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Postby andri_cy » Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:11 am

mountainman wrote:
andri_cy wrote:

She cant up and change. She will be signing a 1 year contract with them.

ok It is not a long period. In a year she will manage to save up to 5000 cy pounds and have work experience to be acknowledged for any other potential employer. What it matter is how committed she/he is with this type of job and whether she/he will be enjoying this kind of Job in the hotel!

She will be paid £5850, there is no way she will be able to save £5000 of it if she wants any life outside work[/quote]

I never said she would be able to save 5000, michalis said that. I just said she would be locked in a contract. I think you are a bit confused.
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Postby RichardB » Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:26 am

Hi Pauline.

Having worked in the hospitality trade for 30 years (50% of that in Cyprus) I can say that the offer you have been made is about the norm for the island.
Compared to uk salaries it does seem low but there are other things to take into account such as quality of life, Also the wage will probably be substantially increased by tips recieved etc.
Regarding sharing a room what usually happens is that persons 'living in' will usually find someone they get on with well and end up sharing with them.
As i said the hours and pay are about the norm (until recently my son was working in bar in Nicosia for the same salary but without accommadation)
Constantinou Bros is an established company so you will not have any problems getting your salary unlike some of the smaller companies which shall we say sometimes tend to 'muck you about with your wages'.
You say you are thinking of coming over and getting a job when you are over here, I would say accept the offer you have been given, at least you will have some security.
Go for it and enjoy
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Postby Zopy » Wed Jun 07, 2006 3:07 pm

I've worked as a receptionist in a hotel in Paphos. I worked 8 hours, 6 days a week but eventually asked for 5 days because it was getting too tiring. I have only worked in Louis' Hotels so i can only tell you about what I've seen there, I don't know if Constatinou Bros will be the same. If you are staying at the hotel, you are fed 3 meals a day. You should ask to know more about your accomodation, I know that where I worked sharing accomodation meant sharing it with more than 3 people somewhere in the hotel basement.

Its not that bad staying at the food, accomodation and you can do whatever you want when you're not working. Plus if you live in the hotel you work at, then it means no bus taking or walking to work.

Receptionist is tiring at first: there's alot to learn about how things work and you have to stay standing for the majoriy of the 8 hours you work which is quite painful to your legs until you get used to it!

I would still say go for it though, its a great experience and looking back I had a lot of fun..
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 07, 2006 3:19 pm

Are people sharing a hotel room or a flat style accomodation, with seperate sleeping rooms, with a common living room and a kitchen. Also, will this be a net pay or the taxes are yet to be taken out.?
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Jun 07, 2006 5:39 pm

Kikapu wrote:Are people sharing a hotel room or a flat style accomodation, with seperate sleeping rooms, with a common living room and a kitchen. Also, will this be a net pay or the taxes are yet to be taken out.?

she said she will be getting paid 450 a month. Thats a little over 5K. The first 10K is tax free.
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Postby pauline » Wed Jun 07, 2006 6:06 pm

hi ! Cheers for all these answers... I still haven't decided ... I realised that the salary is actualy £400 a month, but it's net. For the accomodation, the guy said it would be a studio, to share with one girl.. I'm still trying to know if it will be seperate rooms or not.
For the contract, someone said I was "stuck in it" but don't you think I could resign it if I find something better ? Maybe there is a notice or something ? What's the norm in Cyprus for work contract ?
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 07, 2006 7:08 pm


Each day you wait to sign the contract, your monthly salary will go down even more. You lost £50 pounds since yesterday.!!! What a studio means to me is, live and sleep in the same room, with a place to cook in the corner. A bit like camping really.!! If you want to walk away from the contract, they will most likely want the airfare money back, charge you for past rent and food, and expenses to find someone else, and not give you a good reference letter or any, and probably would have to sleep with the boss also. In the end, you will owe them more than they gave you. You are a foreigner, they will prey on you, and you would not know who to ask for help. You sound like a young person who has not had much experience abroad, but egar to go out to the world. Like Cat Stevens song goes " It's a wild world".

PS. Try to have a 3 months probation period in your contract.
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Postby RichardB » Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:23 pm

Kikapu wrote:Pauline,

Each day you wait to sign the contract, your monthly salary will go down even more. You lost £50 pounds since yesterday.!!! What a studio means to me is, live and sleep in the same room, with a place to cook in the corner. A bit like camping really.!! If you want to walk away from the contract, they will most likely want the airfare money back, charge you for past rent and food, and expenses to find someone else, and not give you a good reference letter or any, and probably would have to sleep with the boss also. In the end, you will owe them more than they gave you. You are a foreigner, they will prey on you, and you would not know who to ask for help. You sound like a young person who has not had much experience abroad, but egar to go out to the world. Like Cat Stevens song goes " It's a wild world".

PS. Try to have a 3 months probation period in your contract.

Pauline please pay no attention to the above.

Yes a studio is small. what we would call a bedsit in the Uk only more modern.
You will NOT be liable to pay back any rent and cost of food consumed.
If you walk out of a contract for no good reason then you would be liable for the reimbursement of travel costs ( This is normal practice in any EU country)
As for sleeping with the boss, well i would treat that comment with the contempt it deserves.
You are not a foriegner you are a member of an EU country going to
work in another EU country with the same rights as you would have in the UK.
Cyprus is a civilized country and I can tell you from 30 years experience that the hospitality trade in Cyprus is Fair and compares well with the UK
Please dont be put off by the comments above.

The posting from zopy just about sums it up
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:36 pm

Kikapu wrote:Pauline,

Each day you wait to sign the contract, your monthly salary will go down even more. You lost £50 pounds since yesterday.!!! What a studio means to me is, live and sleep in the same room, with a place to cook in the corner. A bit like camping really.!! If you want to walk away from the contract, they will most likely want the airfare money back, charge you for past rent and food, and expenses to find someone else, and not give you a good reference letter or any, and probably would have to sleep with the boss also. In the end, you will owe them more than they gave you. You are a foreigner, they will prey on you, and you would not know who to ask for help. You sound like a young person who has not had much experience abroad, but egar to go out to the world. Like Cat Stevens song goes " It's a wild world".

PS. Try to have a 3 months probation period in your contract.


I just wanted you to be aware, that when you sign a contract that you're not very sure about, far away from home, whether you want to see it to the end or not, that there're consequences. Take everything I said earlier with a pinch of salt.

Good luck in Cyprus and keep us posted.
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Postby sniper » Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:02 pm

i worked at athena beach for 2 years.. not advisable.. girl you can find better..
try elysium.. they have as we say cypriot contracts here.. some hotels provide accommodation at a cost of about 70 -100 pounds.. but with these contracts you get 2 days off 13th and 14th salaries, paid holidays, social insurances and pension.. don't be fooled by promises.. although at the constantinou hotels you get a set amount but with the cypriot it is lower in winter, about 450.. at constantinou that's your basic monthly anyway..
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