Its a bit late for me to worry about how to "control" my pets, which is impossible as I live in a house where the windows and doors are open a great proportion of the time...
They are both dead....
I shipped them to cyprus as they both were such loving animals spending a great deal of time basking in the sun and enjoying themselves...
Here you can see him enjoying life in cyprus, basking in the hot sun coming in from between the curtains in my TV room...
He was one of the best rat/mouse catchers I have ever seen, certainly a good thing for Cyprus...
I do think I have a right to whine and draw this to peoples attention as they may not know about this barbaric practice, and like me, might bring their cats and dogs to cyprus rather than rehome them, only to lose them because some asshole deems it a good idea to throw poison down, which I once again state is completely illegal...
Believe me, I am sorely tempted to setup infrared cameras to catch these idiots, and I have the equipment to do it....
Thing is it wont bring back my beautiful boys, and may not even catch the right person responsible for their murders...
I think that if you do not like the response you get, you ought to seriously consider the tone you imply in your posts when dealing with such a sensitive issue...
Laying the blame on the pet owners is just rediculous, yes something can be done to reduce the likelihood, but by far the best course of action is to catch the assholes and introduce them to the fat end of a baseball bat! However, unfortunately that would make me as bad as them...