My business was regularly 'raided' by the VAT man, Social Insurance Inspectors etc., in many cases koumbares (friends/'cousins') of my competitors. Rumours were spread about the company going out of business; competitors tried to persuade my landlord NOT to rent my office to me.
A Britsh company in Paphos set up storage facilites; it was burnt down in an arson attack with all their clients' possessions in it.
But after a while, most people realised I was not the Devil incarnate and have accepted me - and I swop stories with my rivals over coffee. I have never attempted to cheat anyone here and deal with everyone in an honest manner. I employ Cypriot staff; they are paid and treated better than in their previous employment, so I guess that has been good PR in the local community
And no car bombs, the occasional 'weapon of choice' between businesses here LOL!
Is my business going well?; to keep up with my spending schedule it has to go well