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TRNC champions

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Piratis » Wed Jun 14, 2006 5:36 am

hopefully one day we'll be able to play a friendly game against our neighbours and brothers, RoC

When people are allowed to return to their own neighborhoods then TC and GC neighbors will be able to play together.

RoCs neighbors are Turkey, Israel, Syria etc. Turkish Cypriots are part of Cyprus and therefore RoC, not neighbours.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 14, 2006 6:04 am

Piratis , your spot on on the definition of neighbours
I will be away for 5 days starting from today , visiting Cyprus , so this is my last post until Sunday.
Will be staying in Limassol .
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 14, 2006 9:32 am

Piratis wrote:
The private tournament, which includes the sides of Zanzibar, Gibraltar, Greenland, Tibet and German hosts Republik St. Pauli, is not affiliated to FIFA, which is the official world governing body for football and which recognises only Cypriot teams affiliated to the Cyprus Football Association (CFA).

Its a private tournament. So Andri you could create your own tournament and invite the PRC (Piratis Republic of Cyprus) to participate.

Since we are talking about the victories of the "TRNC" we should also mention its other victories. The Turks got the first place in the "How many you can butcher in days" competition. It came first in the "Most successful ethnic cleansers" tournament, and it just lost to the Nazis in the final of "Land grabbing and racism" cup.


You have a special talent of not being able to separate or distinguish the difference between Cypriot Turks and Turkey Turks, so you want to brand us all as all the things you have claimed in your quote. Is nice to know what we are being thought of and same time want to live together again under one roof. And you expect us to accept your peace proposals, and live under the majority rule system. Yeh right, I personally would like to go to sleep with both eyes shut, rather than with one open.!!!
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Jun 14, 2006 5:17 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Piratis wrote:
The private tournament, which includes the sides of Zanzibar, Gibraltar, Greenland, Tibet and German hosts Republik St. Pauli, is not affiliated to FIFA, which is the official world governing body for football and which recognises only Cypriot teams affiliated to the Cyprus Football Association (CFA).

Its a private tournament. So Andri you could create your own tournament and invite the PRC (Piratis Republic of Cyprus) to participate.

Since we are talking about the victories of the "TRNC" we should also mention its other victories. The Turks got the first place in the "How many you can butcher in days" competition. It came first in the "Most successful ethnic cleansers" tournament, and it just lost to the Nazis in the final of "Land grabbing and racism" cup.


You have a special talent of not being able to separate or distinguish the difference between Cypriot Turks and Turkey Turks, so you want to brand us all as all the things you have claimed in your quote. Is nice to know what we are being thought of and same time want to live together again under one roof. And you expect us to accept your peace proposals, and live under the majority rule system. Yeh right, I personally would like to go to sleep with both eyes shut, rather than with one open.!!!

Man I wonder if all this would have started if I hadnt asked what FIFI stands for. I was just curious. Didnt mean to start crap.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 14, 2006 5:37 pm

[quote="andri_cy Man I wonder if all this would have started if I hadnt asked what FIFI stands for. I was just curious. Didnt mean to start crap [/quote]


It's not your fault for asking a simple and innocent question like that, but it's those who claim to be all for peace and prosperity with my fellow compatriots shit, then go and brand us like criminals. Actually Piratis showed some mercy to us by not branding us with everything else under the sun. Well, the day isn't over yet !!!
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Postby Piratis » Thu Jun 15, 2006 12:50 am

Kikapu wrote:
Piratis wrote:
The private tournament, which includes the sides of Zanzibar, Gibraltar, Greenland, Tibet and German hosts Republik St. Pauli, is not affiliated to FIFA, which is the official world governing body for football and which recognises only Cypriot teams affiliated to the Cyprus Football Association (CFA).

Its a private tournament. So Andri you could create your own tournament and invite the PRC (Piratis Republic of Cyprus) to participate.

Since we are talking about the victories of the "TRNC" we should also mention its other victories. The Turks got the first place in the "How many you can butcher in days" competition. It came first in the "Most successful ethnic cleansers" tournament, and it just lost to the Nazis in the final of "Land grabbing and racism" cup.


You have a special talent of not being able to separate or distinguish the difference between Cypriot Turks and Turkey Turks, so you want to brand us all as all the things you have claimed in your quote. Is nice to know what we are being thought of and same time want to live together again under one roof. And you expect us to accept your peace proposals, and live under the majority rule system. Yeh right, I personally would like to go to sleep with both eyes shut, rather than with one open.!!!

