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Postby andri_cy » Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:34 pm

Owners of the larger supermarkets in Cyprus defied a controversial law that regulates working hours by remaining open between 2pm and 5pm on Thursday, the first day of the official summer period.

Stores already stay open daily until 8pm or 9pm on Fridays and many have started opening on Wednesday afternoons as well.

Supermarket owners and unions alike challenged the law saying that the noon-break created endless problems and costs for workers who had to return home or find somewhere else to go during these hours.

The small shopkeepers’ federation, Povek, is against abolishing the work-hour regulation claiming that its workers could not be protected and would be forced to work later hours, depriving them of precious time with their families.

However, the supermarket owners, who employ the majority of unionised workers and comply by collective agreements -- as against the majority of Povek members that don’t -- say that the 38-hour rule is respected and it is the workers themselves who want to introduce the continuous working hours.

"No one is being forced to work longer than they have to. If they do, they benefit from overtime," said Loizos Hadjiadamou, speaking on behalf of the supermarket owners who also hire seasonal and part-time workers to fill the gaps of their full time employees.

A spokesman for the right-wing trade union SEK said that its members are in favour of abolishing the work-hour regulations, as it would reduce a great cost burden on all workers, many of whom have to travel great distances during the lunch break.

Communist AKEL deputy Sotiroulla Charalambous, who had been at the forefront of mass protests opposing the change in the law a few months ago, admitted that the Ministry of Labour has yet to table a new law in the House that would abolish the work-hour regulations.

"It is a matter of both sides compromising until a new law is tabled, but at the same time, the law must be respected. We cannot have people breaking the law," she said.

They dont have to use the same people. They can split it up in shifts. How do stores do it here and they stay open 24/7
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Postby Sotos » Thu Jun 15, 2006 11:27 pm

Big stores can do it. Small shop owners are the ones that have problem because they will not be able to compete with the big stores. It could force most small shops to close down.
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Postby andri_cy » Fri Jun 16, 2006 12:15 am

Well bottom line is people work and the stores close very close to the time that they get off. They cant go shop on their lunch break because at that time the stores are having a lunch break. Stores should be able to have any hours they want to and be able to do it either by hiring more people or by paying overtime. It should be up to them. Small business owners could find other things to do to compete like have a meat day once a week where they sell meat cheaper or some other kind of plan. The demand is there, it is stupid that we are not able to deliver.
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Postby TheCabbie » Fri Jun 16, 2006 1:17 am

It must be more expensive to keep a store open 24 hours instead of 8/10, I honestly don't think any of us are going to eat or spend more because the stores open longer, therefore, in the end the prices will creap up.

I think the idea sucks!
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Postby malaka » Fri Jun 16, 2006 3:02 am

TheCabbie wrote:It must be more expensive to keep a store open 24 hours instead of 8/10, I honestly don't think any of us are going to eat or spend more because the stores open longer, therefore, in the end the prices will creap up.

I think the idea sucks!

Is it the law to open and close when you are told?????

If so that sucks big time.

You should open your own business whenever you feel like it and for however long you want.
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Postby unique_earthling » Fri Jun 16, 2006 8:38 pm

England went through a similar predicament and yes it did affect the small shopkeepers and many did close, but at the end of the day in every job area, people have suffered because of progress. it is a pity that because of big fish little fish get eaten, but thats been the way of the world for eons, and in an ideal world, everyone would have a share, and no one would be poor..... But it aint gonna happen..
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Postby andri_cy » Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:07 pm

True true
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