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Greek-Cypriot / Turkish-Cypriot relations a racist issue

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Postby cypezokyli » Sun May 21, 2006 9:37 am

Piratis wrote:
thats a poor excuse piratis.

So what would be a good excuse? To rape our mothers on a daily basis?

Definitely people should try to resist but you can not blame the ones that can't, and judge them in such a negative way.

The ones who should be condemned first are those that insist on the illegalities and the human rights violations which are the things that create the anger in the first place.

you are such a politically correct propaganda sometimes...
raping our mothers everyday.... :roll:

gcg or tatiana (who indeed appear identical ) are a product of education and family. firstly she is too young to have experienced pain harself. whatever she repeats in here is what she learned. it is what she was taught. and in case you havent notice , what she has learned is a distorted picture of reality and has nothing to do with the cyppro.

let me remind you , and tell me if thats from a person who is furious supporter of human rights

I cannot stand turks or turkish cypriots they are the same to me.
They are barbarians.

we could make the the motto of the human rights watch!!
I will never share anything with a turk even if I saw him dying in the street actually that would be good since there would be less turks.

and instead of raising your voice , you come along to excuse her. oh the poor girl its bc she cannot tell the difference. if she would take a gun and start shooting people then ...well poor girl, it was not really that "right" what she did , but she was angry at the injustice. from time to time i have the feeling that you people think that pain belongs exclusively only to those who hate the turks. as if all the rest of the people didnot suffer.
sa if it was only the gcs who suffered...

what i would expect from you , had you had a different opinion from her would have been instead of providing an excuse of the kind :

When this separation between TCs and Turkish army does not exist in the minds of some people then naturally it is very difficult for them to like the people that support the violations of their human rights.

you should tell her, that what she thinks is wrong. you should explain to her why what she believes is wrong and why she should have changed her mind. you argue she cannot make a difference between tcs and the army. well why dont you inform her ? but i dont see you doing that instead you have chosen to excuse her.
The opinion of Blonde, GCG etc is a direct result of the injustice and hateful illegal actions of Turkey against Cyprus

and no, that is not the case. had that been the case ("direct result" ) then all gcs woul have thought the same way. and i hope they dont. and i hope you dont

the above is a flaud assumption. thats not a direct result. my grandfather (just like most refuggees) who has lost his whole fortune and had to start again from zero at his midforties, never said sth like that about the tcs. NEVER. and he has experienced the pain personally. not being 19 , and just having heard about it. direct result... :roll:
the only thing that the above is a direct result of is being taught to hate. its a direct result of a nationalist upbringing.

you so often say , lets forget the past and moove in the future. thats how you moove in the future ? cant you see that people thinking like that are a potential danger for a united cyprus ? instead of trying to change such peoples minds for the future of cyprus , you just use her comments for repeating your points of view.

and bc i know what you are going to say. most propably some comment of the kind "do you support the human rights violations" , or "dont people have the right to feel the injustice ? " there all kinds of injustices that were took place in cyprus. by both sides. i never refused that. but i believe there are other ways of mooving in the future. and excusing such people is for sure not the way.
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Postby miltiades » Sun May 21, 2006 9:38 am

Piratis , Im surprised that you felt compelled to tacitly offer the parallel
in order to justify unproductive , hateful , malignant comments that can only damage the position
of the ROC within the International community. Such analogies are not only harmful to our cause
but are also beneficial to Turkey who would take the position that her presence in Cyprus
is necessary in order to protect the Turkish Cypriots from the hatred of the Greek Cypriots
I have agreed with much of what you have posted and I understand you to be
a real patriot but if you elevated yout patriotic levels by a small percentage and above
all you and without excuses , make the interests of Cyprus the number one
priority without any hidden agenda , then perhaps others will follow.
Many in the UK ON July 7th 2005 , drew parallels and stated that the suicide bombers
who killed and maimed so many innocent people did this because of Iraq,
Palestine etc. This was the excuse for the barbarous , inhumane act by a bunch
of perverted , sick , brainwashed brutes and there is no excuse what so ever, any more than
you can excuse the killings of innocent Iraqis , by the so called insurgents
who blow them selves in weddings , funerals , job centres , markets and
any where else that they feel they can succeed in taking with them as many as possible.
I know that this post is perhaps a little too hard on your response , but I feel that
the road to a solution , peace and justice for all Cypriots must be the one that excludes
from the beginning spiteful , vengeance , vitriolic attacks on Cypriots ,this applies
to all Cypriots.
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Postby retired2northcyprus » Sun May 21, 2006 10:39 am

