How exactly are they acting that makes them look as if they still have Cyprus as a base. Let me tell you something and listen well . If the Brits were not in Cyprus either as tourists ( over 60% of our tourists ) or at the British bases , our economy would be in such a bloody state we would not be in the position we are today , a modern prosperous European nation. The British are by far the largest contributors to our economy , ask any sensible Pafitis and you will get the answer.What is it with you hating the Brits so much. They provided home for over 250 thousand Cypriots , they gave us free health service , free education and gave us the vote in their own country. I understand the role played by successive British governments have been less than friendly towards our island but you can not blame the British people for their governments actions.
I never forget Xmas of 1953 and the kindness and generosity of the ordinary English people towards the needy and the less fortunate children of Cyprus.