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Poison Laying

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Poison Laying

Postby G.Man » Sat Jun 03, 2006 11:01 am

Can some of you locals explain to me why it is acceptable to throw poison meat indescriminately around areas where there are no stray cats/dogs and the only possible targets are pets?

My cats came to join me in cyprus in may, and within 4 weeks both were dead, the victims of pet murdering poisoners...

One day one of these poisoners is gonna lose a child or member of their family due to their selfish and hateful actions perhaps then they will learn the dangers of such rediculous behaviour..

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Postby michalis5354 » Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:32 pm

Those who do such things are Evils :evil: only evils can do such things in such a brutal manner! I guess these are misereable people who have nothing to do better in their lives !

My grandmother used to have a cat and it was coming often in her house and then I found out that this cat died suddenly (it was such cute cat) and I asked how ? and I ve heard that the neigbour might have poisoned the cat!

No animal on earth can behave in such a brutal manner. Animals can hurt you only If you harm them ! Sometimes animals have more brain!Not sometimes most of the time!
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Postby cypezokyli » Sat Jun 03, 2006 4:31 pm

in cyprus cats -sadly- there is no respect for animals. especially cats.
i dont want to share stories that i have seen bc i am really embarrased to do so.

the poison might have been directed against the cats (yes there are sick people like that) , or there is also the possiblity that someone so a snake and tried to poison it without even bothering to think that cats may be in danger as well.

i am really sorry about your cats
:( :(
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Re: Poison Laying

Postby andri_cy » Sat Jun 03, 2006 10:08 pm

G.Man wrote:Can some of you locals explain to me why it is acceptable to throw poison meat indescriminately around areas where there are no stray cats/dogs and the only possible targets are pets?

My cats came to join me in cyprus in may, and within 4 weeks both were dead, the victims of pet murdering poisoners...

One day one of these poisoners is gonna lose a child or member of their family due to their selfish and hateful actions perhaps then they will learn the dangers of such rediculous behaviour..


I am sorry about your cats but talking about how someone is gonna lose a member of their family is pretty cruel in itself. There are many reason people might be laying poison including rats and snakes and other things people do not want in or around their property. Your pets are your responsibility like mine are my responsibility. Maybe we all need to teach our pets where they can and cannot go and where they can eat or cannot eat from. We cant just put blame on everyone else and then wish harm on them and theirs cause our pets died.
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Re: Poison Laying

Postby G.Man » Sun Jun 04, 2006 6:26 am

andri_cy wrote:
G.Man wrote:Can some of you locals explain to me why it is acceptable to throw poison meat indescriminately around areas where there are no stray cats/dogs and the only possible targets are pets?

My cats came to join me in cyprus in may, and within 4 weeks both were dead, the victims of pet murdering poisoners...

One day one of these poisoners is gonna lose a child or member of their family due to their selfish and hateful actions perhaps then they will learn the dangers of such rediculous behaviour..


I am sorry about your cats but talking about how someone is gonna lose a member of their family is pretty cruel in itself. There are many reason people might be laying poison including rats and snakes and other things people do not want in or around their property. Your pets are your responsibility like mine are my responsibility. Maybe we all need to teach our pets where they can and cannot go and where they can eat or cannot eat from. We cant just put blame on everyone else and then wish harm on them and theirs cause our pets died.

I have never heard so much drivel in all my life...

How is it cruel to point out these idiots might end up killing a small child? This posion laying is illegal and downright dangerous. It is definately aimed at the pets as they throw it in peoples gardens where they know they have pets.

If you think you can teach a cat where it can go during its out time then I am afraid you are far more deluded than your post indicates...

I did not wish harm on anyone, but if english is your second language I will forgive you for that, it quite clearly says that this practice is dangerous and indiscriminate, and an indiscriminate practice puts members of the poisoners family, neighbours, friends etc etc at risk.. My pets are (were) my family, and they died horribly because someone who lies near me has a beef with animals and illegally poisons them..

That isnt my responsibility, its 100% theirs for breaking the law and
targeting my pets...

If I put poison in sweets and give them to your family is it your responsibility for allowing them to eat them or it it mine for being a murdering idiot???

