Look I don't want to go into the whole the Gc's started it, or actually the TC's started it, because from what I have read it seems that both parties kicked things off...Or even whether Makarios was "bad" or not, however what people have to take into account is the fact that the people that wanted ennosis at that time, ie the junta and EOKA-B who were again supported by less than 2% of the population, had to attempt to kill Makarios to get what they wanted.....however I am not saying that he never made any mistakes....I know that the TC's are scared that some extremest GC's will come into powere and oppress them, but that is impossible in Cyprus now, even after Makarios was overthrown he was back in goverment a few days, or weeks later (not sure when). Cyprus is a democracy after all......The Gc's are not after the TC's, they do not want to get rid of them, or oppress them they just want a united Island..The only way this problem is going to be resolved is by the Cypriot people trusting each other...I think the Majority, Minority seems to be a big thing....GC's maybe feel that the TC's compared to other minorities are getting slightly more than they should, and that the GC's because of this have to sacrifice more things than the TC's and maybe the TC's feel that if they don't get these things they will be oppressed...I don't know, but the two side's need to listen to each other and stop being so stubborn, like all Cypriots seem to be especially my mum.....lol
And yes the intercommunal fighting was just that, intercommunal, a similar number on both sides were killed, thats what the figures say anyway....But again it was provoked by people who did not want good for this country, or it's people, they tried to make it Greek, again'st Turk..We should be angry with them not each other....Actually we shouldn't be angry at all,we should move on and forgive....

Cypriots need to be able to make there own decisions, however they still do not have the luxury to do this..for example the annan plan, GC's rejected it because they felt that it was being dictated by other countries, Britain and America....Just like the Zurich agreement, they did not another flawed plan that was bound to not work...well at least I think thats why, thats what it seems like to me anyway...