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Postby michalis5354 » Thu May 18, 2006 7:35 pm

There are International Laws that everyone need to respect first! I respect Greek and Turksih culture and I expect from both of them to show respect back.

I am not a slave , and I dont want to become one!
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Re: Cyriot flag must be our priority

Postby rotate » Thu May 18, 2006 11:19 pm

The Anglo Saxons countries like America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand have all adopted their own flags many years ago. They do not use or display the English flag anywhere [quote]

Not quite right "Mickleham", Anglican Churches in these and other countries continue to externally display the English flag on St. Georges Day, at other times the English flag, more widely referred to as the 'Flag of St. George' is diplayed within the church as it is in the Anglican churches of England.

First met my wife in the UK when we were both students and made the mistake of assuming that she was Greek. I was quickly corrected and in no uncertain terms she stated proudly that she was 'Cypriot', Greek by name temperment culture and religion but importantly to her 'Cypriot' by nationality.
No flags, Greek English or British adorn our home in Cyprus save that of the Republic of Cyprus, as Christ said "pay unto Ceaser what is due unto Ceaser" or in other words respect the legal entity of the Republic of Cyprus whatever your ethnicity or wherever you are from!

The preface written by an Australian of Irish extraction to the 'Rough Guide to Cyprus' says "Cyprus is Greece that works", I reckon from my own experience of both countries that the guy hit the nail right on the head!
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Postby Piratis » Fri May 19, 2006 2:05 am

Everybody should be free to fly whatever flags he feels like, unless of course is a flag that is offensive such as the Swastika. Here I am not talking about prohibiting people from expressing whatever they want to express.

What I am talking about here, to use a metaphor, is a player of the Cyprus national team going to play for Cyprus wearing the Greek uniform instead of the Cypriot one.

Those people will wear a fez when it suits the interests of those they serve and then wear their foustanella to serve their interests again. They are the best chameleons in Cyprus.
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Postby Mickleham » Fri May 19, 2006 5:48 am

Which Fex you are talking about....the one that legally does not exist even in turkey any more?

Read the yesterdays news mate, so you can be updated.

They religious people have killed a judge because he previously went against the wishes of the erdogan government and insisted on a secular platform and ban the fez?


Only one flag THE OFFICIAL CYPRUS GOVERNMENT FLAGS must be allowed to be displayed in cyprus!
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Postby shoushoucos » Fri May 19, 2006 6:01 am

I hate the Greek flag being used in Cyprus. The Greek flag i respect when i see it in Greece!

I agree that we should only have one flag high. THE CYPRUS FLAG!

The government of Cyprus should enforce the law and prohibit the use and parade of the Greek flag from the island.
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Postby Piratis » Fri May 19, 2006 1:51 pm

Mickleham, the "fez" and "foustanella" were used metaphorically ... I thought that was obvious.
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Postby michalis5354 » Fri May 19, 2006 9:21 pm

I propose Strict laws to remove the foreign flags from Cyprus. What is this government doing?
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Postby Sotos » Sat May 20, 2006 2:04 am

michalis5354 wrote:I propose Strict laws to remove the foreign flags from Cyprus. What is this government doing?

And how do you propose that the government should remove the Turkish flag from Pentadaktilos? :x
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Postby michalis5354 » Sat May 20, 2006 5:00 am

Give the good example for the other side to follow!
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Postby kalahari » Sat May 20, 2006 9:34 am

Of course the public should have the right to fly whatever flag they choose to. But the government should lead by example.

The Cypriot government is letting its own people down by allowing the display of the Greek flag in any official position. The message this ends to the rest of the world is that Cyprus has still not grown up and resolved its own independent identity. While this is the case, it will not be taken seriously as a nation, and the Turks will stay.

If you incorporate the Greek flag into your own you would have to include the Turkish flag too. Not to do so would be a ridiculous mistake, and again, the Turks would never leave.

Please get used to it Cyprus – while many of you may have a Greek heritage, you are not Greek. You are Cypriot. This is not going to change!

We have this problem in the UK but magnified many times over. It destroys national pride and leaves people feeling rudderless – as if nobody cares. The ancients had it right: "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." In this case, when in Cyprus – fly the Cypriot flag and fly it WITH PRIDE IN YOUR NATION!


May I just add a post script to this: the Cypriot flag is really poorly designed. I speak as a designer who specialises in corporate identity. If the flag had had a little more professionalism about it, it might well have been better received. It should have looked more like this:


I can explain my reasoning if you'd like me too. NB This is a quick mock-up, and not my usual level of "professionalism"!
:wink: :)
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