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Greek-Cypriot / Turkish-Cypriot relations a racist issue

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Postby Piratis » Sun May 21, 2006 2:31 pm

cypezokyli, I clearly said: I find the comments of Blonde and GCG unfortunate and sad and I have never supported such racist comments. However it is a fact that the racist, illegal actions of Turkey create anger which results in the souls of some of the people whose rights are violated as a general hate against anything Turkish.

This is of course wrong, but at the same time it is not unnatural.

you should tell her, that what she thinks is wrong. you should explain to her why what she believes is wrong and why she should have changed her mind. you argue she cannot make a difference between tcs and the army. well why dont you inform her ? but i dont see you doing that instead you have chosen to excuse her.

I have asked from TCs to "condemned the illegal occupation of Cyprus and separated themselves from the illegal, racist and hateful actions of Turkey against GCs." No matter what you or I say it will not make a difference because we are not TCs. We might know a couple of TCs but beyond that anything we say for the whole TC population would be just a guess, not a fact. This is why TCs have to distinguish themselves from the illegal actions of the Turkish army.

you so often say , lets forget the past and moove in the future. thats how you moove in the future ? cant you see that people thinking like that are a potential danger for a united cyprus ? instead of trying to change such peoples minds for the future of cyprus , you just use her comments for repeating your points of view.

And you think you are going to change their minds by attacking them, insulting them and telling them to shut up? I think this will result in even more anger inside them, you disagree?

So just to make it clear, I do not excuse their comments, but I excuse their anger. And the way to change their feelings is not by insulting them. Their feelings will change when they see with their own eyes that in fact the Turkish army and the average Turkish or Turkish Cypriot person are 2 different things. For this to happen we need the TCs to condemn the occupation and the illegalities, instead of siding with the Turkish army which only serves to reinforce in the minds of these people that Turkish army and TCs is the same thing.
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Postby retired2northcyprus » Sun May 21, 2006 2:38 pm

miltiades wrote:retired2nc , your comments on Piratis were cruel , thoughless and perverted .You should have the decency to apologise , but I doubt your cabability to do such a thing.


HE ACCUSED Turkish troops of rape I mealey asked a relevant question. I would never mock the aflicted or be cruel to the simple minded,
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Postby miltiades » Sun May 21, 2006 2:44 pm

retired2nc, you do have have a sense of humour I also would never be cruel to the simple minded , on the contrary I treat simple minded individuals with the utmost respect. You Sir have my respect.
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Postby retired2northcyprus » Sun May 21, 2006 5:15 pm


Many thanks as i am sure you will agree RESPECT is earned and not freely given..............................................
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Postby reeshahn » Sun May 21, 2006 10:00 pm

BlondeTatiana wrote:Yeah and I am surely proud of feeling this way. Any Greek Cypriot that feels otherwise is a traitor.
It seems they do not care about what the barbaric turks have done to their people but also accept them.
It makes me sick!!!

I think you are a fake profile made by an extremely racist turkish guy or just someone really really narrow minded.
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Postby Simon » Mon May 22, 2006 1:54 pm

[quote]Their feelings will change when they see with their own eyes that in fact the Turkish army and the average Turkish or Turkish Cypriot person are 2 different things. For this to happen we need the TCs to condemn the occupation and the illegalities, instead of siding with the Turkish army which only serves to reinforce in the minds of these people that Turkish army and TCs is the same thing. [/quote]

The fact that there are so many Turkish settlers in the North does not help either. If you consider the number of settlers, and the army; the true TCs are actually now a minority - it is no wonder why people just see them all as one and get confused. If the true TC also supports the occupation, then in most GCs eyes, they are no better than the settlers.
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Postby andri_cy » Mon May 22, 2006 5:09 pm

retired2northcyprus wrote:miltiades

Many thanks as i am sure you will agree RESPECT is earned and not freely given..............................................
you earned miltiades' respect fair and square
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Postby RichardB » Mon May 22, 2006 5:19 pm

miltiades wrote:retired2nc, you do have have a sense of humour I also would never be cruel to the simple minded , on the contrary I treat simple minded individuals with the utmost respect. You Sir have my respect.

Well said miltiades

I could not have put it better he should have all of our utmost respect
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Postby Alexander » Wed May 24, 2006 1:29 pm

retired2northcyprus wrote:Piratis
so you are now saying your mother was raped every day ??

