Of course the public should have the right to fly whatever flag they choose to. But the government should lead by example.
The Cypriot government is letting its own people down by allowing the display of the Greek flag in any official position. The message this ends to the rest of the world is that Cyprus has still not grown up and resolved its own independent identity. While this is the case, it will not be taken seriously as a nation, and the Turks will stay.
If you incorporate the Greek flag into your own you would have to include the Turkish flag too. Not to do so would be a ridiculous mistake, and again, the Turks would never leave.
Please get used to it Cyprus – while many of you may have a Greek heritage, you are not Greek. You are Cypriot. This is not going to change!
We have this problem in the UK but magnified many times over. It destroys national pride and leaves people feeling rudderless – as if nobody cares. The ancients had it right: "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." In this case, when in Cyprus – fly the Cypriot flag and fly it WITH PRIDE IN YOUR NATION!
May I just add a post script to this: the Cypriot flag is really poorly designed. I speak as a designer who specialises in corporate identity. If the flag had had a little more professionalism about it, it might well have been better received. It should have looked more like this:
I can explain my reasoning if you'd like me too. NB This is a quick mock-up, and not my usual level of "professionalism"!