When I first heard about the poison laying in Cyprus, I wrote to the CTO, its about 3 months ago.
Today they sent me this email, which IMHO is the biggest load of bullshit I have ever read
The deliberate poisoning of dogs and cats or any other animals is barbarous and unlawful. The law in Cyprus is very strict and the punishment quite severe. It categorically states:
"It is strictly prohibited for any person(s) to provide or administer poison of anykind deliberately and for no reason to any animal".
The poisoning of animals is usually done by using pesticides which contain Methomyl and they are in the market with various commercial names such as Lanate, Lenex, Lanox, Agromethomyl, Methonex etc. These are registered names in Cyprus and throughout most EU countries. However, they are mainly used for agricultural purposes, primarly as pesticides. Therefore, the provision, sale and use of these substances is regulated by special legislation and there is strict and clear warning that they should not, under any circumstances, be given to animals.
Unfortunately, despite this position, a small number of cases of using these pesticides to poison animals is being reported. In such cases the Veterinary Authorities in conjuction with the Cyprus Police do a thorough investigation and when they find relevant evidence the culprits are procecuted.
The Cyprus Veterinary Services regularly inform and advise people how and when to use pesticides so that the poisoning of animals is avoided.
In co-operation with the manufacturers, substances that are revolting and cause vomiting by the animals have been added to the products that contain methomyl. The aim is to prevent the animals from taking bait or if they do consume this substance to vomit. This helps prevent death through poison. As a result there has been a significant decrease in cases of poisoned animals.
The claim that there is a widespread use of poisons to put away animals in Cyprus is therefore incorrect. Furthermore, there are no cases of humans affected from contact with these substances.
We would like to reassure you that the Cyprus Authorities are taking all necessary measures to effectively control the sale, administration and proper use of the above products, with utmost consideration for human, animal and ecological welfare.
Yours sincerely,
Stelios Constantinides
CTO London
Who are they really trying to kid?????