DID you witness this are are you a result of it....

No, he was saying that you raped your mother everyday.
Thats after you stole her pension book and house. You sad twisted old fart. How are those Turkish sausages and yellow tea going down?
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Postby ricco » Thu May 25, 2006 5:53 pm

BlondeTatiana wrote:
Is it me or is it lately Cypriots and Greeks are accepting turks? Have they forgotten what they did to us for centuries? Not only to us but to many other nations. I cannot stand these people They are barbarians.

hmm interesting topic.

we are barbarians and this girl is civilized eh? yeah funny. Lately I realized that bashing Turkish people at all cost is so trendy in all political talks between all nations ruled under ottoman empire. So I tried to understand this blind hatred and yet, I couldnt.

Hey you civilized(!) tatiana, after tons of googling I realized that,, Greeks didn't show any sign of civilization since Fatih Sultan Mehmet took istanbul, erased the Byzantine empire from the history forever and yet let them live in their shame.

I guess living under the ottoman rule for more than 6 centuries made you THAT nationalist/racist. Since my nation never ruled under some other power I can’t understand your motive. Maybe you have right to act like that.

So how come your nation carried its culture and religion today after 600 years of barbaric(!) rule? whether it was barbaric or not (well, the word barbaric is such an subjective term) let me tell you how you can speak your mother tongue today.

We let you.
during all those centuries, we let you live and let you believe and workship whatever you believe and we let you speak your language too. Why didn't ottomans kill all of you in the first place if they were that barbaric?

Back to definition on Barbaric, was raping and killing Turkish people in Cyprus between 1960-1974 barbaric? was killing more than 80.000 people in Mora in 1821 barbaric? was TRYING TO INVADE western anatolia and killing thousands of people barbaric? after you answer these questions maybe we can discuss about what barbaric means.

The turkish hatred became more and more vivid in last century but the probably you were angry with yourselves.

That’s why you exist today because we want you to exist. You had your free state after 600 years of living ruled by Turks. Will there be a free nation of native americans somewhere within United States ever? Which one is more barbaric? Americans or Turks?

You are angry with yourself becuase of your self impotence.

First example is your funny attempt to invade western Anatolia. (you killed thousands of people though which make me think twice if I should use the word funny in this sentence) Although you have the supreme support of all great powers of that time, ( British empire, USA , Italy and France)- well of course not for loving you, they all had their own plans- we drowned those rapist soldiers in the salty waters of agean see.

Back to today we see that nothing has changed about your civilization level. Even with the enourmous support of EU, let alone the animal rights, you don’t even show any improvements on Human Rights!

You bring so called human right issues about Turkey when it comes to EU negotiations but you torture socially and politically Turkish people and all other muslim minorities in western Tracia.

You don’t even let muslims to built a single mosque in Athens. ( Funny thing is ortodoks religious leader - don’t know his name something pupulos, tacos, pacos whatever since I'm an atheist this all christian muslim thing is something in vain for me and yes religion is the biggest enemy of human kind - lives in istanbul for centuries! Maybe we should close that place forever and turn it into a museum of diversity reflecting the understanding of Ottoman empires multicultural approach.)

So where is human rights? Are you really qualified to be an EU member when it comes to Human Rights? Hell No. Finally it is so easy to understand your nationalist reaction Because all you have left is your nations name and some bronze statues from ancient times when it comes to be civilized.
it’s time to wake up Greece, your nature of being incabable of doing things right (even when you have huge supports) is not your fault. it’s not genetic either. it’s beacuse otomans took care of everything for a looong time and now you became a racist country with lazy people. See? This is just a social thing. You can work on it. You can start with few things such as; realize that the term civilization doens’t anything to do with some 2000 years old statues and stone buildings. Try to live with the facts of today and stop hating Turkish people because it has no point and no gain for you, just so much anger in vain. Drop it. You living under ottomans rule wasn’t our fault. it was your fault! Face it.

Ottoman empire was the largest power of its time with lots of land and lots of nations although Turks formed the empire, since its system based on multiculturism, every nation found its place in ottoman palace and all other governing facilities. So blaiming Turks for what happened good or bad back then is as stupid as blaiming founders of the USA for american's foreign policy of today. So finally if you want to civilize, leaving your blind hatred would be a good start.
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