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Greek Flags and DISY

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Postby Simon » Sat May 20, 2006 4:41 pm

[quote]Look at the Greek parliament who on two (2) occasions THEY have reject us to joint them in an Enosis.

They thought we will be too much trouble for them


REJECTED US [/quote]

It seems to me that you have a dislike of Greece because you feel that they have betrayed us. Is this why you deny being a Greek Cypriot?

I do not believe the above. I have read many books and have not heard of enosis being offered, and Greece rejecting it in Parliament. Everything I have read has been the opposite. (Although I have heard that Makarios rejected enosis at one time, although that is a different story). If you have proof of this, prove it.
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Grece Euro champions

Postby Mickleham » Sat May 20, 2006 4:53 pm


They have just arrived here in Melbourne Greece European Champions to play a game against the Australia National football team as part of the World Cup games.

They have now told us (the Cypriot people) that they will not allow anything other than the Greek flag in the stadium!

The order has come from Greek Embassy In Melbourne.

Strictly NO Cypriot Flags!

We are welcome to go but with only Greek flags.

When the Cypriot Tennis Star Baghdadis was playing in January this year here in Melbourne the Greek flags where out numbering the Cypriot Flags by 10-1

Double standards of the Greek mentality!
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Postby michalis5354 » Sat May 20, 2006 4:55 pm

No normal person would like to become a slave and a puppet human being!

I am so happy Enosis Did not take place!

Cyprus should form other foreign allies to get a distance from Greece !

Enosis is Dead!
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Postby michalis5354 » Sat May 20, 2006 4:57 pm

Look these puppets Greeks how they treated the Cypriot falg! This is exactly how Loosers behave!

Where is the ancient Greece culture?

And some people here claim that Turkey has no culture? They have never been to Turkey!
Last edited by michalis5354 on Sat May 20, 2006 5:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Antreis » Sat May 20, 2006 5:00 pm

michalis5354 wrote:It happens to know what slave means and this is the reason I am using this word. Having ENosis took place back in 1950s then Cy could be no different to Crete and Rhodes!

To be honest i strongly feel in the secession of Limassol.We had enough from the Nicosia government.We should become free once and for all.
We should end the slavery and become masters of our selves.
Later on we should annex Paphos and Larnaka as satelite states.
Death or Freedom!!
I propose the capital to be in the Amathus even some other revolutionaries unpatriotically call for Curium.
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Postby shoushoucos » Sat May 20, 2006 5:03 pm


Ignorance is no excuse

Mickleham is correct. Just read your history from the begining again please!

I am aslo so happy that bloody Enosis is dead!
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Postby Simon » Sat May 20, 2006 5:04 pm

Firstly, I think you will find that the reason the Cypriot flags were banned was because of Turkish and the FYROM lobbying, as they feared it would be used as a political statement. So please get your facts straight.

Secondly, can you define a slave Michalis? Because you are clearly not using this word correctly. Again I ask, are the people of Crete for example, slaves?
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Postby michalis5354 » Sat May 20, 2006 5:05 pm

Even in Turkey the Cypriot flag would get higher acceptance !
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Postby Simon » Sat May 20, 2006 5:05 pm

[quote]To be honest i strongly feel in the secession of Limassol.We had enough from the Nicosia government.We should become free once and for all.
We should end the slavery and become masters of our selves.
Later on we should annex Paphos and Larnaka as satelite states.
Death or Freedom!!
I propose the capital to be in the Amathus even some other revolutionaries unpatriotically call for Curium.[/quote]

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Postby Antreis » Sat May 20, 2006 5:06 pm

Simon wrote:Firstly, I think you will find that the reason the Cypriot flags were banned was because of Turkish and the FYROM lobbying, as they feared it would be used as a political statement. So please get your facts straight.

Secondly, can you define a slave Michalis? Because you are clearly not using this word correctly. Again I ask, are the people of Crete for example, slaves?

You expect to get an answer to whether the Cretans and the Rhodians are slaves?
You will wait for eternity!
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