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what is missing in cyprus?

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Postby andri_cy » Thu Jun 15, 2006 11:12 pm

Leonidas wrote:
andri_cy wrote:Kikapu, you wouldnt believe that I almost failed enlgish class because my professor wouldnt accept the english spelling in my essays. she underlined colour and favour and favourite and neighbour with red ink and she put a bunch of exclamations next to them every time. I had to actually go to the Dean and argue that if something is spell in both ways it should be accepted both ways. She kept arguing and she ended up cussing the Dean in front of me so he HAD to fire her to save face. Since then I usually try to adapt for when my child goes to school in a couple of years so she wont have to pay because of where I learned my english.

I have an American-English dictionary if you like to borrow it LOOOOOL

No really!
Whats bad is my husband has tried for years to "help" me pronounce things the "right" way. He gave up when I introduced him to English people who" know how to speak english" . 8)
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Postby Supertrotter » Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:41 am

Svetlana wrote:Hi Supertrotter

Sorry to disappoint you but you will not be leaving Capital Gains Tax behind, in fact, in Cyprus you have to pay CGT even when you sell your own place of residence, unlike emany European countries.



Am I right in thinking though, that there is no CGT on bringing offshore money into CY, unlike UK?
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Postby Natty » Fri Jun 16, 2006 10:07 am

Trains, I really think Cyrpus should have trains, and they need to get rid of those horrible concrete apartment buildings in the cities and buildlovely modern ones.......;)
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Postby Natty » Fri Jun 16, 2006 10:09 am

And renovate lovely existing old buildings, although i think their already doing that....:)
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Postby ecpersonals » Fri Jun 16, 2006 11:32 am

Oh don't get me started on that :-) i know it is not easy to repaint a building, but it really annoys me that they are just allowed to degrade like that, it looks ugly and lowers the value of the properties. There should be a law to force a repainting every xx number of years.
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Postby blondophile » Fri Jun 16, 2006 12:02 pm

Kikapu wrote:
blondophile wrote:Hi,
What I will miss in cyprus apart my family and friends :

A real Expresso !
Some shops like " Carrefour ( a real one with everything inside) leroy merlin, darty, autobacs.)
Take the car and go for a trip with some friends like going in Geneva to see the car exhibition. :(
Paris by night, and all the night club walking on the champs elysée avenue.
My job.
Drive on the left.
my 24mb connection.
And maybe many things else...

But what i wont miss

the automatic radar.
the policemen.
the petrol cost.
the 2hours of traffic.
the tax.
the stupidity of french politics.
the fear of unemployements.
I dont want go to far, and break the beautiful image of paris.

But in cyprus, i will be with the woman i love :D and this will make me forgot all that small details.

You drive on the left in Paris.????????????? Loooooook Ouuuuuuut.!!!!!

Oups I m disturb :shock: :roll: I had problem with left hand drive and drive on the right :roll:

We drive on the right ! but with left hand drive and I will have to drive on the left with left hand drive ( no more mcdonalds drive thru for me)

And also what I will miss : radio !
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Postby blondophile » Fri Jun 16, 2006 12:09 pm

Natty wrote:Trains, I really think Cyrpus should have trains, and they need to get rid of those horrible concrete apartment buildings in the cities and buildlovely modern ones.......;)

That will be faster to put a bomb and after build a new city...

For the trains, build a line between nicosia,larnaca, limassol and paphos will cost some hundred billions and will need 2 or 3 generation to do a benefits... I am not sure about that, but just have a correct bus system could be great !

Repainting ok but please not green, blue, pink ...
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Postby unique_earthling » Fri Jun 16, 2006 12:54 pm

What i miss from England are............ fresh runner beans!!! why dont they grow them here? My friends are getting a bit fed up stuffing their suitcases with them from Marks before they come to visit. But i love em!and needs em! now and again. So if anyone fancies producing them here, i will be your biggest customer.

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Postby natasha007 » Fri Jun 16, 2006 12:59 pm

here's what i miss:
hectic activity on moscow streets (center in particular) at any time of day or night
traffic jams (real ones!! u can really chill out and listen to your fave radio)
ahhh the radiooooo- will we ever have so much choice here?
open minded people and people who really dont give a crap about what u do, wear, who u hang out with, etc
lack of gossippppppppp (national sport over here)
24 hour open stores!!!!
shops working from 10am to 11pm!!!!
the metro (tube equivalent in UK)
knowing that u can go to the theatre (even if you dont go)
book stores!!!!!!! massive and open till 1am!!! (although always crowded....which brings us to the next point.....
...culturally aware people, who rnt stuck in their own little universe....(dont mean to offend anyone :-)
and much much more...

although there many bonuses to living in Cyprus...sea, sun, fun....stability....i do love it...;-)
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Postby littlemiss » Fri Jun 16, 2006 1:53 pm

oh and flaming hot monster munch, and crumpets ( although i think they have them now and then in kokkinos ). My work collegue misses batunburg cake, see we are just food obsessed in this office. I would like to open a shop that sells all the food and drink that you cant buy here normally, or is hard to find......... mmmmmm curley whirleys, and rainbow drops! LOL
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