so you are now saying your mother was raped every day ??

DID you witness this are are you a result of it....
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Postby miltiades » Sun May 21, 2006 11:07 am

retired2nc , your comments on Piratis were cruel , thoughless and perverted .You should have the decency to apologise , but I doubt your cabability to do such a thing.
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Postby reportfromcyprus » Sun May 21, 2006 11:37 am

Racism is defined as intolerance, xenophobia and hate.

Institutional racism is no different from individual racism, however, a modern democratic government has the duty to treat the citizens it's responsible for in an equal way. The Council of Europe is saying that the CY government doesn't do this.

The views of teenagers are shaped by their schooling and the message they get from the authority around them. Are they to blame if they, at their age, are racist?

Governments carry grudges like the individuals in this forum have done, the difference is that they are immensely powerful and control the media and school system.
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Postby malaka » Sun May 21, 2006 11:58 am

reportfromcyprus wrote:Racism is defined as intolerance, xenophobia and hate.

Institutional racism is no different from individual racism, however, a modern democratic government has the duty to treat the citizens it's responsible for in an equal way. The Council of Europe is saying that the CY government doesn't do this.

The views of teenagers are shaped by their schooling and the message they get from the authority around them. Are they to blame if they, at their age, are racist?

Governments carry grudges like the individuals in this forum have done, the difference is that they are immensely powerful and control the media and school system.

The views of teenagers are shaped by their schooling Listen to yourself
The fact that Turkey did what they did had nothing to do with the views of teenagers.
The fact people were thrown out at gun point had nothing to do with the views of teenager.

The fact fathers mothers brothers sisters were killed had nothing to do with the views of teenagers.

The fact Turkey is illegally occuping Cyprus has nothing to do with the views of teenagers.

The fact that settlers are now in Cyprus by the the thousands have nothing to do with the views of teenagers.

What Piratis says is absolutellly the truth
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Postby malaka » Sun May 21, 2006 12:03 pm

retired2northcyprus wrote:Piratis
so you are now saying your mother was raped every day ??

DID you witness this are are you a result of it....

An old thief tell me were do you live probably in my house along with all the settlers.

You probably wish Piratis was a result from it Hell it wouldnt surprise me if Turkey ordered the rapes for that reason.

Is that why you are asking was it you maybe that done some of the raping.
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Postby malaka » Sun May 21, 2006 12:06 pm

cypezokyli wrote:thats a poor excuse piratis.

Thats the truth not an excuse
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Postby reportfromcyprus » Sun May 21, 2006 2:11 pm

Malaka, you are 100% entitled to your opinion.

I don't like being manipulated though, by powerful interests, and two wrongs don't make a right.

The military occupation of Cyprus is just wrong, in my opinion. Whatever happened in 1974 to trigger the invasion, the geo-political situation is completely different now, so there's no reason for troops here.

Still, it doesn't give the legal government of Cyprus the right to discriminate against foreigners, minorities or anyone else for that matter. Racism is wrong too, and it won't set anything right, just create more resentment and anger.

Granted...that's what some "clever" people want, right?
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Postby reportfromcyprus » Sun May 21, 2006 2:15 pm

To be very clear...I didn't do this research, the Council of Europe did.
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