And were did I talk about Turkish Cypriots in my post? I talked about Turkey and its puppet state in Cyprus, the so called "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" (it is not even called "Turkish Cypriot Republic...", and why should it be when it is controlled by Ankara directly and with half of its population being foreign settlers)

This puppet state is the result of ethnic cleansing. No ethnic cleansing = no "TRNC". It would have been IMPOSSIBLE to create such a pseudo state otherwise, and this is why it is illegal.

So I want to live under one roof with my compatriots, and most of all I want to live as a free equal EU citizen on our island. I wish the exact same thing for all Cypriots. If some of my compatriots support crimes and illegalities based on racial hatred, then what they deserve is jail, and not rewards on the expense of others.
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Postby Kartal_Aetos » Thu Jun 15, 2006 2:10 am

Piratis wrote:This puppet state is the result of ethnic cleansing. No ethnic cleansing = no "TRNC". It would have been IMPOSSIBLE to create such a pseudo state otherwise, and this is why it is illegal.

lets not get into this topic please piratis...there was ethnic cleansing on both sides...and in fact was started by EOKA B...lets not be so hind-sighted that we overlook the painful truth in order to create a "better" truth for ourselves which our minds can accept
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Postby Piratis » Thu Jun 15, 2006 2:50 am

lets not get into this topic please piratis...there was ethnic cleansing on both sides...and in fact was started by EOKA B...lets not be so hind-sighted that we overlook the painful truth in order to create a "better" truth for ourselves which our minds can accept

EOKA B and its Turkish equivalent of TMT (please don't forget that part) were criminal organizations and they did not represent the whole of GCs and TCs but only small minorities.

Turkish Cypriots had gone to enclaves between 1963-68 for many reasons (not just because of EOKA B or GCs) but after 1968 they returned to their homes. Their homes were never taken from them, and nobody ever dinies that they are the legal owners. Not in 63, not 74 not today. On the contrary the 200.000 GCs that were forced to leave from their homes they were never allowed to return, and the occupation regime gave "title deeds" of their properties to others. So please do not confuse these 2 very different things.

When will you allow Greek Cypriots refugees to return to their homes? Or do you think is right to selectively choose a tiny part of history with a crimes committed by a tiny part of GCs (and at the same time forgetting the equivalent TC and Turkish crimes) to convict the whole GC community for eternity?

Sorry Kartal, but we finally have to stop giving lame excuses. If you want we could go into the "who started it first" or "who did the worst" discussions if you still insist that Greek Cypriots are the evils that should be punished with the violations of their human and democratic rights.

However I truly hope we can leave those things behind and stop giving excuses as to why TODAY the human rights of people and international law should be violated.

Today Cyprus is part of EU and all Cypriots would be better off if those excuses were pushed to the side and we could all enjoy being equal Cypriot and European citizens without racist discriminations and racial hatred.
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Postby Issy1956 » Thu Jun 15, 2006 7:31 am

What were the "many reasons" that TC's went into enclaves in 1963 then if it wasnt fear of EOKA and the GC's? They like to cram 18% of the population into 3% of the country?
Their homes were never taken from them? Ours was burnt by the brave GC fighters and we were driven out -the evidence is still there in Nicosia's green zone if you wish to see it. No one denies that we legaly own our burnt home but that was of little comfort to us then.
There is no difference between GC and TC refugees they all fled their homes in fear of their lives it just that there were many of you and fewer of us-its just a question of numbers the end results are the same.
We were driven out by our compatriots and you by an invading army. Some might say you reaped what you sowed.
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Jun 15, 2006 8:30 am

Piratis wrote:
The private tournament, which includes the sides of Zanzibar, Gibraltar, Greenland, Tibet and German hosts Republik St. Pauli, is not affiliated to FIFA, which is the official world governing body for football and which recognises only Cypriot teams affiliated to the Cyprus Football Association (CFA).

Its a private tournament. So Andri you could create your own tournament and invite the PRC (Piratis Republic of Cyprus) to participate.

Since we are talking about the victories of the "TRNC" we should also mention its other victories. The Turks got the first place in the "How many you can butcher in days" competition. It came first in the "Most successful ethnic cleansers" tournament, and it just lost to the Nazis in the final of "Land grabbing and racism" cup.


In your mind, perhaps you meant Turks from Turkey, however, when we all talk about the "TRNC", it should be clear to all by now, that we are talking about Turkish Cypriots, and when you associate butchery, ethnic cleansing, and to top it of with Nazis and land grabbing all in the same paragraph, then it is very difficult as not to be accusing the TC's with your statement.
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