andri_cy wrote:Snad wrote:andri_cy wrote:G.Man wrote:Can some of you locals explain to me why it is acceptable to throw poison meat indescriminately around areas where there are no stray cats/dogs and the only possible targets are pets?
My cats came to join me in cyprus in may, and within 4 weeks both were dead, the victims of pet murdering poisoners...
One day one of these poisoners is gonna lose a child or member of their family due to their selfish and hateful actions perhaps then they will learn the dangers of such rediculous behaviour..

I am sorry about your cats but talking about how someone is gonna lose a member of their family is pretty cruel in itself. There are many reason people might be laying poison including rats and snakes and other things people do not want in or around their property. Your pets are your responsibility like mine are my responsibility. Maybe we all need to teach our pets where they can and cannot go and where they can eat or cannot eat from. We cant just put blame on everyone else and then wish harm on them and theirs cause our pets died.
How can anyone say its the owners responsibility, if these murderes are throwing poison meat in your back garden? My dogs are allowed to go into my garden, does this make me irresponsible, for letting them out???
I notice you live in the USA, if that is the case you can't possibly know what the situation is like here in Cyprus for pet owners.

Oh please give me a break. Where I live right now doesnt mean I dont know how things are in Cyprus. You have lived there for a while and makes you more an expert than me on what grounds? I have lived there for 22 years until recently so you can keep that line for someone who can buy this crap. If you let your dogs in your yard it is your right. But you cannot whine about what happens to them if they go to the neighbors yard. By saying that of course I will be pictured as someone who doesnt love pets blah blah blah blah. I have 3 dogs of my own, that I let into MY yard too. If they go to the neighbors yard and mess with their animals or their garden, I have no place to speak if something happens to them, because they are MY dogs and I have to teach them to listen when I say no. If someone is putting poison in YOUR yard, then you have grounds to call the police. I am not saying these people are doing the right thing and I am in no way shape or form standing up for them. But we do have to man up to some of the responsibility that comes with owning pets and stop blaming the neighbors and all the Cypriots that are "animal haters" and all kinds of crap that everyone is coming up with. When you have pets, they become like your children and therefore you carry some responsibility for them. IF they like to roam where they are not welcome, the owner IS responsible to try teach them not to. And since you brought up where I live, I can tell you that my neighbor has 10 cats and I have never seen one of them come into my yard so there IS a way to teach your pets where to go and where to not. Millions of people are doing it on this continet, are you telling me that they are that much smarter that all the people whining under this thread?
You are a prize idiot of the first order..
If you are such an expert, perhaps you would like to explain to everyone here how you train a cat not to wander?
I cannot believe you can condone the murder of peoples pets for wandering into someones garden...
IT IS ILLEGAL, it is illegal for a reason, it is not illegal for a cat to walk accross someones lawn to persue a mouse/lizard/bird...
Why do they lay this poison in public places? A child could get it on their hands before eating and then die....
I dont give a toss how many years you lived in cyprus for, it makes no odds, law breaking is law breaking... These people are CRIMINALS plain and simple... Murdering animal hating criminals... There is no way you can transfer the blame as I am not doing anything illegal THEY ARE...
Now unless IQ's dropped sharply in recent years I am right and you are wrong...
Just typical of the attitude most cypriots have towards others pets