaoke disco that is pretty successful. Is there much mobile work available? Thanks Jo
Im not sure about mobile/private hire work but there are tons of Karaoke pubs/bars in Limassol. Im there with me woman every week as she is a incredible singer.
The Irish Bar : The Step Inn - A fantastic place and by far the most popular in Limassol.
Well that's what i used to think until i met a girl out here with a voice of an angel. Im into Drum & Bass, HipHop, Breaks, Dancehall etc (urban music) but i can still appreciate 'real' music/songs. Hearing a great voice can really do something to you and move you in ways you never realised!
At the end of the day it's all just good fun, better then just dossing around drinking & getting p****d!