Copyright © Cyprus Mail 2006
6/6/6: just another day?
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
WITH some Christian women dreading the prospect of giving birth to devil children this Tuesday, the 666 industry got under way in Hollywood with the release of a remake of The Omen to mark the date, 6/6/06.
Cyprus also gets to share in this momentous global release.
For those who never saw Damien the devil child on his killing spree, the 1976 original starring Gregory Peck and Lee Remick centred on the modern-day birth and rise to power of the so-called Antichrist.
For centuries, scholars and also those less scholarly have tried to interpret the Book of Revelation, which lays out a series of visions seen by St John the Apostle on the Greek island of Patmos in 95 AD.
All that most have managed to deduce is a catalogue of horrors that will be visited on the Earth and humanity, in what are called the “end times”. Wars, pestilence, famine, beasts, apocalyptic horsemen, you name it, John saw it.
Probably the most striking of the revelations is the prediction of the beast with the number 666, who will bring the world to ruin after the birth of the Antichrist, which signals the beginning of the end, starting with seven years of tribulation.
Now 6/6/06 is almost upon us and reports are coming in, particularly from the US and Britain, of expectant mothers begging doctors to induce their babies a couple of days earlier, even though technically the date has an inconvenient zero. Neither will it be the first 6/6/06 in history, and nothing much happened on 6/6/1906 as far as anyone knows.
In Britain, one woman who was not spooked in the least said she would call her new baby Damien if he arrived on Tuesday.
Apart from the mothers to be, the movie, and the Internet chat-room deluge, in one Norwegian town authorities were worried abut Satanist activities, but tellingly the local chapter told them the number 666 held no significance for them. What do they know that us spooked Christians don’t?
Doomsayers believe the day will bring a marked increase in Satanic power and some think a comet will hit the earth, while one website said the Antichrist had already arrived and his name was George (six letters) Walker (six letters) Bush Jr (six letters).
“The violence and destruction that began when Bush first entered office is now certain to culminate in the Apocalypse, as predicted in the Bible over 2,000 years ago,” warned Stephen Hanchett at
Let’s face it, the Book of Revelation is an extremely complex text, full of symbolism, and John was probably seeing things, perhaps future things, which he had no prior experience of and no labels to stick on.
That is not to say what he saw or wrote was meaningless, but any scholar will tell you that the Bible should not be taken literally. Doing so has been known, and is still known, to cause wars. The Bible can be used to justify almost anything depending on your perspective.
One of the biggest misapprehensions with regards to Revelation is that the word “Antichrist” does not actually appear there at all. It was only mentioned in letters from John to his churches.
While the clergy in Cyprus was reluctant to comment on the meaning of 666 they doubted that the date 6/6/06 held any meaning whatsoever. One said many of the prophecies in Revelation had already come to pass.
One local student of “end times” prophecies, who did not wish to be named, said that if one looked to numerology, the meaning of 666 changed completely.
“First of all in numerology the number six means man or humanity in general. This number equates to man being created on the sixth day,” he said. “Revelation says 666 is the number of ‘a man’ but it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility that it was mistranslated and that ‘a’ should not be there.”
The student said 666 in numerology added up to 9 (6+6+6=18, 18=1+8=9). “Nine is the highest level that man can attain. It stands for completion and represents all of humankind, Universal Man.”
By this token, he said the ‘beast’ referred to in revelation is the kind of world we have created, the system in which we live, materialism or mammon, serving “the earthly kingdom” as opposed to the kingdom of God. Hmm, 666 is also 999 upside down.
“Revelation says the whole world worshipped the beast. We carry the mark of the beast and cannot buy or sell without it. We belong to the system because it’s very hard to function without being part of it,” said the student. “The mark is supposed to be on our foreheads or arms. This could represent our thinking and our doing. We usually obey the beast, or worldly governments, if you will. Most of this stuff is symbolic.”
Phew. Well that’s a relief, no beast coming out of the sea with horns or Antichrists making us bow down to them, at least not in the literal sense. “Antichrist literally means to be the opposite of Christ-like,” said the student. “Our world today is more anti-Christ than Christ-like”.
And speaking of Bible typos, the real kicker in all this is that recent deciphering of a fragment from the Oxyrhynchus papyri, the oldest surviving copy of the New Testament, dating to the third century, gives 616 as the mark of the beast. This means the ominous date passed on January 6 and in the US on June 1.
So what does all this add up to? It probably means that Tuesday will be just another day. We hope.