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Bye bye al-Zarqawi

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Postby miltiades » Fri Jun 09, 2006 8:52 am

Sotos , Bush was elected by democratic means and he is answerable to his people . Please don't make a comparison between the President of a democratic country and a common murderer who has inspired the killing of his own people and and of the people of Iraq. He personally dug the knife deep into the neck of one of his victims , the whole time the victim was screaming in agony where this pervert psychopath was chanting God is great.
I know that most of my compatriots are anti American , and this is another reason why the Cyprus problem still exists.
Remember that the States considered Cyprus way back in Makarios's time as the Cuba of the Mediterranean.
They consider Cyprus now as an unfriendly nation and I along with thousands of pro American Cypriots are endeavouring to reverse this attitude.
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Postby cypezokyli » Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:38 am

betting guru wrote:Im pretty sure if you add up the lives that have been lost due to religion through wars and religous maniacs and the lives saved by religion via so called miracles then I think good deeds would be heavily outnumbered by bad deeds.

There would without doubt be more people alive today and more people living without being persecuted daily if religion never existed. FACT.

i agree that religion is the opium of the masses.
i agree that the church (and not religion) has become an institution to exploit the masses. or even take advantage of their blind beliefs. the most recent example is the president of the superpower. he is a stateman who will always referes to god in his speeches. people even voted for him because they like their president to say that he believes in god!!! i am not sure that god can actually help in such cases !

BUT , i donot believe that there are religious wars. most of them have economic motives behind them (not all though) and the leaders in order to have the people "rally around the flag" they play either the religion or the ethnicity card in some cases the "class struggle" card (if the group is religiously and ethnically homogenous) . from all three the ethnicity card has always been the most stronger. Always.

imo there are no religious wars. saddam was not religious. nor did he built a muslim state like the taliban . he was just another dictator. there are no religious wars because if one takes oil out of the equation then the chances of an intervention of "freedom and democracy" or " a religious war" wouldnt have existed.

the fact that religion is now used to mobilise the people in iraq is for three reasons :
first it was suppressed by saddam.

second there is a foreign occupying power, and they need some unifying factor and they found it in religion. remember the way we had learned in school about the struggle against the non-believers (apistoi)

third , there are a number of elites that want to take advantages of the power gap that exist currently in iraq. so they came up with the idea of splitting muslims into two camps and fight against each other , while kurds on the other hand donot appear to give a damn about the divide between sunnis and shias.

in short america is not there because they are the good guys or they cared about the iraqi people. they are there to protect their own interests.

in short the civil war is not a religious one. it is , as in most civil wars , a war for power.
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Postby raymanuva » Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:17 am

i know what happens when u go pro american in middle east :)

Half of United states are retarded people & rednecks - they voted Bush. But i think maybe next time the whole world should elect US Preseident as it affects us more than those who live in USA.
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Postby Leonidas » Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:44 am

raymanuva wrote:i know what happens when u go pro american in middle east :)

Half of United states are retarded people & rednecks - they voted Bush. But i think maybe next time the whole world should elect US Preseident as it affects us more than those who live in USA.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
And you people want the US to help????
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Postby Leonidas » Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:46 am

Sotos wrote:Bush should be next ;) He is responsible for more deaths than al-Zarqawi!

WOW Soto

I never expected something like this from a democratic person like you.

Get a life man.
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Postby Alexander » Fri Jun 09, 2006 10:57 am

Leonidas wrote:
Sotos wrote:Bush should be next ;) He is responsible for more deaths than al-Zarqawi!

WOW Soto

I never expected something like this from a democratic person like you.

Get a life man.

Get a life man-

Which is more than your “mate” Bush has afforded the poor people of Iraq. Very amusing that a US pilot from 20 000 ft dropping a payload of bombs on civilians is a hero. You live in a sick world.
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Postby saravakos » Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:23 pm

Leonidas wrote:
Sotos wrote:Bush should be next ;) He is responsible for more deaths than al-Zarqawi!

WOW Soto

I never expected something like this from a democratic person like you.

Get a life man.

theres no doubt your president is a warmonger

come on now...
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Postby Filitsa » Fri Jun 09, 2006 3:16 pm

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Postby andri_cy » Fri Jun 09, 2006 5:48 pm

raymanuva wrote:i know what happens when u go pro american in middle east :)

Half of United states are retarded people & rednecks - they voted Bush. But i think maybe next time the whole world should elect US Preseident as it affects us more than those who live in USA.

Ummm what the hell????
Thats why The people in the US wont put pressure on anyone about Cyprus getting help. Because you are on forums and in newspapers and whatever else talking about how the president needs to be killed and how we are all retarded and rednecks. So, next time you want to put a blam on the US about not helping think about your attitude towards its people. People never give Bush a chance. Being a new president on 9/11 wasnt the easiest thing to do. I want to see what all of you talking crap about him would have done differently.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Jun 09, 2006 6:54 pm

Andri , your so correct , here we are blaming Americans for everything and yet we demand that they put pressure on Turkey and support us. Fat chance.
Well we owe America a great deal , Europe owes America a great deal , when the Nazis were occupying all of Europe it was to America that we looked for help. If only our compatriots thought with their interests at the forefront of their ideals then America would be their best friend. Moronic attacks on America by brainless imbeciles that pretend that they care so much about Iraq , and they are using that as just an excuse to have a dig at the USA.
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