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why do u choise communist party?

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why do u choise communist party?

Postby olgaesplai » Sun Jun 11, 2006 9:14 am

so..i was in cyprus for holiday in was some interesting events (is is right word) for me as a foreigner..espessialy i was surprised about results. sure i know - is a great difference between communist in russia and cyprus...but explain me please - why ppl choise communist...
in russia - who prefer communists....most of old retired ppl, disappointed from new style of life, they lived for that years...and is very difficult to find absolutly change life - and they choise communist style as only one possible for them. in russia - communist party create too much promises - and sure for some category is easier to beleive for promises then do actions....
but ...why...cyprus choise communists....explain me please...
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 11, 2006 10:43 am

The Communists in Cyprus is the reason why America considered Cyprus as the Cuba of the Mediterranean.
The communist party provided , and I'm sure it still does , a lot of help to the ordinary workers in Cyprus.
Along with the jokers of the Greek Communist party , still taken very seriously by the Greeks , they remain buried in the past and derive immense pleasure at having a dig at the Americans at every opportunity .In fact there is a saying in Greece to describe unavoidable unpleasant events "Americanico daxtilo " meaning American finger.
They were solely responsible for Turkeys invasion of Cyprus , that is the dictators in power at the
time ,
and yet no Greek will put the blame on Greece , no its that bloody AMERICANICO DAXTILO.
The Cypriots vote Akel primarily because Akel hates America as much as they do . They are not communists in the true meaning of the word , no what binds them together are the speeches made by Akel's leaders that are so anti American , one a few years back when a delegation visited Cuba !!! What the fuck for , for Castro to tell them that we face a common enemy , meaning of course America.
They carry on hating America and carry on asking why America considers Cyprus an unfriendly nation.
Well there many Cypriots who share my views and we are thankful that in a world dominated by Western World philosophies we have the right to voice our opinions.
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Postby cypezokyli » Sun Jun 11, 2006 12:44 pm

bc they are communists only by name.
they use some of the communist rhetoric but were never communists.
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Postby olgaesplai » Sun Jun 11, 2006 1:09 pm

yes, i see reason now. so it seems it cyprus u have so opposite politisian sides. i mean - goverment and some parties try to follow americe sometimes? am i right?
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Postby sadik » Sun Jun 11, 2006 3:37 pm

Communist party in Cyprus is actually quite liberal in terms of economic policies. There are some very rich businessmen among them. They are, more or less, the equivalent of a social democratic party in a Western European sense. The only differerence is that they still use the words Marxism and Leninism in every other sentence they make. However, this is for nostalgic reasons and they do nothing to that end. They have a very strong organization, which is a center for attraction for young people, with football and the image of Che at the center.
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Postby Piratis » Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:04 pm

AKEL is in practice a socialist party.

It is one of the most stable parties in Cyprus and is doing what it can to help the working class within the limits that EU and the new capitalistic world demands. This, along with tradition, is why people vote for this party.

What Russia had was a bad representation of communism and not how communism (in theory) should have been. No Cypriot would like to see in Cyprus what you had in Russia, and AKEL would not try to enforce such thing even if they got over 50% of the votes.

Democracy is the only way for Cyprus and this is accepted by all parties and the great majority of the people.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:56 pm

Piratis , very eloquently explained , I do wish however that AKEL would make the break from the communist ideology official , and further more its leaders refrained from the many venomous attacks on the USA.
Of course we the Cypriots know that Akel is fundamentally a socialist party but I don't know whether it is seen as such by the USA . Do you think that AKEL could be instrumental in formulating bi-communal political entities , ie perhaps a new party along the lines of let us say The Pan - Cyprus Socialist Party , known as PSK ,
and made up of all Cypriots., dedicated to the unification of Cyprus and the well being of all Cypriots.Such party no doubt would enjoy support from Akel supporters as well as Turkish Cypriot socialists.There Im sure very many Turkish Cypriot politically motivated individuals who have the interests of Cyprus as a whole at heart , and would no doubt welcome such an event.
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Postby olgaesplai » Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:58 pm

i see. thanks for expalnations. just in russia - communist party years before and now - is too much talkative ppl nothing more. they have good electorate too but just reason is the most ppl who vote - is poor ...not so good educted...retired...but actually - communists in russia - just most flexible party....they sold votes for important desigions in our Parlament. results of our elections r worsted - year by year....and is realy reason to be worry. success ppl (or who trying to be) - they stop to beleive any promises...and for most of russians - all parties r the same.
realy - maybe u can create communism in cyprus:))))
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:09 pm

[quote="Piratis" Democracy is the only way for Cyprus and this is accepted by all parties and the great majority of the people.[/quote]


I hope you don't think that, Democracy alone is the glue that holds a country together. Few countries come to mind, where Democracy only applied to the select people. USA and South Africa come to mind, where only from the 1960's in the USA and early 1990's in South Africa, where all citizens enjoy full Democratic rights along with the Civil Liberties. Is Cyprus willing to live by it's Democratic and Constitutional obligations in the future, if the country were to unite it's citizens, as to address their concerns of security and unfair treatment from one group to the other, because just having Democracy, will not be enough.
Last edited by Kikapu on Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cypezokyli » Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:16 pm

miltiades wrote:Piratis , very eloquently explained , I do wish however that AKEL would make the break from the communist ideology official , and further more its leaders refrained from the many venomous attacks on the USA.
Of course we the Cypriots know that Akel is fundamentally a socialist party but I don't know whether it is seen as such by the USA . Do you think that AKEL could be instrumental in formulating bi-communal political entities , ie perhaps a new party along the lines of let us say The Pan - Cyprus Socialist Party , known as PSK ,
and made up of all Cypriots., dedicated to the unification of Cyprus and the well being of all Cypriots.Such party no doubt would enjoy support from Akel supporters as well as Turkish Cypriot socialists.There Im sure very many Turkish Cypriot politically motivated individuals who have the interests of Cyprus as a whole at heart , and would no doubt welcome such an event.

for that to happen , akel should have followed one of the basic ideas of the left - namely internationalism... well it never did.
akel was never able to understand how much nationalism itself carried. the fact that it is the party that has kept its hand clean from tc blood , it doesnot mean that it did something positive towards tcs. especially the last two years akel seems to be less and less trusted by the tcs. the reason is that akel has always put its voting powers over cyprus. it has always chosen the easy way. never took important decisions , never made big mistakes , never wrote history. always a party afraid to assume responsibility.
sadik and piratis are kind of right about akel.
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