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recipes: whats your signature dish?

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recipes: whats your signature dish?

Postby costanza » Tue May 23, 2006 8:38 am

whats the best thing you can cook? share your best recipes here

i'm still new to cooking, but i like this:

1. take 4 chicken breasts
2. put a bit of cling film over them and hit them with a rolling pin to flatten them out. dont bash them too hard, just put enough pressure on them to flatten them and not rip them... then remove the cling film
3. grate some mozarella cheese over the tops of the chicken breasts
4. boil some spinach, let it cook down a bit so you dont burn your hands, then put a layer of spinach over each chicken breast
5. crumble some feta cheese over the spinach
6. roll up the chicken, use wooden toothpicks to keep them together
7. fry them untill the outside is golden
8. pop them in the oven (oh yeh, turn the oven on at the start) at 200 degrees for 10-15 minutes to make sure they're cooked all the way though. its nice to sprinkle some more feta cheese or mozarella over the top of the chicken while they're in the oven too.

serve on a plate of cous-cous (its up to you how you flavour the cous cous - i usually cook it in chicken stock, then add some vegetables from the oven...)

and a big glass of red wine.

its easy to cook, and it really impresses people because it looks more complicated than it is. oh yeh you can change the cheeses too. i like mozarella as it melts nicely and feta cheese and spinach go really well together

anyone got a good mousakka recipe? it needs to be really good, as i'm used to my mums one. but shes in the UK so cant cook it for me now
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Postby Kikapu » Tue May 23, 2006 9:35 am

Is the dish "Molohia" still big in Cyprus. I think I got the name correct. I cook it twice a year when ever I get fresh (dried) supply from Cyprus by those who visit there. I can eat that dish every day. The only problem is, that I ran out of bread very soon soaking up the juices..!!!
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Postby andri_cy » Tue May 23, 2006 4:50 pm

Can anyone be nice enough to get me the recipe for Tahinopitta? I want to make it for my daughter but my mom is never the one to ask for such things...
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Postby andri_cy » Tue May 23, 2006 4:55 pm

3 to 3 1/2 lbs of Boneless Rump Roast
Olive oil
8 slivers of garlic
Salt and pepper

For the gravy:
Red wine, water, and or beef stock
corn starch

Start with the roast at room temperature.Preheat the oven to 375°F.

With a sharp knife make 8 small incisions around the roast. Place a sliver of garlic into each incision. Take a tablespoon or so of olive oil and spread all around the roast. Sprinkle around the roast with salt and pepper. Place the roast directly on an oven rack, fatty side up, with a drip pan on a rack beneath the roasting rack.

Brown the roast at 375°F for half an hour. Lower the heat to 225°F. The roast should take somewhere from 2 to 3 hours additionally to cook. When the roast just starts to drip its juices and it is brown on the outside, check the temperature with a meat thermometer. Pull the roast from the oven when the inside temperature of the roast is 135° to 140°F. Let the roast sit for at least 15 minutes before carving to serve.

To make the gravy:
Remove the dripping pan from the oven and place on the stove top at medium heat. Add some water, red wine, or beef stock to the drippings. Dissolve a tablespoon of cornstarch in a little water and add to the drip pan. Stir quickly while the gravy thickens to avoid lumping. You can add a little butter if there is not a lot of fat in the drippings. Add salt and pepper to taste.
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