by unique_earthling » Thu Sep 21, 2006 6:54 am
There are two sides to the coin, one is the fact that just by hearing the mentallity here tells me, it would not have taken much to want to get rid of the TC's from your and i say your island as all the GC's keep reiterating this fact albeit in a subtle and psychologically freudian way. one was when report from cyprus asked about what cyprus had and someone quickly answered the greek language. Of course you dont have enough depth or emotional intelligence to see that it may be possible that the government 32 years ago tried to get rid of the TC's from their island and they fought back. That propaganda was rife as it is in most war torn countries, and they told you only what they wanted you to believe. Perhaps there may have been faults on both sides. Some of you are even too young to have been involved, yet you are carrying your parents account and hatreds far into the next era and also your own childrens hatred and so on.. And you dont or cant even see that this is counter productive to yours and your islands health and balance. I do not hate Cypriots, what i hate is injustices, and the pain caused by ignorance and anger on the innocent. Thats why i am an advocate for animal welfare, not sotos because as you stated i cant get a real job. I used to work for the TV here for nearly 2 years, and believe me the egos and stupidity caused me to evaluate the job and i left to pursue something i felt fed my soul.. and that was to help animals to champion them as the cypriot nation had no interest in them.. I cant change the mentallity but i dont have to be a part of it..