Sotos wrote:I am tired of reading in some foreign newspapers that "Greek Cypriots rejected a plan to unify Cyprus" and how hardliner is Papadopoulos and all that. I think it was a mistake that we accepted for the Annan plan to be in a referendum. Foreigners don't care to read the plan. They just think "there was a unification plan and GC rejected it. So it means GCs don't want unification".
you raised a number of points sotos.
tpap hardliner.
firtsly , let me remind you that the international media ,the EU , the UN etc did say that denktash was a herdliner when he was in power. when ever denktash blew any attempt of negotiations , it was often mentioned whose fault it was. now , that they changed their opinion we called them biased. i am not saying that they are unbiased. but if we accept that they are biased , that in short means that accusing denktash was also biased.... or ?

in short try to avoid seeing conspiracies everywhere.
the foreign media dont like erdogan that much any more. does that mean than now they became unbiased ?
now on your statement :
I think it was a mistake that we accepted for the Annan plan to be in a referendum
this we can only answer we hindsight unfortunately. even though it is an interesting question. one should pause and consider it : would it be better if tpap , (like denktash all these years) had refused to accept the referendum procedure and taken the "blame" on him rather than having the "blame" on the gc community ?
it is an interesting question but there is no real way of finding an answer.
we can ask a number of questions like that : "what would have happened if.... " but noone can never know

if we really want to be honest , tpap (and the whole national council ) was trapped in NY , but if we are ever going to learn from our mistakes , we should accept that tpap (and the rest) didnot go there prepared. and thats sad. the first should not stop us learning from the second.