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Postby theresa » Fri May 26, 2006 1:18 pm

Svetlana, I wonder why his sentence was lenient because he had a young family, is his wife going to wait for him? Thats a pathetic reason for a light jail term, If I were his wife, I would ask the court for the maximum term and get a divorce PDQ!!
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Postby Svetlana » Fri May 26, 2006 1:35 pm

Rape is a bizarre crime; there is so little upside (fleeting sexual gratifcation/victim humiliation) but a huge downside. The perpertrators are out of their minds; at least there is some logic in theft or fraud.

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Postby The Microphone » Fri May 26, 2006 2:34 pm

I have been reading this board for a few months now and have resisted the desire to do this. Until now...........

lysi. you are a seriously twisted individual and for the most part your anti-british feeling and hateful comments have annoyed me to the core. You think you can slag off the british, whose money, hard earnt in the main, props up the economy of this little island at the end of the med and without it you'd probably still be using a donkey to get to work and back.

You'll take take take all day long... but what do you give back? Mouthful after mouthful of hateful bile that shames you and most decent people.

I am glad you werent banned because you'll find i'll be on your case now and you won't get an easy ride. In the end you'll probably leave.

Your blind one track notion that we are all evil and you are all whiter than white has been quite properly exposed for what it is. But I daresay inside your tiny mind, it's not this island that's the centre of the universe.... but YOU!
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Postby RichardB » Fri May 26, 2006 4:52 pm


Like you i am a relatively new member. And like you I followed the forum for a while before joining.

All I would ask is that you dont give the extremists, Bigots and sometimes Racist members of this forum ( a minority I should add) the satisfaction of answering their twisted postings. This only seems to encourage them. Far better to concentrate on the majority who post good and reasoned argument and debate. Maybe by ignoring the idiotic element they will eventually get fed up and go away, though i doubt it as this is probably the only way they will get listened to.

Welcome aboard

And no they shouldnt be released
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Postby The Microphone » Fri May 26, 2006 7:21 pm

Richard........ in my mind NO rapist or murderer should be released...... whoever they are.........

And whilst i agree with your comments about lysi, i also think that sometimes you have to call 'a spade a spade'.

It's a shame that this very liberal forum, (applause), as opposed to some other forums out here, gets hijacked by a few mindless fools.

Keep open debate and even a good argument here and there as it makes the forum worth being on. But in my humble opinion, if people like lysi are prepared to take shots, and the forum moderator allows it, then it's gloves off.

Perhaps there could be a room called 'lysis political hatred room' where these arguments could be conducted without distrurbing the rest of the forum. Then he can rant all day and all night.... mostly on his own... and then kick him if he brings his rubbish to the general arena.

And now it's time for a beer. MMMMMMMMMMMMM
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Postby Svetlana » Fri May 26, 2006 8:05 pm

Hi Microphone

What the Moderators allow are any comments which do not encourage racism, illegal actions - or are not personal attacks on other Forum members. Otherwise pretty much anything else is acceptable.

Sometimes, people step close to the line, sometimes over it; it's a judgement call as to what is acceptable and what is not; I just try to put myself in the mind of the majority of members in such decisions.

I find some people's repeated and mindless comments tiresome, but it is not the Mod's role to censor anything which does not breach the Forum rules'

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Postby bigfatlondonboy » Sat May 27, 2006 12:25 am

maybe if lysi reads this he /she /it would realise that its not only the british that have scumbags in there midst...

Svetlana wrote:Man jailed for rape of Latvian

A MAN from Frenaros was jailed for eight years yesterday for the kidnap and rape of a Latvian woman last August.

Michalis Philippou, 30, was sentenced by the Larnaca district court for the attack on the 40-year old woman.

The unnamed victim arrived in Cyprus in August 2005 to work. Twenty days later, on August 26, while she was walking on Protaras Avenue in Paralimni on her way home, Philippou, a married father of three small children, offered her a lift, but instead of taking her to her house, took her to an isolated spot despite her protests.

The court heard that he threatened to kill her before raping her and stealing £15 from her. He then threw her out of the car and left her there in the early hours of the morning

Reading the seven-page judgement, the chair of the court, Judge Antonis Liatsos, said the accused had committed grave offences and that under the circumstances the maximum sentence of life imprisonment for rape had been seriously considered as an option. But the court also considered the personal circumstances of the accused and the fact that he had a young family.

“Rape destroys the dignity of a woman and humiliates her,” Judge Liatsos said when he handed down the eight-year sentence. “The protection of this fundamental human rights depends on the Courts, and it is expressed through the strict sentences of a deterrent character that are imposed by the court.”
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Postby Damsi » Sat May 27, 2006 12:58 am

In the case of the British soldiers, they were not done for rape. they were charged with attempted rape and the murder charge was reduced to manslaughter. None of that is any excuse for what they did.
I have been drunk many times in my life but never felt the urge to go out and abduct someone and then split their head open with a shovel. I find that alcohol merely exacerbtes whatever tendencies are already inherent a person, good or bad.
There are many murders and rapes in Cyprus each year. What made this big news was the fact that they were British soliders, so-called upholders of peace and order, not potential low-life criminals.
From what I know, all three have been model prisoners. I also hear that Alan Ford has become a Muslim.
As for their release. Who are we to say whether they are reformed or not? There are such people who have gone on to make a positive difference in the world. There are also those who go out and kill again. It's a tough call.
By the way the murders of the other two women are still in jail. In fact Al Capone got married a few months ago.
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Postby TheCabbie » Sat May 27, 2006 5:26 am

Damsi wrote:By the way the murders of the other two women are still in jail. In fact Al Capone got married a few months ago.

Thanks, I always wondered about that. I think they should all be kept in for the rest of their lives.

that under the circumstances the maximum sentence of life imprisonment for rape had been seriously considered as an option. But the court also considered the personal circumstances of the accused and the fact that he had a young family

Surely that in itself is a good reason to give him life? I can't imagine his wife wanting him back and the shame the kids will grow up to feel would be best compensated by never seeing the scum again...
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Postby lysi » Sat May 27, 2006 12:23 pm

ivan hardon wrote:lysi is jealous as he was not raped by 3 stong english squadies..................

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