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Postby michalis5354 » Sun Jun 04, 2006 6:58 am

Agree with Gman! What if they are animals? Dont they feel the pain?

Unless something similar happens to them these idiots who do such acts will never grow up !

It was so sad to hear such a cute cat died suddenly because a murderer did not like cats. Neither do I like snakes but still I would never kill a snake !
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Postby G.Man » Sun Jun 04, 2006 7:22 am

Thanks Michalis

There is a real split in cyprus, thos that love animals, and those that cannot stand the sight of them...

Its quite a strange situation where a good portion of the people havent lived a symbiotic life with the animals and have suffered a large stray cat problem as a result...

I being a responsible cat owner had both my cats neutered so they could not breed, and to stop them wandering too far from home in search of a mate, but to others this is just seen as an expense...

I paid a lot of money to ship my cats to cyprus, as leaving a member of the family at home was unthinkable... now I wish I had had more information on this problem and left them in england where people have far more respect for animals...

I guess to some, if you cannot make souvla, kleftico or stifado from it, its a useless animal...

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Re: Poison Laying

Postby andri_cy » Sun Jun 04, 2006 8:08 am

G.Man wrote:
andri_cy wrote:
G.Man wrote:Can some of you locals explain to me why it is acceptable to throw poison meat indescriminately around areas where there are no stray cats/dogs and the only possible targets are pets?

My cats came to join me in cyprus in may, and within 4 weeks both were dead, the victims of pet murdering poisoners...

One day one of these poisoners is gonna lose a child or member of their family due to their selfish and hateful actions perhaps then they will learn the dangers of such rediculous behaviour..


I did not wish harm on anyone, but if english is your second language I will forgive you for that, it quite clearly says that this practice is dangerous and indiscriminate, and an indiscriminate practice puts members of the poisoners family, neighbours, friends etc etc at risk.. My pets are (were) my family, and they died horribly because someone who lies near me has a beef with animals and illegally poisons them..

That isnt my responsibility, its 100% theirs for breaking the law and
targeting my pets...

If I put poison in sweets and give them to your family is it your responsibility for allowing them to eat them or it it mine for being a murdering idiot???


Where in your original post does it actually say: this practice is dangerous and indiscriminate, and an indiscriminate practice puts members of the poisoners family, neighbours, friends etc etc at risk.
And no english isnt my second language and I dont ask to be forgiven for anything.
I never said those people were not to blame at all. Therefore you are the one who misunderstood completely what I said. But, controlling our pets is our responsibility wether we like it or not.
If you put poison in sweets and gave them to my children you of course are a murderer but it is negligence on my part for not making it clear that they shouldnt eat anything someone they do not know well or at all gives them. It happens all the time and as the poisoner might be a sick arse it is still our responsibility to either teach our pets to look out or we need to look out for them.
Again I am sorry about your cats as I know how precious a pet can be. But you are accusing people of doing it on purpose and that might not be the case-of course it might also be. People -right or not- lay poison for a lot of reasons and thats why you need to make sure to loom out for your own pets. If they threw something in YOUR yard and you saw who did it, maybe report them, that will teach them. But if your pet went into someone else's yeard then you are out of luck.
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Re: Poison Laying

Postby G.Man » Sun Jun 04, 2006 11:52 am

andri_cy wrote:
G.Man wrote:
andri_cy wrote:
G.Man wrote:Can some of you locals explain to me why it is acceptable to throw poison meat indescriminately around areas where there are no stray cats/dogs and the only possible targets are pets?

My cats came to join me in cyprus in may, and within 4 weeks both were dead, the victims of pet murdering poisoners...

One day one of these poisoners is gonna lose a child or member of their family due to their selfish and hateful actions perhaps then they will learn the dangers of such rediculous behaviour..


I did not wish harm on anyone, but if english is your second language I will forgive you for that, it quite clearly says that this practice is dangerous and indiscriminate, and an indiscriminate practice puts members of the poisoners family, neighbours, friends etc etc at risk.. My pets are (were) my family, and they died horribly because someone who lies near me has a beef with animals and illegally poisons them..

That isnt my responsibility, its 100% theirs for breaking the law and
targeting my pets...

