miltiades wrote:cypezokily , the fact of the matter is that on a daily basis Iraqis are being killed by Iraqis , I mentioned earlier that even a funeral is not excluded , there have been suicide attacks on weddings , job centres , even at mosques. Now you tell me why the mere mention of these disgusting deeds is questionable. What ever ideology drives these barbarians , and yes only barbarians will go into a market and kill indiscriminately their own flesh and blood , it i s not just their intense hatred of America but something more sinister that that.
Why exactly should I be listening to myself for Cyperzokyli ? What if such despicable acts were happening on our Island ? What if some perverted individual felt that he should take vengeance against those that forced him to become a refugee ? All decent , peace loving people should speak out against such acts , including the recent killing of women and children by drug high American soldiers. The fact that we may , by doing so , incur the wrath of some people is a foregone conclusion. All ideologies that excuse the killing of innocents for one reason or another are sick and perverted ,. Hitler had his ideology but no one dared to challenge him .
i dont disagree with you miltiades , that such actions are really discusting.
what i disagree is that they are driven by ideology (the historical paradigms have been very few ).
and even worse that they are driven by a specific religion (the historical paradirms have been even fewer. in civil wars two parties fight either for resources or power. then they play either the card of ethnicity or religion to mobilise the masses ).
what i disagree is that you expect from peace loving people in a war to raise their voices. (history shows , that pacifists durin war are considered traitors and are the first targets - ALWAYS. here we dont even have a war and i dont know how many time i ve labelled as traitor

lastly and correct me if i am wrong , i get an attituse of superiority through your posts : we the west, are the peace loving people , and those are the muslims and they are barbarian. please tell me i am wrong on this one.
thats another point of you , for you : ... d=25831428