Go study the old constitution of Serbia and Montenegro.
We will not be a minority in our our own country run by the numerically larger GCs.
First of all Viewpoint, Montenegrians own Montenegro. You do not own northern Cyprus, in fact 82% of the population of norther Cyprus are Greek Cypriots, who have now been ehtnically cleansed by the Turkish army.
Secondly, Serbia and Montenegro have now split up. As I said in another post (or rather as your own Serdar Denctash said) this confederation/association of two mostly independent countries that you demand (like Annan plan) is just a stepping stone for official partition. Telling us about Serbia and Montenegro is yet another confirmation for this.
Really Piratis, these agreements did not work back then and will not work today you yourself complain about imbalances in favor of the TCs and I argue that they will not protect my being excluded in the future as it is today. Move on we need a new agreement which we have been unable to agree since 1963, its not a one way street we are both as stubborn as each other.
So if the imbalance of the 1960 agreements was in favor of TCs now we should change them and make them even more in favor of TCs???

Were is the logic in that?
If this is what we mutually agree in a comprehensive solution then I definately agree. But we have not been able to agree it have we?
You do not agree because you have 40.000 troops illegally occupying RoC and you are trying to force on us your outrageous demands.
I have no problem living on the same island with GCs so dont tell me to give live elsewhere, we are not going anywhere we are here to stay, you can go live under Greek rule if you wish but we will notbe forced to do the same. You maybe the numerical majority but we are 2 equal partners trying to form a new partnership that both our communities can commit to 100%. the sooner you come to terms with this idea the better.
All Cypriots should be equal citizens. The times of apartheid are over Viewpoint.
You cannot steal something which partially belongs to you in the first place
Really? So if me and you co-own something and I take it just for myself is not stealing??
both sides have to compromise otherwise we will continue with the current status quo
So far you only ask from compromises from our side. What are your compromises? To give back to us part of what belongs to us anyways?
Would you accept the same kind of "compromises" from us? (e.i accepting that you will get only part of what you legally owned with 1960 agreements)
trust has to be established and we have to work together in order to show both communites that this can be done and that their is nothing to fear and that all people living in a united Cyprus will be treated the same without discrimination or hinderence.
This is what I always say.
At the same time we need safe guards to ensure that the country is run jointly and that one community does not force its will upon the other, repeating the mistakes of the past.
The country should be run by all Cypriots as a whole in a democratic way, just like every other country is run. Cyprus should take examples from other multi-ethnic countries, and there are many. Unfortunately your favorite example seems to be the former apartheid of South Africa. Please allow us not to want such thing for our country.