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Partition: Will Turkey and TCs ever change their aim?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby andri_cy » Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:46 pm

I think I am a self appointed cuckoo people policeman and I am afraid I have to detain all of you. I dont care if you are Greek Cypriots or Turkish Cypriots. You are all going down...
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Postby RichardB » Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:50 pm

The wifes a Greek Cypriot, If I told her she was going down she'd give me a good slap !!
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Postby MR-from-NG » Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:03 pm

I think I am a self appointed cuckoo people policeman and I am afraid I have to detain all of you. I dont care if you are Greek Cypriots or Turkish Cypriots. You are all going down...

I have no problem with that. I have been down all my life. Andry at least you got the cuckoo right. :lol: :lol:
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:59 pm

You got that right mrfron! I need to know how to spell my title right. Now if any of you has any oil, I will spare you if you give it to me. If not, I will not take olives or oranges. So you know your fate.... And Richard, in my book if you are married to a Greek Cypriot you are going down by association mwaahahahaha
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Re: Partition: Will Turkey and TCs ever change their aim?

Postby Kikapu » Thu Jun 08, 2006 6:54 pm

Piratis wrote:Partition has been the demand of the Turkish and Turkish Cypriots extremists for decades. Unfortunately it seems that after 32 years of brainwashing the Turkish military that now rules Turkish Cypriots has managed to put this dream in the minds of the majority of Turkish Cypriots.

The great majority of Greek Cypriots has long abandoned their extreme aim for union with Greece. Will Turkish Cypriots ever do the same for the sake of a solution, or do they think that they now have the upper hand and they can therefore push for their maximum demands?

Talad (like his predecessor) and Turkey don't stop talking about their "trnc", and it became quite obvious that the leadership of Turkey (at least) is not willing to accept any solution that would truly unify Cyprus, but only "solutions" that would legalize the results of the invasion and make the partition permanent and official (e.g. Annan plan).

So the question is: Will Turkey and Turkish Cypriots ever voluntarily change their aim in Cyprus and accept that Cyprus should be a single nation, or they will insist upon their racist and separatist aims?


Partition of Cyprus as suggested in 1957 by Turkish Cypriot leader, Dr Fazil Kuchuk, in his pamphlet “The Cyprus Question: A Permanent Solution”, along the lines shown on the map. The proposed “Turkish part” is the shaded area in the north of the island.


Now that you have written what the attitude of the TC's are and their leaders in the "TRNC", for keeping the long dreamt partition going strong after 32 years, and that a solution is not, on the minds and hearts of the majority TC's, it's only fair to write also, how the situation would have been for the TC's today (2006) had the majority GC's were not forced to abandon their quest to be part of Greece. Perhaps it would have went something like this.....

It's 2006 already. Where did the last 43 years go. We are still asking and waiting for the majority on the island to break away from Greece and be an independent country again as we were from 1960 to 1963. But the majority on the island and the Greek government do not consider us to have any rights. We demand our Human rights and return of all our properties, rather than living in enclaves. We want our right like any other country in the world.

Because the majority were able to ignore the constitution and become part of Greece, the minority has been ignored, as if we are not part of, what use to be called, Republic of Cyprus. We were told this has been and will always be a Greek island and those butchers from Turkey killed 20,000 Greeks in 1571, so now we're for once and for all going to keep the island to become part of Greece, otherwise, one of these days, Turkey will try to partition the island.

This is our home. I don't want to be part of Greece. We don't have anything in common with them. At least we are all able to speak Greek to understand the news as to what is going on, on the island. They promised us that one day soon, Cyprus will be an independent country again, where we would all share our common goals, to form a unity, without racist masters from Greece towards us. We have been waiting for the last 43 years. How much longer are we going to wait........

I think this will put things in prospective as to what if...a little like the film "sliding doors" really.
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Postby Alexander » Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:04 pm

mrfromng wrote:the village idiot has spoken.

TALAT is not the village idiot, he is the village TOILET. Can you flush him, once you have finished your ablutions?
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:24 pm

Alexander wrote:
mrfromng wrote:the village idiot has spoken.

TALAT is not the village idiot, he is the village TOILET. Can you flush him, once you have finished your ablutions?


You need to ask the admin to set up a kids page for you, so that you can entertain yourself. I dont know why you hang around the adults page.!!
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Postby miltiades » Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:40 pm

Well put Kikapu , but you must admit that for all his obnoxiousness he does have a morbid sense of humour , I do occasionally chuckle at his comments.
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Postby Piratis » Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:47 am

how the situation would have been for the TC's today (2006) had the majority GC's were not forced to abandon their quest to be part of Greece

Kikapu the majority of GCs did not support union with Greece in 1974. What happened was an illegal coup that tried to kill Cyprus president and do what they wanted by force. Greek Cypriots fall victims first of the coup and then of the Turkish invasion.

Makarios writes General Ghizikis, July 1974

One of the alleged triggers for the coup against Makarios was his insistence that the Greek troops be removed from Cyprus. This letter to the Apresident@ of Greece is frequently cited as one of the provocations to the Athens military junta.


Nicosia, 2nd July 1974

Mr. President,

It is with deep regret that I am bound to report to you certain unacceptable conditions and facts, for which I consider the Greek Government responsible.

Since the secret arrival in Cyprus of General Grivas, in September 1971, rumours have circulated and there were well founded indications that he came to Cyprus urged and encouraged by certain circles in Athens. It is, however, certain that Grivas, from the first days of his arrival in Cyprus, was in touch with Greek officers from Greece, serving in the National Guard, by whom he was given help and support in his efforts to form an illegal organisation and to struggle allegedly for Enosis. He created the criminal organisation "EOKA B", which was the cause and the source of many ills for Cyprus. The activities of this organisation which, under the mantle of patriotism and Enosis slogans, has committed political assassinations and many other crimes are well known.

... ... izikis.htm

The Speech by Makarios Delivered before
the UN Security Council on 19 July 1974

I would like at the outset to express my warmest thanks to the members of the Security Council for the keen interest they have shown in the critical situation created in Cyprus after the coup, which was organised by the military regime of Greece and was put into effect by the Greek officers serving in and commanding the Cyprus National Guard. I am particularly grateful that the Security Council has agreed to postpone its meeting until my arrival here to give me the opportunity of addressing it on the recent dramatic events in Cyprus.

What has been happening in Cyprus since last Monday morning is a real tragedy. The military regime of Greece has callously violated the independence of Cyprus. Without trace of respect for the democratic rights of the Cypriot people, without trace of respect for the independence and sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus, the Greek junta has extended its dictatorship to Cyprus. It is indeed a fact that for some time now their intention was becoming obvious. The people of Cyprus had for a long time feeling that a coup by the Greek junta was brewing, and this feeling became more intense during the recent weeks when the terrorist organisation 'EOKA B', directed from Athens, had renewed its wave of violence.
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Jun 09, 2006 2:18 pm

[quote="Piratis"][Kikapu the majority of GCs did not support union with Greece in 1974. What happened was an illegal coup that tried to kill Cyprus president and do what they wanted by force. Greek Cypriots fall victims first of the coup and then of the Turkish invasion. [quote]


Makarios cannot escape blame for Grivas's attempt for trying to grab Cyprus for Greece in 1974. Makarios was "aiding and betting" attempts to join Greece from 1960's or so, by building his private army against the will of the constitution. Between 1960 and 1974, I believe majority of the GC's would have been comfortable had it succeded in uniting with Greece. We can not only blame Makarios, because at the end of the day, he was chosen by the people, just like, we can blame the American people for voting in George Bush for the second time, despite his criminal activities against humanity in his first term of office.
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