If I put poison in sweets and give them to your family is it your responsibility for allowing them to eat them or it it mine for being a murdering idiot???


Where in your original post does it actually say: this practice is dangerous and indiscriminate, and an indiscriminate practice puts members of the poisoners family, neighbours, friends etc etc at risk.
And no english isnt my second language and I dont ask to be forgiven for anything.
I never said those people were not to blame at all. Therefore you are the one who misunderstood completely what I said. But, controlling our pets is our responsibility wether we like it or not.
If you put poison in sweets and gave them to my children you of course are a murderer but it is negligence on my part for not making it clear that they shouldnt eat anything someone they do not know well or at all gives them. It happens all the time and as the poisoner might be a sick arse it is still our responsibility to either teach our pets to look out or we need to look out for them.
Again I am sorry about your cats as I know how precious a pet can be. But you are accusing people of doing it on purpose and that might not be the case-of course it might also be. People -right or not- lay poison for a lot of reasons and thats why you need to make sure to loom out for your own pets. If they threw something in YOUR yard and you saw who did it, maybe report them, that will teach them. But if your pet went into someone else's yeard then you are out of luck.

I have bolded the part that says indiscriminately... If they throw it in their garden I wouldnt have an issue with it, as its more likely to hurt them and their family than my cat, but this poison is thrown on waste ground and along pathways... they target places where people walk dogs, and they have been found to follow dog owners and throw it in their back gardens!!!

My comments about the understanding of my message still stand, they throw poison out all over the place, and that means it can hurt anyone, not just cats and dogs... If you failed to understand that, and accuse me of wanting them to hurt their own families, then you take english too literally...

These people are animal haters, much has been discussed about it, and everytime someone says something like "its the cat owners responsibility to control where their cat goes" it demonstrates a complete lack of understanding about animals... and pretty much shows the attitude of the rest of the animal haters in CY.. ie Its fine as long as you dont get caught!

The point here is this practice is totally illegal, and short of me patrolling the streets at night with a night vision camera, I have absolutely no chance of defending my poor cats against these barbaric people!

Only man behaves in this way towards the other creatures on this planet, other animals will only kill for food and to defend ones territory.. In cyprus it is different... People use air guns to kill birds because they dont like cleaning up bird mess, they use poison to kill pets as they dont like dogs and cats.. it is a dangerous and barbaric practice that is illegal... as I said one day some poor innocent child is gonna get this stuff on his/her hands and then eat some sweets and become very ill, or worse, may even die... I truely hope this never happens, but its entirely possible it could...

Cats are an excellent pet, they keep the rodent population down, my cats were known to catch and kill 4-5 mice a day and a few rats a week... rats may eat the poison but mice will not, and snakes definately will not.. they have excellent noses and will only eat live or very very recently killed animals...

It is well known that this practice is deliberately targetting pets in Cyprus, but nobody cares enough to do anything about it unless they get caught red handed!

Animals have as much rights to live in cyprus as people, be they TC's or GC's or any other european citizen...

I say once again, for the hard of understanding THIS PRACTICE IS ILLEGAL, DANGEROUS AND BARBARIC end of story!!!! Luckily I have very good friends in Nicosia police so if I ever catch them, they will be photographed and reported....

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Postby Oneness » Sun Jun 04, 2006 3:14 pm

I was living recently in a hotel in Limassol. During this time I was observing the cat population! Quite clearly some people love them and some people are troubled by them. During this time, three kittens were taken by the hotel owner. One of four adult sisters went missing and her poor little kitten was hiding away, sobbing and afraid. And the black cat saved the day for the hotel.

The missing cat may have moved homes or met some road or poisoning accident but I am tempted to look for it in case it showed up at a lost cat sanctuary. Does anyone know the number of a charity / sanctuary for cat welfare?

If anyone need reminding why we cant do without them, it was when one of the cats stopped a snake in the hotel gardens only feet away from bathers. The dizzy snake retreated and the fight caught the attention of terrified sunbed bathers. Promptly the gardeners brought a spade to finish it off. Apparently it was of the poisonous variety and came from the dry river bed next to the hotel. All I can say is thank god it didnt manage to bite someone.

Does anyone know the number of a charity / sanctuary for cat welfare?
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