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east beach Limassol

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east beach Limassol

Postby peaches » Thu May 18, 2006 2:57 pm

can anyone tell me where East Beach Limassol is and what the area is like , as there are a lot of apartments for long term rent. and as i am keeping an eye on the long term rents available would be interested to know what the area is like. Can anyone advise me?
Cheers! :P
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Postby Oneness » Thu May 18, 2006 8:06 pm

Is it a complex? Ive no idea. If its on the eastern end of Limassol coastline it may be Amathus area which is very touristic but has some big luxury hotels, a nice long promenade and cleaner beaches than the western end at the city center. There are quite a lot of apartment buildings though many of them are getting dated. Rents are about 5% of property prices and are very good value now.
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Postby Mikros » Fri May 19, 2006 8:15 am

East Beach I believe it starts from somewhere at the end of the tourist area (as most of the tourist area belongs to Potamos Yermasoyias area) and up to the east. Strangely if you ask any of the locals leaving in the area have never heard about this name...
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Re: east beach Limassol

Postby Bluejay » Fri May 19, 2006 12:20 pm

peaches wrote:Hi,
can anyone tell me where East Beach Limassol is and what the area is like , as there are a lot of apartments for long term rent. and as i am keeping an eye on the long term rents available would be interested to know what the area is like. Can anyone advise me?
Cheers! :P

Hi. We are currently buying a townhouse which was advertised as East Beach. The solicitor's paperwork now says Potamos Germasoyias. Our place is very close to the Kean orange juice factory and directly up from the Dassoudi woods/beach. I think East Beach is really the area from Dassoudi eastwards, but once it becomes a little more touristy then it's referred to as Germasoyias. We like East Beach because the beach is definitely better and you are not quite in the full wack of the tourist area. It is a complete mix of tourist and residential. Don't know how well you know Limassol itself, but it's certainly different to the Paphos area. Residential rents are quite low. From East Beach you can choose whether to head for the tourist area or the town or just walk straight down to Dassoudi. Hope that helps. Bluejay
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Postby peaches » Fri May 19, 2006 12:26 pm

Bluejay, Thanks fo the info, can i just clarify with you as i dont know limassol that well, i live in the uk and when i visit limassol i tend to stop near the four seasons so if i was to come out of four seasons would i go left or right? I ahve friends who live just at the back of macdonads in some new apartments whcih they bought two years ago, so is it anywhere near there?
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Postby Bluejay » Fri May 19, 2006 1:00 pm

You'd definitely turn left when you step out of the Four Seasons, probably at least a mile towards the Holiday Inn. I would guess our place (ie the Kean factory and Holiday Inn) might be the far end of East Beach, but I don't know when EA's would stop saying Germasoyia and start saying East Beach. We looked at another property pretty much up behind the Old Bridge Hotel and that was also called East Beach and yet was a good half mile from us. I think it covers a wide, buzzy area without being in the middle of the tourist spots up at the Four Seasons end which is why it's slightly cheaper. The Dasoudi is a good public beach with facilities (and an open air olympic size pool) and the shops are very slightly cheaper because they're not just servicing the self caterers. We chose it because it's walking distance to a good beach really. Hope that helps, but can't really claim to know the area very wel as against all advice we're buying on our first visit to Limassol). Limassol is an all year round living town (a port so far too many gentelemen's clubs !) but we like it.
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Postby peaches » Fri May 19, 2006 1:06 pm

thanks bluejay,
i am pretty certain now where it is , just before the tourist area, so between the arsinoe hotel and the toursit area.Do you plan to live in limassol? we really want to come out to limassol and live, we areback out in september for 10 days on holiday and visiting our friends, cant wait!!
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Postby Bluejay » Fri May 19, 2006 1:25 pm


I actually think it might be quite a bit beyond Arsionoe as well.
We're only planning holidays. Lovely to read about people living there, but not for us for many years. We still need to earn and the money just doesn't seem to be there. We really chose Cyprus because my boys (6 and 9) always find the sea too cold anywhere else). You've probably seen but Buysellcyprus have a lot of places on long term rent for what seems like very reasonable rents. It'll seem a long time to September for you. All the best Bluejay
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Postby Bluejay » Fri May 19, 2006 1:57 pm


I actually think it might be quite a bit beyond Arsionoe as well.
We're only planning holidays. Lovely to read about people living there, but not for us for many years. We still need to earn and the money just doesn't seem to be there. We really chose Cyprus because my boys (6 and 9) always find the sea too cold anywhere else). You've probably seen but Buysellcyprus have a lot of places on long term rent for what seems like very reasonable rents. It'll seem a long time to September for you.

All the best Bluejay
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Postby peaches » Fri May 19, 2006 2:31 pm

thanks bluejay , it will seem ages till september , we came back from limassol last month and it seems ages ago.
we live by the sea in Norfolk but unfortuantley the weather is just not the same. My husband says we will just ahve to win the lottery!!!
Thanks for your time enjoy Limassol and its wonderful people and their hospitality
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