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Postby peace maker » Mon May 29, 2006 8:48 pm

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Postby miltiades » Mon May 29, 2006 9:39 pm

In view of what is going on in Iraq with Muslims killing Muslims , in view of Beslam , in view of Indonesia , Bali , Egypt , and of course London last year , not forgeting 9/11 , coupled with a massive demonstration in London advocating violence then you will have an impossible task to defend your position. That Islam has been hijacked by extremists is a statement we often hear.But we also need not to fear Islam because of all the atrocities that have been committed by these extremists and we need to be reassured by the moderates that Islam indeed is a peaceful religion. Let me just ask you a question . Suppose that I , with my views known , ended up in Bangladesh , Pakistan , Iraq or Iran.What do you honestly think my fate would be.
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Postby cypezokyli » Tue May 30, 2006 12:21 am

miltiades i ve got the feeling you ve been living too long in the UK.
sorry to say this , but you might have some progressive ideas about the cyppro, i also agree with you that religion is the opium of the masses , but imo you are carrying huge stereotypes when it comes to muslims and islam.
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Postby Piratis » Tue May 30, 2006 1:21 am

All religions can be used for terrorism when you have fanatic close minded believers.

We should thank the USA and their allies that with their arrogant and unfair actions have created a perfectly fertile ground for terrorism to flourish.
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Postby peace maker » Tue May 30, 2006 12:52 pm

Piratis wrote:All religions can be used for terrorism when you have fanatic close minded believers.

We should thank the USA and their allies that with their arrogant and unfair actions have created a perfectly fertile ground for terrorism to flourish.

Don't you think that America is encouraging terrorism?
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Postby peace maker » Tue May 30, 2006 12:55 pm

miltiades wrote:In view of what is going on in Iraq with Muslims killing Muslims , in view of Beslam , in view of Indonesia , Bali , Egypt , and of course London last year , not forgeting 9/11 , coupled with a massive demonstration in London advocating violence then you will have an impossible task to defend your position. That Islam has been hijacked by extremists is a statement we often hear.But we also need not to fear Islam because of all the atrocities that have been committed by these extremists and we need to be reassured by the moderates that Islam indeed is a peaceful religion. Let me just ask you a question . Suppose that I , with my views known , ended up in Bangladesh , Pakistan , Iraq or Iran.What do you honestly think my fate would be.

Don't you think and feel that you are a little bit an extremist?
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Postby reportfromcyprus » Tue May 30, 2006 1:13 pm

That's like saying that the whole of Japan is about terrorism, based on the suicide pilots during WWII.

It's unbalanced to try and paint a whole religion or a whole country black because of a tiny percentage of extremists.
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Postby miltiades » Tue May 30, 2006 2:14 pm

peacemaker , which part of my post was extremist , the fact that innocents are being killed by their own brothers in Iraq or the bit about Beslam with over 200 school children killed my fanatics . Or maybe the London Bombings last year.
What is the extremity of my post .Look let me say it once more.
I DO NOT BELIEVE IN THE EXISTENCE OF A CREATOR , WHAT I BELIEVE IS THAT MOST WARS IN THE WORLD WERE INFLUENCED BY RELIGION. HITLER AS WELL AS MUSSOLINI WERE BLESSED BY THE POPE DURING THE LAST WORLD WAR. Religion is the cancer of the world and creates enemies who would not hesitate to commit the most heinous crimes in the name of their god.
If you have something to say dont just simply dismiss my views as extremist , grow up and answer objectively
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Postby peace maker » Tue May 30, 2006 2:51 pm

miltiades wrote:peacemaker , which part of my post was extremist , the fact that innocents are being killed by their own brothers in Iraq or the bit about Beslam with over 200 school children killed my fanatics . Or maybe the London Bombings last year.
What is the extremity of my post .Look let me say it once more.
I DO NOT BELIEVE IN THE EXISTENCE OF A CREATOR , WHAT I BELIEVE IS THAT MOST WARS IN THE WORLD WERE INFLUENCED BY RELIGION. HITLER AS WELL AS MUSSOLINI WERE BLESSED BY THE POPE DURING THE LAST WORLD WAR. Religion is the cancer of the world and creates enemies who would not hesitate to commit the most heinous crimes in the name of their god.
If you have something to say dont just simply dismiss my views as extremist , grow up and answer objectively

:o :D you are extremist in the way of thinking.its strange that you dont like to understand.WHAT IS HAPPENINING HAS NOTHING TO DEAL WITH RELIGION. moreover, you dont have the idea to be convinced anymore as if you are the owner of the truth. look it is people weakness to escape from outside duties. there is noone who is not worshiping his god even those who are saying we dont believe in religion. even Plato has said at the end of his life that there is a higher streight that noone can fight. and how can you explain the reason of your existance? you cant deny that you feel sometimes weak in some situation? :?: :!: sorry my friend if I treat you mistakenly.
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Postby miltiades » Tue May 30, 2006 5:00 pm

Listen mate , I'm 60 years of age and its too bloody late for me to be given lectures on mythology.
Just get it through your head , I DO NOT BELIEVE IN SOMETHING THAT DOES NOT EXIST.
You are quite within your rights to believe in what ever makes you happy , or rather whatever your parents told you to believe. Discussing religion with religious people is very boring because they will never use their logic to their advantage since they have preconceived ideas and notions based on their upbringing.
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