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shops not opening on sundays

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shops not opening on sundays

Postby costanza » Sun May 21, 2006 11:10 am

anyone know if there are any plans for the government to start letting shops open when they want to open?

its so annoying when nothing is open on a sunday. i work untill 6 on weekdays so its a real rush to get to the supermarkets before they close, and i work untill 1 on saturdays... but usually i've got other things to do on a saturday or forget the urgency of getting to the supermarket before 3... like yesterday i only realised i needed food at dinner time, but it was too late, and all day today the supermarkets are closed. theres a bakers that is open, but that isnt that good for grocery shopping. also, i've not shaved in about a week as i keep forgetting to buy razors while the shops are still open. and i've wanted to buy some paint for a while too, but unless i remember to go on a saturday after work and dont have anything else to do i can't make it to the shop.

its my fault i'm forgetful too... but even if shops were allowed to open just sunday morning, or just sunday afternoon then that would give people who work a bit more flexibility with their shopping.

i guess i'll go to the bakers and buy some bread and sandwich fillings.
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Postby TheCabbie » Sun May 21, 2006 12:00 pm

I raised 3 kids on my own, did 2 jobs to make ends meet, and we always had a good Sunday Lunch, as you rightly say it's your fault you are forgetful, personally I like the system as it is, that way on Sundays all I have to do is enjoy myself.
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Postby costanza » Sun May 21, 2006 12:17 pm

haha. yeh it is my fault. i guess its part of the laidback-ness of the island i love... i'm just bitter i have no food today. i've been to the bakers though and got a few little pastry things, and some bread and cheese for toasted sandwiches..
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Re: shops not opening on sundays

Postby malaka » Sun May 21, 2006 12:34 pm

costanza wrote:anyone know if there are any plans for the government to start letting shops open when they want to open?

its so annoying when nothing is open on a sunday. i work untill 6 on weekdays so its a real rush to get to the supermarkets before they close, and i work untill 1 on saturdays... but usually i've got other things to do on a saturday or forget the urgency of getting to the supermarket before 3... like yesterday i only realised i needed food at dinner time, but it was too late, and all day today the supermarkets are closed. theres a bakers that is open, but that isnt that good for grocery shopping. also, i've not shaved in about a week as i keep forgetting to buy razors while the shops are still open. and i've wanted to buy some paint for a while too, but unless i remember to go on a saturday after work and dont have anything else to do i can't make it to the shop.

its my fault i'm forgetful too... but even if shops were allowed to open just sunday morning, or just sunday afternoon then that would give people who work a bit more flexibility with their shopping.

i guess i'll go to the bakers and buy some bread and sandwich fillings.

I cant beleive people cant open their shops when they want.
Is this true????
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Postby costanza » Sun May 21, 2006 12:48 pm

nah, theres strict rules about when shops can open.

theres a thing about it in the cyprus mail, because tony and guys hasnt joined the barber union or whatever they're getting fined every thursday they open.. even if you join the barbers union you still can't cut hair on a thursday but the police magically wont fine you then.. ... 0&cat_id=1

and if you go to a supermarket on a saturday afternoon and its open the chances are the police will make it shut while you're doing your shopping
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Postby TheCabbie » Sun May 21, 2006 3:15 pm

costanza wrote:haha. yeh it is my fault. i guess its part of the laidback-ness of the island i love... i'm just bitter i have no food today. i've been to the bakers though and got a few little pastry things, and some bread and cheese for toasted sandwiches..

Don't complain, when I first came here there weren't even bakers open on a Sunday! :wink:
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Postby New_Alex » Sun May 21, 2006 3:18 pm

Its not only in Cyprus. In UK they have timetables as well...

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Postby Mikros » Sun May 21, 2006 9:32 pm

constanza, Debenhams Olympia in Limassol was openned today until 21:00...
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Postby Sotos » Sun May 21, 2006 11:38 pm

Chris Cash and Carry is open until 20:30 on Sundays. I think Orphanides should be the same also.
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Postby Debbie » Mon May 22, 2006 3:37 am

Here in Canada we have had the "luxury" of shopping 24/7 since early 1980's. Sunday shopping lwas argely opposed in the beginning, however over the years, it has simply become just another day. Having shopping available on Sundays relieves the pressure to get all your shopping chores accomplished Monday -> Saturday, however it has taken away from the "family" day. In time gone by, Sundays were a day of family togetherness, large Sunday dinners and quiet cuddling .... now it has just become another day when we continue on with our hectic lives, chores and last minute shopping. Possibly the only thing Sunday shopping has provided for is gains in retail revenue.
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