So far I've had good luck with using most of North American electronics here in cyprus using the appropriate power adapters but I can't seem to get a Hair Straightner to work.
I've been using a 1600 WATT Converter that won't even allow the hair straightener to power on. It looks like the 1600 WATT Converter can't handle the power requested by it. It says it is ideal for heating appliances.
I was just wondering if maybe this converter isn't powerful enough. I've looked on the hair straghtener and I can't find the WATT level that it operates at.
Has anybody had any luck with North American appliances that require a high wattage?
OR Does anybody know any stores (preferably in Limmasol but if not, I'd be willing to travel to other cities) that I could bring the hair straightener to and they could give me the appropriate adapter or something.
Thanks for all of your help!