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Aftermath of Cyprus

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Aftermath of Cyprus

Postby Mick123 » Tue May 30, 2006 12:47 am

Just came back from Cyprus and all I can say about is that "I want to go back". The people over there are so laid back it transforms you into a different dimension, to which I would always miss. The people in Paphos where great, to the way they always had the time to say "hello" and always so many of times could afford to give you a friendly smile. The sites and pleasures of Cyprus are ones which can never be forgotten from the ancient ruins to the smell of pure fresh air coming from the sea, those experiences you never get at home. On the otherhand what can I say about the night life, I stayed in Paphos and bar street was so immense that you always had that guttering feeling when the end of the night came, even though you knew it was waiting for you the next night. To put the icing on the cake the weather was beautiful and I hope not long shall I return to persue the experience again.
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Postby unique_earthling » Tue May 30, 2006 6:59 am

WOW! are you sure you went to Paphos? sounds like Nirvana, I live there, and to me it looks like a building site. And the Paphians.. well, no comment..... Note to self, must take time out to smell the ocean and take a second look...
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Postby littlemiss » Tue May 30, 2006 8:22 pm

lol unique_earthling i think cyprus does have that affect on you when you are on holiday but to be honest sometimes when im driving from prot to napa the veiw takes my breath away and i feel so lucky to live somewhere to gorgeous. The cypriots are such lovelly ppl compared to those back in the uk cyprus has everything the uk lacks and if it makes ppl feel like that then it is doing something right.
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Postby unique_earthling » Wed May 31, 2006 6:04 am

yes littlemiss, i have to agree the island is pretty and could be prettier if all would value it and care about it, and stop dumping their old fridges and cars all over it. Personally i love the sunshine. And where the sunshines i am happy to be rather than enveloped in the grey and damp of England.
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