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Ozkok: Turkey must remain in Cyprus

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Ozkok: Turkey must remain in Cyprus

Postby eracles » Sat Oct 18, 2003 10:10 pm

The appreciation that “if Turkey's accession to the EU proceeds, the problems in the Aegean will be solved within a week”, was expressed by the Head of the Turkish Armed Forces, General Hilmi Ozkok.
However, he underlined that Turkey must remain in Cyprus. “We want a Cyprus from which we cannot pull out and from where we can defend Turkey”, he mentioned characteristically.
Full article at....
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Postby Noname75 » Tue Oct 21, 2003 6:28 am

The "problem" is that as long as these Generals have a saying in what Turkey should or shouldn't do Europe will never accept Turkey as a member even if the Cyprus problem is solved.

Europe will only accept democratic countries. Turkey's system not only is not very fair, but also the ones that are elected in reality have very little power in important matters. This is not democracy!
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Hello !

Postby PEACE » Sat Nov 22, 2003 3:26 pm

Hello ! I'm a Turkish Cyriot and just joined to this forum! It'll be nice to read Greek Cypriot's ideas about Cyprus problem!

:arrow: Oh and a comment about Hilmi Özkök!
Yeah there is no democracy in Turkey... Last things that Özkök said shows all! Army is deciding what civil goverment will do!And this is unacceptable! :(
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Postby CypRiot » Mon Nov 24, 2003 12:16 pm

Please do not forget the islamic powers existing in Turkey. After all it is a derivative of the Ottoman empire. Military must have such a power, otherwise the country will get under the control of isamic powers, turning its back on the preset Ataturk belief system... But, this is still not democratic..
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Postby Noname75 » Fri Nov 28, 2003 10:07 am

it seems that Ozkok and Erdogan believe the same thing. The only difference is that Ozkok says what he wants clearly, while Erdogan is using a more diplomatic language.

What Turkish Cypriots should see is that their interests and the interests of Turkey conflict. Do they really want to exist in Cyprus just to serve the Turkish interests, or do they want to secure their own interests and future?
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Postby markou96 » Thu Mar 11, 2004 6:06 am

So, if Turkey is only interesting in protecting its south and is using Cyprus as a buffer zone, pretty much like the Soviet Union during the Cold War, then what makes you believe that there will ever be a plausible and fair solution for our island?
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