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Poison Laying

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Postby Snad » Sun Jul 02, 2006 5:56 pm

This is the saddest story I have ever heard :cry:
Its good though that at least you spay the cats. It is a terrible problem I know.
Why oh why do people not care here? It breaks my heart to see strays wondering around, if I could afford it I would take the dogs in, although my husband would divorce me if I did. :cry:

I went to Dhekelia once and I could not go again, as I wanted to take them all home, my husband nearly had a coronery. (cant spell that!)

You are doing a wonderful job for these animals. Well done :) If more people cared as you do the world would be a better place.
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Postby unique_earthling » Mon Jul 03, 2006 6:22 am

Andri we have many fund raising events, and thanks for your suggestions. but the cost is huge, and we have also been told we must get off the land we have been using for 20 years as it is now in a built up area, where 20 years ago there was nothing around us, we have found some more land but the cost of building is phenominal, and it all has to be built to EU regulations, we wont get away with anything less now, so toilets for visitors, toilets for staff, car parks, food and drink place for vistors etc. proper enclosures for the various animals we have. Its a very expensive undertaking. Its overwhelming at times, but if anyone wants to help fund raise, or even volunteer their help, it would be much appreciated.
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Postby littlemiss » Mon Jul 03, 2006 7:37 pm

OH GOD! thats awful, im dreading moving into my new house cos i hate to think how many animals i will adopt along the way. My mum has adopted two dogs herself one was found cowering under a door surrounded by shoes he had stolen from our neighbour, it was only cos they were wondering where all the shoes had gone that we found him, he is still terrified of men and children so i hate to think what kind of lfe he had before mum got him. Well i have plans to have a dog in the future and i can say for certain i would get one from a rescue center and not buy one from a pet shop, as i would like to feel i have helped in some way, i think i would have to send my husband to choose as i would end up taking them all with me. Its so sad I just dont know how you do it unique earthling, it must break your heart, you are a special someone to do what you do well done x
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Postby unique_earthling » Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:25 pm

I dont know about being special, but i do know that something needs to be done and what i can do i will, and what i cant i leave to those who can. And yes it is heart breaking but at the end of the day i have to put aside how i feel or i am no good to them. Its not about me and my sensitivities, i have to get over myself and make a difference.
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Postby G.Man » Tue Jul 11, 2006 5:51 am

Well I have just been adopted by a stray kitten...

He looks way too young to be away from his mother, but after 3 days there is no sign of her... Screech (because he screeches rather than meow) has now been living in my garage eating kitten food and drinking kitten milk for the 3 days and he is sooo affectionate..

If he is still around in a few more days I will get him to the vet and checked out...
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Postby unique_earthling » Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:14 am

Dont wait to take it to the vet, if you want to keep it, she/he will need injections to keep it free of the viruses, then after keep it quaranteened so its immune system is strengthened. The alternative is it will eventually die, by poisoning, traffic, starvation or disease. GIVE SCREECH A CHANCE, long live screech... hehe
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Postby Snad » Tue Jul 11, 2006 1:53 pm

When I first heard about the poison laying in Cyprus, I wrote to the CTO, its about 3 months ago.
Today they sent me this email, which IMHO is the biggest load of bullshit I have ever read :x

The deliberate poisoning of dogs and cats or any other animals is barbarous and unlawful. The law in Cyprus is very strict and the punishment quite severe. It categorically states:
"It is strictly prohibited for any person(s) to provide or administer poison of anykind deliberately and for no reason to any animal".

The poisoning of animals is usually done by using pesticides which contain Methomyl and they are in the market with various commercial names such as Lanate, Lenex, Lanox, Agromethomyl, Methonex etc. These are registered names in Cyprus and throughout most EU countries. However, they are mainly used for agricultural purposes, primarly as pesticides. Therefore, the provision, sale and use of these substances is regulated by special legislation and there is strict and clear warning that they should not, under any circumstances, be given to animals.

Unfortunately, despite this position, a small number of cases of using these pesticides to poison animals is being reported. In such cases the Veterinary Authorities in conjuction with the Cyprus Police do a thorough investigation and when they find relevant evidence the culprits are procecuted.

The Cyprus Veterinary Services regularly inform and advise people how and when to use pesticides so that the poisoning of animals is avoided.

In co-operation with the manufacturers, substances that are revolting and cause vomiting by the animals have been added to the products that contain methomyl. The aim is to prevent the animals from taking bait or if they do consume this substance to vomit. This helps prevent death through poison. As a result there has been a significant decrease in cases of poisoned animals.

The claim that there is a widespread use of poisons to put away animals in Cyprus is therefore incorrect. Furthermore, there are no cases of humans affected from contact with these substances.

We would like to reassure you that the Cyprus Authorities are taking all necessary measures to effectively control the sale, administration and proper use of the above products, with utmost consideration for human, animal and ecological welfare.

Yours sincerely,

Stelios Constantinides
CTO London

Who are they really trying to kid?????
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Postby unique_earthling » Tue Jul 11, 2006 3:09 pm

Well.. Cyprus has a job owning up or taking any part of the responsibility, but thanks for writing to them, you can tell them from me, that it happens a lot, and just a few months ago some idiot that runs the beach and camping site in Polis had a big sign up telling everyone to be careful as lanate had been put down to kill off any vermin. A person i know and her friends complained to the municipality, and they had to take the sign down and desist from using the substance. Thats how stupid they are, they really believe its okay to do it, and i am sure they dont care what it kills so long as their little world is controlled the way they want it, and thats the egocentricity of those that use it. me me me and whats mine mine mine.
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