Did you ever wonder, why the EU accepted the RoC into it's private "Christian Club".? I have, and what I'm beginning to understand better is, that the RoC was not accepted to join the EU block because what it can bring to the EU block, but rather, what it can keep out. What does Cyprus really have economically, military-ly, or any other -ly you can think of to enhance the EU's standing in the world. I would say from next to nothing to nothing. So what was the attraction then .?
EU, who believes in Democracy and civil liberties to all individuals, screwed-up when it gave membership to the RoC, without first unifying the island. Why be in such a hurry to allow a nation who has been involved in a civil war that was mainly of their making, by ignoring the basic foundation of the Constitution, that all citizens are expected to live by. Even internationally organized forum (Annan Plan) to unify the island, was not accepted by the EU, to wait until the problems were resolved, before allowing Cyprus's entry.
CYPRUS BLOCKS EU-TURKEY TALKS was the story in the papers the last couple of days. So can we now please stop with the BS that Cyprus and Greece wants Turkey in the EU block. But they are only 2 of the 25 EU "Christian Clubs" that does not want a Muslim nation joining in. Rather, countries like Germany and France and bunch of others, are now going to be using Cyprus to carry their "POISON PILL" to kill off any chances for Turkey to enter the EU, by linking the Cyprus problems to the talks. What better way to use little ol Cyprus to do other EU's nations dirty work. It was a small price to pay to allow Cyprus come into the EU, if it kept Turkey out.
You may start celebrating by RoC using it's limited power to stop Turkeys EU entry. The only problem is, the RoC is now assuring the GC refugees never to expect to return back to their homes again in Nothern part of Cyprus under the RoC, because the RoC is willing to be the "fall guy" for the EU to win some "browny point" by sticking it's nose way up the EU's ass. This will pave the way for the TC's to start their move to be annexed by Turkey, with it's permanent borders with the RoC, as the "Green Line" exists today. I believe, Turkey will invite all the GC refugees to return to their homes in the "North", if they want to live as a minority group with all rights given to them, which will be part of Turkey.
So can we please stop with all this "Solution to Cyprus" talk on this forum, when the RoC has no intentions in finding a solution, since their "masters" are calling the shots from Brussel. The RoC, has sent it's refugees down the river to drown, so as to be seen as a important political player on the world's stage.