Leonidas wrote:andri_cy wrote:Kikapu, you wouldnt believe that I almost failed enlgish class because my professor wouldnt accept the english spelling in my essays. she underlined colour and favour and favourite and neighbour with red ink and she put a bunch of exclamations next to them every time. I had to actually go to the Dean and argue that if something is spell in both ways it should be accepted both ways. She kept arguing and she ended up cussing the Dean in front of me so he HAD to fire her to save face. Since then I usually try to adapt for when my child goes to school in a couple of years so she wont have to pay because of where I learned my english.
I have an American-English dictionary if you like to borrow it LOOOOOL
No really!
Whats bad is my husband has tried for years to "help" me pronounce things the "right" way. He gave up when I introduced him to English people who" know how to speak english" .