Saravacos , I'm Greek Cypriot Orthodox by birth , non believer in the creator by choice. I do not believe in the existence of God or a power that determines the direction of this or any other world by selective means.
I have tremendous respect for many religious beliefs and philosophies that go hand in hand with religious teachings.
As a way of life , religion can be a guiding force for a moral upbringing that teaches you to do all the things for instance the 10 commandments. Where religion and I depart is when common decency and sense take a secondary position to religious teachings as interpreted by scholars as gospel. I condemn all violence carried out by people that believe they are doing god's work.
My children were christened in the Orthodox church as is our tradition to so . My views were nor aired when the children were young , but now they are adults and can decide for them selves hence they know of my beliefs.
I still think that religion , or fanatical adherence to a faith , can lead to human misery and divisions.